GMG Part 5

Mira and Jenny began to pose in their little swimsuit battle, causing many of the men in the stands to start to cheer even louder than ever before. The women in the stands were quite annoyed at their boyfriends and husbands as they would be 'whooping' for them

"I see you've still got it" Jenny said as she looked at Mira

"Of course, I have someone I have to look good for, and besides I don't enjoy fighting as much as others, and would like to do this in a much more peaceful way" Mira said, causing all the males to glare at Adrian and think 'Lucky bastard'

Before Lahar and the rest of the judges could begin commentating, many women from other guilds began to jump into the arena with their own swimsuits and began to pose

As Adrian turned around, he began to sweat drop at the sight of Mavis handing out swimsuits to the members of Fairy Tail. However he did find it amusing as Lucy once again tried to gain some attention.... but no one cared

"WHOOOOOOO!!!!" Many of the males shouted out causing the women to change into other poses. However Mira began to frown as she noticed that many of the women weren't very interested, which caused Lucy to notice

"Hey Mira what's wrong?" Lucy asked as she did another pose

"It seems that the female part of the tournament aren't very interested in this" Mira replied

"Well that's probably because there aren't any men for them to look at, otherwise everyone would be cheering" Lucy said, causing Mira to have a thoughtful look, which then changed into a scary smile

Mira then looked over to where her guild members were and shouted out "Adrian, would you be a dear and come over here" Mira said with a sexy smile

Adrian knowing what was about to happen jumped over the boundary and began to make his way over towards her, causing all the women in the crowd to look over, and have a hopeful gleam in their eyes

Adrian walked up to Mira who wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips causing everyone to blush. "Would you do me a favour pleeeease?" Mira said while batting her eyelashes

"Okay what do you need me to do?" Adrian asked, but he knew what is was that she wanted, as she had a certain look in her eyes that he's seen her give him many times before

Mira then began to whisper into his ear causing him to chuckle and then nod at her. Adrian then took a step back and noticed a lot of eyes on him. Even the women that were posing in bikini's stared at him, as they wanted to get a good look at what they seemed to realise that he'd do

Adrian then switched his clothes out and changed into his trunks, revealing his muscular chest and legs to everyone, causing all the women to squeal and whoop at him.... and unfortunately so did a handful of men, causing Adrian to shiver, before he began to pose, by placing his left hand on his hip and the right on the back of his head, and turned slightly causing the women to cheer once again

"Oh my god, he's sooo hot!" yelled out a woman, who was eyeing him intently.... with her husband standing right next to her

Many of the women began to take pictures of Adrian as him and Mira were holding onto each other as they were posing. 'The perfect couple' is what many people were calling them

Not long after, the members of Blue Pegasus began to join in as they also wanted the attention of the women. The rest of the men in the other guilds were then pressured to join in by their own respective guilds, and were then in their own trunks and began to walk around in the arena and pose with the other women

Jenny watched on with a glare as she wished that it was her ass that Adrian was holding, instead she had Hibiki trying to cop a feel, to which she's playfully push him away

Mira noticed that Jenny was getting an increase in her 'viewership' so she whispered into Adrian's once again and asked him to change into something else, to which he nodded, as he really didn't mind. He enjoyed playing this role playing game with her, and knew that she wanted everyone to know that he belongs to her

Everyone waited in anticipation as they watched Mira change into a red dress, and sat down on a chair and table which Adrian provided, and saw him wear a black butlers outfit

"Some tea my lady" Adrian said in a posh tone, and Mira replied by saying "Well of course my good sir" Adrian then began to our some tea into a cup with a bright smile, causing everyone to squeal again

Mira then had an idea, to finish things off and win the match, however she was a bit sceptical over it, as she didn't want Adrian to see her in 'it' but did at the same time. So she waited for a few moments and began to ponder with her hair covering her eyes. Adrian noticed this, so he placed a hand on her chin and lifted it up so that she was staring right into his eyes, and laid a gentle yet loving kiss on her lips, and when they separated, she saw him looking at her with a smile

Mira then decided that she did feel comfortable in doing it right now, so she changed her outfit to that of a wedding dress, greatly shocking everyone, as she looked absolutely stunning. Adrian stared at her for a few moments before he changed his outfit to that of a white suit and wrapped his arm around hers

"You look beautiful Mira" He said softly causing her blush to deepen and leaned her hea don his shoulder. Mira made sure that her wedding ring was revealed so that everyone could see, and revelled in it beauty, as they watched in sparkle

Everyone watched as the godly pair looked lost in each other, before the other competitors began to change into their own wedding dresses. Seeing this a certain woman decided that it was time to join in

"Seems like it's my time to shine, I Ooba Babasaama of Lamia Scale, shall show you all what a true woman looks like" she said as she began to 'prowl' around in her bikini, causing everyone to sweat drop, and then pale in disgust

A few men then actually turned around and threw up, and were then joined by some of the women. Thankfully Adrian had his eyes covered by Mira, saving him from a disastrous fate of being scarred for life