Two Perverts

Hidden Beauty hot springs. Just thinking about it, Pan Yu Mei couldn't help but laugh out loud. Running at high speed and laughing out loud, anyone who saw this scene would think she had truly gone mad.

Hidden Beauty was guarded by six imperial guards. A private area strictly for the royal family. She did not know that in the past though. That time, Ju Ming had been stopped by the imperial guards' right at the gate. Even after pleading and begging for one look, she was sent away. But that didn't stop Ju Ming. She found a hidden back route from the woods. She climbed up a tree, just close enough to get a peek of the hot springs. To her surprise, she saw two females bathing. They screamed "pervert" after catching the peeping Ju Ming. Just thinking about it, she thought she was quite lucky. She could have lost her life back then. Now she was about to do the same thing.

With the identity of Consort Pan, it was easy for her to access the gate but what fun would it be. Pan Yu Mei decided she would go down memory lane and cross through the forest.

It was still the same as ever.

From afar, she could see the hot springs. Nothing changed.

There she was in the distance, Consort Ning. Pan Yu Mei, a master at climbing trees picked the same tree from that year and made her way up inch by inch. She was almost at the top before her forehead touched a soft piece of cloth. She looked at the black cloth and followed it to a man sitting on top. He had one leg bent as he casually sat there. He was in a full black robe with silver linings. The young man was staring directly at the hot springs. [Shameful!] Pan Yu Mei thought when she caught a glimpse of his face.

He was handsome with lively brown eyes but his actions weren't so beautiful. What kind of man peeps at women? Just the thought that this man was taking advantage of a woman made her mad. The fact that he didn't even notice her so close to him meant that he was fully immersed in the "play" he was watching.

Pan Yu Mei gripped onto the bottom of his robe and tugged it a few times with little force. Just enough for anyone to realize they were not alone. Even after she tugged on his robe, he didn't notice. All he did was tug his robe up his way. Pan Yu Mei almost lost hold of his robe but quickly caught the last of what she was holding.

"Pervert!" she shouted loud enough for him to hear as she pulled really hard on his robe. The man quivered from the fright and almost lost his balance due to the rough tug. With his quick instincts, he grabbed onto a twig nearest to him and pulled himself back into sitting position. Pan Yu Mei had also gotten herself up on the tree too. She was sitting inches away from him, face to face as she pointed her finger at him. "Tsk…tsk…does your mother know you do these kinds of shameful things outside," she shook her finger at him. "You get down from here now. How can you be peeping at a lady," her finger turned to point at Consort Ning in the distance.

She was being serious with him. His sudden laughter made her angry. "Hehehe…young lad, if I am a pervert, what does that make you?"

"I…" she looked at her outfit. Shit, she forgot she was in a male disguise. She looked up at him and gave him a cunning smile. "Hehehe…" her awkward laugh came out. "Brother, I didn't mean to call you a pervert. I was just too flustered when I saw another person here. I was afraid you would call me out first, so I had to yell at you first…sorry!" Pan Yu Mei lowered her tone, trying to imitate a man. When the man next to her saw how embarrassed she looked, he let out a pure laughter. "Are you also here to see her?" the man pointed toward Consort Ning's way. Pan Yu Mei nodded her head yes. "I heard she was a beauty. I wanted to come see for myself," she lied through her teeth. "You can look today but in the future, she is not someone you can casually look at," the man warned her.

Pan Yu Mei wanted to retort his statement. How could he be so hypocritical? Wasn't he doing the same thing? Did he not know this woman was Consort Ning? Someone he would never get even in his dreams?

After a few moments, Pan Yu Mei felt too awkward. She was about to make her way down when something caught her eyes, a blood jade. This man had on him a blood jade. Not just any blood jade, but one with rare phoenix blood. Any normal person would not be able to tell by first look what was inside the jade including Pan Yu Mei. She only recognized it because this was the jade her master got in her past life. It was the same jade, the round and intricate carvings on it, she had no doubt it was the same one. But the person her master got it from was fourth prince, Lin Gu Shao. [You're Prince Shao?] She thought to herself as her eyes moved to his face. His eyes were still focused on Consort Ning, not paying any attention to the woman looking at him with full attention.

Pan Yu Mei thought about it, if she could successfully steal this jade from Prince Shao, she could blackmail her master into letting her accompany him. How was she so sure he would agree? Because he had searched years for this phoenix blood, it was the last ingredient to making his longevity pill. If she didn't use this chance to steal the jade, when would she have such an opportunity. After all, meeting Prince Shao by chance was already as rare as it gets. With this thought, she sat up straight, moving closer and closer towards Prince Shao and nudged him with her elbow. "Mm…" he responded.

"Why don't we go to the House of Splendor (brothel)? Looking is no fun, why don't we have a little drink and sleep with women. The women there are a hundred times more beautiful than that woman," she didn't know what she said wrong when he gave her a death glare. "No women is more beautiful than her,"

"Eh! Don't tell me you have never gone to a brothel? The women there are much more beautiful," Pan Yu Mei leaned towards his ears and whispered, "You can touch them as much as you like too," Pan Yu Mei had no clue what men thought about, so the words she just spoke were words she thought they would say to each other.

"Fine, but let's make a bet. If we go and there is no one as beautiful as my woman, you must do as I say. If you win, I'll do as you say," Prince Shao said. After winning, Prince Shao planned on humiliating this little boy who dared to compare Consort Ning with women in brothels.

[His woman?] Pan Yu Mei wanted to laugh. She even felt sorry for him, did he not know that the woman he was calling his was his brother's? Did he live under a rock?