
Ally From The East

"Rin," Manchu called to her.

Shifting her gaze, a shadow passed over her eyes. She glanced at him coolly. "Now is not the time to tell everyone."

"Tell them what? That the An Clan is after your life?" Manchu frowned. "I understand your concerns about worrying everyone, but it would help to be a step ahead."

"Sir Manchu…"

"Is it because you worry what Sun will think?"

Rin's heart thumped. The hands by her side clenched.

Manchu sighed heavily. "Sun is not the type of person to hate someone so fast without reason. Moreover, what happened was no one's fault but the one who placed the poison in the letter."

"I know. I know he's not like that. Sun is too trusting of a person. But...that isn't what concerns me the most."

"What do you mean?" Manchu slightly narrowed his eyes.

A sense of sadness welled up within her chest. She looked at Manchu with a helpless smile.

"I'm just worried of how much of me he can bear before that trust wears away." Her voice was laced with something bitter, heartbreaking even. "That being said, I am well prepared for the dangers soon to come. So for now, please don't say anything."

A flicker of hesitation shone through Manchu's eyes. He didn't reply. He just stared at her with a complicated gaze. By now, he had understood that An Sun and Rin shared the same feelings for one another. Both expressed those feelings and accepted the other.

But there were still countless obstacles treading their way. As a friend of both of them, Manchu felt pity for the two.

He was silent for a long time. He sighed heavily again.

"Since it's your life at risk, I guess I have no choice but to let you decide." Although there was sarcasm in his tone, Rin could discern the concern.

"Thank you, Sir Manchu." She smiled.

Manchu just huffed. At that moment, both noticed a eunuch walking in their direction.

"Advisor Bai, an order from the Emperor, for you to head to the Imperial hall immediately. There seems to be a guest."

A guest?

A glance was shared between Manchu and Rin, their brows furrowed. Nodding her head, she followed the eunuch to the Imperial Hall.

In the center of the hall, a young man stood. He wore blue, crisp robes. His appearance was orderly and tidy, showing clear signs of his status. Those keen, peach-blossom eyes and rosy lips curved into a smile.

"I am an envoy from the Eastern Emperor, Li Chang. I have left all my weapons behind and request an audience with his Majesty." The words came out clear and respectful.

Numerous people sucked in a harsh breath. The Eastern Empire?!

Below the Emperor, and standing on the side, Rin's hands clenched. They hung by the side of her body, shaking. Only when she felt Bai Han's hand touch hers did she start to feel calm. All she could do was silently stare at the man with cold eyes.

Sitting on his throne, Emperor Guan Hong's eyes slightly narrowed.

"What is the eastern emperor's envoy doing here?"

The envoy smiled. "For time's sake, I will get straight to the point. I was sent to inform you that our Emperor wishes to form an alliance with the Western Empire."

Instantly, voices erupted from the surrounding council members.


"Why would the Eastern Emperor...?"

Everyone knew among the four empires, only two were united—the east and north. It had been decades since the last time the empires joined!

As for the reason, everyone could already make an assumption based on their current situation. There were looks of distrust shot in the envoy's direction, but from the beginning, he only bore a calm expression.

The Emperor raised his hand to silence everyone, and then looked at the envoy for further explanation. Interpreting his gaze, the envoy continued casually.

"Since the battle between you and the An Clan, our emperor has kept a close eye on the enemy's side. Recently, it was noted that the An Clan has begun tangling with foreign clans falling on all sides of the four empires. Our soldiers have already prepared for attacks in the east. However, we fear they have already concluded to attack the west first. If this is to happen, then their strength will only grow."

Listening to the envoy's words, the hall fell silent. Faces turned, red, green, and white. Not a single person was able to conceal their fear, anger, and worry. Even the expression of General Guo and Bai Han wasn't too good.

If the An Clan were to strike all sides of the empire, then the Bai army would have no choice but to return to the north. As for the west, they would only suffer, possibly forced to surrender with their lack of reinforcements.

The Emperor's expression was pale. His hands gripping the armrest turned white. He drew in a deep breath and sighed.

"I will consider your Emperor's offer. Until then, you may reside in our rooms."

The envoy didn't seem surprised or disappointed. He smiled and cupped his sleeves, lowering his head.

"Much appreciated, your Majesty."

As expected, after the envoy was dismissed, the Emperor summoned Rin to his office. With her hands behind her back, she stared at the desolate expression on his face.

"Well, what do you think?" He was staring at her with a deep, peering gaze.

Quietly, Rin glanced to the side in thought. "Since our recent battles with the An Clan, I believe the east has become aware of our strength. Although the envoy said it was due to the An Clan's growing power, they may be planning to keep us in check."

The pretense of an alliance was just a farce to keep them under control. The east had already been trying suppressing them before they even became a threat. Rin could only think of Li Chang's thoughts as clever.

The Emperor didn't speak. After a while, he looked at Rin with solemn eyes.

"I had long known there would come a time where my power would reach its limit. I suppose I can only agree with their alliance."

Rin's fists clenched. There was another way, however, in her situation…she couldn't bring herself out for Li Chang to find. She could only hide in the dark and plan on the side as she already had.

But somehow, she felt quite reluctant to do it this time.

The Emperor took note of her troubled expression and sighed helplessly.

"You look more restless than me of this decision. But there's nothing to be upset about. This choice is for the better of both sides." He offered her a warm smile. A smile that seemed to gravely seep into Rin's heart.

She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but whenever she spoke with the Emperor, she felt he was looking at her through another person. Someone he greatly cherished.

Perhaps that was his reason for always being so benevolent to her. Lowering her gaze, Rin tightened her lips until they turned white.

"Then, your Majesty has made his decision?"

The Emperor looked calm and nodded his head. "We will form an alliance with the Eastern Empire."