GMG Part 3

"Well then Jura, shall we begin?" Adrian said with a smirk

"Let's do this" Jura said with an equally bright smile on face

The crowd were all standing around waiting for one of them to make a move. They all wanted to see the mysterious 5th Wizard Saint fight against the 6th, someone who they know

Sabretooth were all watching in anticipation as they had heard of Adrian's exploits. How he has a gigantic humanoid form that can potentially split apart a continent.... at least that's what the rumours say

Fairy Tail all watched with their eyes wide open s they were waiting for either of the two to make a move

Adrian had already proved himself to be number 1 within the guild. After being away for 3 months they were sure that he's had to have gotten stronger..... in fact for some reason he seemed stronger the moment they saw him after being in stasis for 7 years, how strange

Jura and Adrian had a stare down before Jura places his hands together


A massive fist of stone erupted from the ground in front of Jura and went straight towards Adrian at a high speed

Adrian bent his legs and acrobatically jumped over the fist, however the moment he touched the ground, he noticed another fist coming at him from behind, so he backflipped over it

Adrian had no time to relax as there were many stone fists coming at him from all directions, so he would just dodge

'We're in a desert... where's the stone coming from???' Adrian thought as he realised that Jura's magic must've reached a level where he can produce stone from the minerals found within the sand, impressive

'Why's he just dodging, can't he do anything else' someone from within the crowd said

Adrian stopped moving from that and stood still. Jura sewing this as a chance he released a huge amount of magic power and slapped his hands together causing the stone he'd used previously to explode and pointed a two fingers towards Adrian, before switching hands and slapping a palm out


A huge amount of rocks came rushing at Adrian and completely buried Adrian

Everyone gasped as they watched Adrian stand there, and be crushed by the rocks. They could see the rocks shifting, making themselves construct tighter against Adrian

Everyone was really nervous except for fairy tail as they knew that Adrian hasn't gone serious yet so there's nothing to worry about

However they were wondering what Adrian was planning, after allowing himself to get smashed by the rocks

"Heh, looks like the playboys dead" Orga said while Minerva merely squinted her eyes

As everything was silent, a single rock slowly began to roll off from the top of the rubble, breaking the silence. Not long after every single stone exploded outwards and headed in various directions and onto the ground

Jura once again prepared to attack as he pointed two fingers towards Adrian and had the remaining rocks shoot towards Adrian in an attempt to hurt him


Adrian merely crossed his arms against his face, as they crashed into him. Other than his clothes ripping, there was no sign of any injury

Adrian didn't want things to go on information too long since he wanted to win quickly for his Guild, and he also wanted to do it in style

Adrian decided to finish things off as Jura had his chance to take him out however he was greatly let down

When Adrian Kamui'd everyone here, he made sure to teleport them at a distance , close enough to watch, far enough to not get hurt. And boy was shit about to go down

Adrian's eyes closed for a few seconds, before they reopened and he had his RinneSharingan appeared

"I hope your survive this Jura" Adrian said cryptically causing Jura's eyes to narrow, wondering what was going to happen

Everyone watched as Adrian raised his left arm into the air as he stared at the clouds


Adrian's words resonated throughout everyone's ears as they all looked up into the sky..... and he moment they did they were terrified

The clouds were all split apart as they watched a massive meteorite come crashing down

"WHAT THE!!" Orga shouted in disbelief. Sting and Rogue were completely speechless

Everyone was just speechless, as they didn't know what to say. They all just watched in fear as something that could possibly annihilate them was summoned.... something that could destroy the whole of Fiore

'This Power..... this is the power of Fairy Tails Ace. We can't let him catch wind our plans otherwise everything could be ruined' thought the king who was still in his disguise

'T-this is' Ivan had no words as he wondered how the hell Adrian had this much power

'So this is the power of Fairy Tail' Jiemma thought as he could feel his body shaking

No one could believe it, and they were seeing this. How could one man possibly bring down a meteorite on command

Jura watched with widened eyes as the meteorite came crashing down towards him at a breakneck speed

Jura quickly regained bearings before he closed his eyes and focused every ounce of his magic power and used his most powerful defensive magic


Within seconds a huge human shaped stone giant appeared, which had his arms out as it was going to try to stop the meteorite


The meteorite came into contact with Jura's defensive formation and completely destroyed it and came down at Jura, who quickly covered himself in all the stone he could to survive

Dust flew everywhere as everyone was covering their eyes. After a few seconds they all looked in front of them and were stunned once again

The could see Adrian floating above a faint crater that must run at least a mile deep. Adrian sighed before diving down and picked up the battered and unconscious Jura, before placing him on his shoulder and brought him back up

When everyone saw this they were silent for a moment, before erupting in a cheer like never before

"W-Well it seems that the winner of today's final match is Adrian from Fairy Tails team B!" The announcer spoke causing Fairy Tail to cheer as loud as they could