Almost Lost Her Soul

A very angry Prince Nan stood in front of the room silently. His icy cold aura was enough to freeze the room. The gaze he used to look at the scene in front of him was enough to kill anyone who stared into his eyes. What did he see that made him so irritated? A passed out Prince Shao lying on the ground and Pan Yu Mei... was nowhere to be found.

Pei Nan took slow strides over to the pitiful Prince Shao. He suddenly made a stop at the table and stared at it. Two cups? "Who was here with Gu Shao?" he asked in a deep low voice. The waiter quickly walked forward when he sensed the irritation in Pei Nan's voice. "I'm also not sure. It was a young lad, but…" the waiter turned around a few times and scratched his head. "But I'm not sure where he went. He was here moments ago,"

Pei Nan proceeded to walk over to Gu Shao. Just looking at the sorry state that his brother was in, he couldn't help but shake his head.

Yu Mei almost lost it when she slightly lifted up the table cloth and saw her husband's black boots. Of course, that was the only thing she could see underneath the table. She quickly put the cloth back down and covered her mouth in horror. This man was scarier than her master.

She secretly cursed Prince Shao, if it wasn't for him hugging her earlier, she would have had enough time to escape through the window. Now she was stuck under the table. This was up to fate whether she would get caught or not. Just thinking about it, she wanted to cry. How did her carefree lifestyle turn into a horror story. Just thinking about the consequences, she was done for. She was still under house arrest, if Pei Nan found out she was at a brothel, he would kill her for sure.

"Have someone send him back," Yu Mei felt all the tension in her body escape. He was about to leave, she would be saved. The scattering of footsteps came towards Prince Shao and soon left with Prince Shao. All who was left was Pei Nan. Yu Mei waited and waited and waited…but why wasn't he moving. Something wasn't right, she thought. Just as she was getting suspicious, his feet started moving. Her heart was about to explode with happiness, she wasn't going to be caught…but then he stopped…right in front of her. The screeching of the stool being pulled made Yu Mei's heart anxious. [Why are you sitting down? Shouldn't you be in bed with Consort Ning?] She remembered….Consort Ning is still at the hot springs. Was he here to relieve himself then? Or pounce on women? Were his other consorts not good enough? No matter how she thought about it, he was a despicable and inhumane man in her heart. [Evil! Good thing this body didn't sleep with you yet, you man whore!] She rolled her eyes. She was in the middle of cursing him when his two feet went under the table. almost kicking her face. She almost lost her soul once again. Just how many times was she going to lose her soul tonight? Her body naturally moved back a few centimeters even without her command. [Please don't torture me like this. If you know that I am hiding down here, just call me out. Why must you do this?] she was even talking to his shoes now. Pan Yu Mei had truly gone mad!

Up top, Pei Nan was looking at the mess on the table. He had no clue his rebellious wife was hiding just under him. All he had to do was lift the table cloth and BAM! She would be caught. But he had no such thoughts, he knew Pan Yu Mei better than that. There was no way she would sneak out and disobey his orders. He was simply waiting to see whether Gu Shao's guest was going to return or not. He was curious as to who his brother has been talking to.

Every minute that passed was like hell for Pan Yu Mei. She didn't know what was going on top, all she knew was that Pei Nan was there, torturing her mentally. Whatever he was doing, she had no knowledge of it.

Pei Nan was eating the snacks on the table. It had been untouched this whole time. Seeing that the guest wasn't coming back, he decided he would take a few bites of the cake before leaving.

*Clink…clink*** a spoon suddenly dropped, and fell under the table? Yu Mei could not believe her luck. How in the world could a spoon fall under the table? She held in her breath, she could see his hand reaching under, "Your highness," someone suddenly opened the door. Pei Nan retracted his hand, Yu Mei let out a soft sigh. "What is it?"

"Something has happened,"

When Yu Mei was sure Pei Nan left, she crawled out from under the table and quickly fled the scene.

Pan Yu Mei snuck back to her courtyard, it was past sleep time. No matter how tired or tipsy she felt, she had no choice but to toughen up and climb up towards the window. There were too many guards blocking the entrance. If she didn't climb, she would be caught.

After a long struggle, she knocked on the window. A panicked Chu'mei opened the door for her. "Xiaojie (my lady), you're back," Chu'mei was on the verge of crying again. Yu Mei didn't say anything; she only jumped inside the room and quickly changed. "Seeing that you are still here breathing, we must not have been caught," Yu Mei teased Chu'mei. "Xiaojie, how can you joke about this? We could have lost our lives,"

"Forget it, I'm tired. I need to rest for tomorrow's event."

Chu'mei gave her lady a confused look. "Xiaojie, is something happening tomorrow?"

"You are going to help be get back at Consort Ning…"