
Rain & Death

It was barely a month after the Bai army came to the Western Empire, that two figures on horseback stood at the front gates. Hearing of their arrival, Rin abandoned all tasks and hurried down.

The gate was up when she reached the steps. Standing clad in his pale armor and white cloak blowing from his shoulders was Bai Han. He wore his silver beard long, along with his hair. Behind him, General Guo silently walked forward with his hand on the hilt of his sword in a casual manner.

Finally, when enough soldiers had gathered, drawn from every corner by breathless rumor, Bai Han turned to survey them all, his eyes moving across the crowd, taking in their faces one by one. Landing, at last, on the shorter figure who stood before him.

"Rin…" Bai Han whispered under his breath.

"Grandfather…uncle…" Rin smiled and stepped quickly down the steps toward them.

When she was just close enough, she was suddenly pulled into a tight embrace under the eyes of the many soldiers watching from the side. Her eyes widened before she felt another pair wrap around her.

When she lifted her head, she saw General Guo joining in on their hug. Holding back a chuckle, Rin stepped back from their embrace.

"You two look good," She teased and looked them up and down.

Bai Han clicked his tongue, but the smile on his face couldn't be hidden. He reached a hand out and ruffled her hair.

"I could say the same to you. Your hair's grown."

Smoothing her hair out of her eyes, Rin smiled helplessly, lifting a strand between her fingertips.

"Should I cut it again?" She tilted her head.

"No!" Both men shouted in unison.

Blinking her eyes, Rin held a hand to her lips to hide a giggle. When she heard footsteps approach her from behind, she quickly turned her head. It was the emperor.

"Your Majesty," Rin bowed her head, followed by the two men beside her.

The emperor nodded his head and turned to the Bai commander and general. His eyes roamed their faces. Peeking up, Rin thought she saw for the briefest of moments, a look of disappointment on the emperor's face.

After short introductions between them, to Rin's surprise, the emperor said nothing and arranged their sleeping arrangements.

Exchanging a few more words, he turned and left the three alone. Rin watched his departing figure, a fleeting glimpse running across her face.

"Hmph, so much for a welcome." Bai Han huffed, followed by a jab in the shoulder by General Guo. Bai Han glared at him.

Turning to her grandfather, Rin smiled faintly and offered to guide them to their rooms to rest. Still wishing to catch up with his granddaughter, Bai Han reluctantly agreed. After traveling a long way, he was still rather tired.

Upon entering their rooms, the two men showered and dressed in fresh, clean clothing before going downstairs to eat among the other soldiers.

As Bai Han entered the hall, his eyes scanned the tables when they landed on one in the far corner. It was then his expression quickly changed.

Sitting at a table near the end of the room, Rin sat with her back straight and hands wrapped around a bowl of rice. A group of men, all boasting amongst themselves, surrounded her. Her soft, round cheeks were enlarged with food as she chewed in silence.

However, occasionally she would glance at the man beside. He also would stare at her and smile before placing bits of food in her bowl.

Bai Han's eyes followed the man beside her, and his eyes narrowed.

"That bastard…" He stepped down the stairs, broad as a bear, his neck muscles twisting in anger.

As he approached their table, numerous men turned to his direction, some choking on their food when he walked passed. At the same time, An Sun felt a menacing glare on his back. It was a familiar feeling.

Turning, his gaze met with the bloodshot eyes of Bai Han. An Sun's right eyebrow rose, a piece of meat still being chewed on the side of his mouth.

The moment Bai Han opened his mouth to speak, he cut him off in a calm tone, "Careful old man, any more words, and I'm afraid that blood vessel on your forehead will pop."

These words only seemed to ignite Bai Han's rage even further as his face burst a blistering red. Rin sitting on the side let out a heavy sigh.

"Grandfather, come sit beside me." She patted to the seat beside her on the bench.

Bai Han huffed, and rather than sitting where she gestured, he forced himself between An Sun and Rin, the bench rattling from the force.

"I like it here," Bai Han said shamelessly and already began putting food in his bowl.

Rin could only look at her grandfather helplessly while An Sun's brows twitched, however, like her, he ignored the old man's childish behavior. Meanwhile, General Guo sat on the empty seat beside her, both Bai men surrounding like tall pillars.

"Eat more meat. It'll help you grow." General Guo's deep, vocal voice sounded around the table as he gently placed a big chunk of meat in Rin's bowl.

"No, he needs more vegetables. All that fat and grease will make him sick." Bai Han lectured and put in a pile of steamed vegetables as well.

Everyone at the table watched the two men place food in the young strategist's bowl, as it slowly turned into a towering pile before their very eyes.

"If you can eat all of that, I'll give you all my savings." Yin Changpu commented between chews.

The corner of Rin's lips twitched. In the end, she placed portions of the food back in her uncle's and grandfather's dishes before eating the remaining amount in her bowl.

It was easy to say she wouldn't be eating breakfast tomorrow.

After their meals, everyone left to prepare for bed. A long day awaited them the next day. Time passed. Rin stared at the ceiling before shifting to the small falcon sleeping beside her on a pillow. In the moonlight, she could make out Ju's beak and soft feathers. She reached a finger out and stroked the bird's flat, soft head.

He stirred in his sleep before snuggling deeper into the pillow. She smiled and pulled her hand back for her cheek to rest on. Rin's gaze moved to the window beside her bed.

Overhead, the stars were veiled. She could feel the air's heaviness. There would be a storm tonight. The rain would be soaking, filling up the earth till its seams burst. Oddly enough, she was eager to wake up to another rainy day.

However, the following morning, it never came.

The wind was gusting, sending dry brown leaves swirling around the trees and stonewalls, but for once, it did not rain. When the sun came out from behind a cloud, it was so bright Rin had to pull her hand up to conceal it from her eyes.

Rin sat and ate a light breakfast with everyone. She spoke light words with her grandfather and uncle then continued to eat.

There was still no rain.

Following breakfast, they discussed their plans with the emperor and the other council members. Manchu had finally joined in and mentioned sending men to the tunnels in the north. General Guo quickly rebuked that such an action would have to wait until he received word of An Hongyu's decision.

Thus, due to their pending alliance with the An Clan, they were to stay clear of the north.

If they helped aid the west while trying to form a deal with them, it would make it seem as if they were working on both sides. As of now, they could only hope An Hongyu agreed. Otherwise, a war would break between the three. And truth be told, it was difficult to see who would win.

During the conference, Rin also brought in the discussion of forging new weapons. Stronger and more lethal ones to use against the An Clan. When this subject was presented, the emperor agreed. As the meeting ended, everyone was dismissed.

Stepping down a hall of pillars outside, An Sun and Manchu followed behind Rin, while her grandfather and uncle stood beside her. She heard General Guo's voice sound on her right.

"I smell rain," He sniffed the air.

Bai Han snorted. "You and that nose of yours, I swear..."

Meanwhile, hearing her uncle's words, Rin had stopped. She looked out past the pillars and into the sky. Already the air grew heavy and dark, the sky swelling with thick clouds.

"What's wrong?" An Sun's deep voice sounded behind her.

His eyes followed her gaze and stared out at the gray sky.

"It's nothing...Something's just …" She couldn't finish her words. The sound of footsteps approached them. They were coming fast.

"Commander Bai!"

A Bai soldier came rushing toward them, a letter in his clenched hand. When he approached Bai Han, he handed him the letter, panting heavily. Taking the crinkled letter in his hand, Bai Han unfolded it, and his face turned visibly pale.

"Grandfather? What is it?" Rin stepped closer to her grandfather's side.

He glanced up at her before turning to General Guo, who looked equally distressed. Swallowing the lump in her throat, Rin gently took the letter from her grandfather's hands and read it.

At the same time, General Guo briefly glanced at An Sun before looking away. However, An Sun noticed and very quickly, a heavy feeling welled up in his chest.

When he turned his gaze to Rin, he saw that her face had gone pale, bled dry.

"What? What is it?" He sounded impatient.

He was watching her closely, reading her face over and over. She could see the slight line in his forehead that meant utmost concentration.

Holding the letter in her hand, Rin's fingertips trembled. It suddenly felt as if it weighed a ton. She swallowed again and looked up into An Sun's searching gaze.

"Your father, An Hongyu...he's dead."