
It was then that Larcade opened his eyes and looked at Brandish, before taking a thinking pose. Irene merely had her eyes widen before they went back to normal, and she began to have a far away look in her eyes

If anyone were to know what she were thinking, they'd be astounded, as the ice queen of Alvarez was currently thinking about her own wedding day. Although it was an arranged marriage, she did enjoy it, as the person she married had presented himself as someone whom she believed would be a good husband, and everything was going good, until the day her husband found out she was pregnant, which lead to a whole bunch of other events occurring

"So what do you suppose we do.... I doubt he'd be very accepting to joining a group in another continent the day of his wedding?" Brandish asked, while everyone had their own thoughts going through their own heads

"Perhaps this will work to our advantage" Irene said making everyone look at her

"What do you mean Irene?" Larcade asked, before he received a terrifying smile from Irene, causing him to flinch, but quickly played it off like nothing

"We crash the wedding of course. If he refuses to join, we'll kill his fiancé and the guests, and we make him watch before killing him" She said making Brandish shiver, while August was unfazed by her words

"Ummm yeah" Brandish lamely replied before taking some more snacks into her mouth, as the atmosphere became quiet and awkward

Larcade then decided to speak "As entertaining as that sounds, perhaps there will be a more peaceful way of dealing with this. As Adrian has a magic that's never been heard of before, he will be of great use to his majesty, so I believe we should try an use minimal force on him"

Irene merely 'hmphed' before she went back to reading her book. Larcade merely coughed into his hand, before he went back to meditating, while August started to drink his tea again

Seeing this Brandish only had a single thought go through her head 'Ohhhh this is gonna be a long trip'

Unknown to Brandish, Larcade and August were completely uninterested in Adrian and his wedding. The only reason they agreed to going on this mission, a mission which they would normally reject straight away, was because they wanted to see Natsu Dragneel, also known as END

The reason for this was because they'd heard rumors of him having new powers. Serena's powers to be exact. Making Natsu and his flames stronger than ever before, and were wondering how he'd fare against them

Back in Alvarez

Zeref stood on his balcony as he was lost in thought. Thinking about his brother and wondering if he was ready for him to take on, as he'd made very high gains in strength. His brother was progressing at a much faster rate and he was getting very excited for the moment they go against each other

'How should I tell him I'm his brother..... what will he think.... will he be angry.... happy?' Zeref thought to himself before he made his way back inside to get some rest. However, unknown to him Adrian had already spilt the beans on that

(A/N: Sorry bout that mate, just blame it on me, the author)

A few days later....

A ship came into the docks and passengers began to make their way out. The last group to make it out was four of the Spriggan's who were wearing cloaks in order to cover themselves up from anyone who could potentially recognise them, and cause a fuss

As tomorrow was the day of the wedding, they'd made plans to sneak in and pounce when the time is right. Although Brandish was quite reluctant on doing so as she wanted her first experience at the wedding to be a good one, and not one potentially ending with bloodshed

"Okay, so everyone know the plan, meet up at the inn at midnight, so that we can leave for the wedding together tomorrow" Larcade said, making everyone nod, before they each went off in their own directions

August went towards the nearest stall which sold different kinds of tea's, Larcade went off to the inn to book their rooms, Irene decided that she'd go and see her daughter.... from a distance of course, while Brandish wanted to go and check out a few dresses

With Adrian

'I wonder what the guys have planned for tonight' Adrian thought both excitedly and nervously, as tonight was the night before his wedding, meaning it was his bachelor party tonight. He only hoped that it wouldn't be anything too bad, as he could never keep a secret from Mira, just as she couldn't keep any from him. There was no doubt that she'd ask him about his night after the wedding

Adrian was currently checking out his tux, making sure that everything was perfect and that there wasn't anything wrong with it, and then doubled checked the rings..... and then did it all over again..... a few more times

Adrian, who was finally satisfied with everything made his way downstairs his house, before he heard a knock on the door, and with his enhanced senses, he knew who it was, so with a smile he walked towards the door and opened it