Setting Up Her Plan

Yu Mei could feel her heart beating like a drum. Her eyes were still closed. She didn't want to see his angry face but it was silent. Too silent. She opened one eyes and peeked. What she saw was a confused look. Pei Nan actually had a confused look on his face. Yu Mei let out a breath of relief, opening both eyes this time. Pei Nan took this time to snatch the jade from her hand. "Give it back." She stretched her free hand in front of him trying to grab the jade. Of course Pei Nan was a lot faster than her, with one swift move he had blocked her. His palm was placed on her forehead, pushing her back. Yu Mei was still flailing her short arms towards him but it was no use. Her short arms were no help. After a few moments of trying, Yu Mei realized it was no use. She smacked his hand off her forehead and glared. Pei Nan didn't take offense that she hit him again.

"This jade is quite rare. Where exactly did you get it?" he asked, half serious, half playful. "I got it from the market. Where else could I have gotten it from?" she nervously replied back. Pei Nan looked up at her suspiciously. This rare jade…he's seen it before...but where? Pei Nan's mind was stuck. The answer, it was on the tip of his tongue but it wouldn't come out. "If you are done looking at it, can I have it back?" Yu Mei sounded very anxious. Seeing how panicked she looked, he gave her an evil smile in exchange. "I'll take this for compensation. Your massage was not to my liking. This will do just fine." Pei Nan scooted his chair and stood up. Yu Mei quickly stood up too. She grabbed his wrist the next moment, surprising even Pei Nan. She was surely too bold and daring.

"Pei Nan, hehe," she called his name out softly. "That jade cost me a fortune. How about this. You can pick anything you like in this room. As long as you give me back the jade, I'll give you anything." She sounded desperate but that made Pei Nan even happier. "I will have Feng Ju bring you a bank note worthy of this jade later then." He looked down to her hand holding his and shook his head disapprovingly. "I'm only telling you this once but I do not like when other people touch me." he slipped his hand out of Yu Mei's and strolled out. Yu Mei watched helplessly as he got further and further away. [You bully. You tyrant. You big fat jerk!" Yu Mei cursed him.

It had been an hour since Pei Nan left with her belonging. Yu Mei was sitting at the table with a sulking face. [I worked so hard for that jade. How could you take it just like that!] "Aaahhhh!" She let out some of her stress by yelling. It so happens that Chu'mei had walked in at the exact time of the scream. Chu'mei was so startled; she almost dropped the tray of tea and cake. Thankfully she didn't. If she did, she would have gotten an earful from her lady. [Xiaojie, where are your manners?] She thought to herself. There was no use telling her lady what was proper and not any more. That so called lady of hers never listened anyways. She nicely set the tray down and looked toward her distressed lady. "Xiaojie, what is the matter this time?" a sarcastic Chu'mei asked.

"Life is unfair. I worked so hard to steal Prince Shao's jade only to have it stolen by Petty Nan," Yu Mei dropped her head on the table with a loud bang. "YOU WHAT? You dare steal from Prince Shao?" Chu'mei could not believe how bold and audacious her lady had become. To steal from Prince Shao was a crime itself. Yu Mei lifted her head back up and slammed the table very hard. "Chu'mei! Could you be any louder? What if people hear?" Yu Mei scolded.

A curious Chu'mei sat down beside her lady. "Does Prince Nan know that it is Prince Shao's?" Yu Mei shook her head no.

"That's good," Chu'mei pat her chest. It was a relief that Pei Nan didn't know or else they wouldn't be sitting her so casually. But why didn't Pei Nan realize it? Chu'mei didn't need to ponder on that question for long. She already formed her own speculation. Prince Nan and Prince Shao weren't very close anymore. They were brothers born from one woman, the empress. So they naturally became close. But it was also due to one woman that destroyed that destroyed their close bond. It's no mystery why the two of them are at odds with each other. Even if they don't seem act like it, they are much distanced.

"How is that good?' Yu Mei asked sarcastically. He would eventually find out.

"Xiaojie, if you are so worried, why don't you just steal it back." Chu'mei casually suggested.

"How?" a still disheartened Yu Mei asked.

"Xiaojie, it's very easy. Lure him out of his palace tonight and sneak in." Before Chu'mei could catch herself, she had already given her lady a terrible idea. She saw the look in her lady's eyes. No good. "I didn't mean it. It's a stupid idea." Chu'mei waved her hands innocently.

Yu Mei leaned over and grabbed both of Chu'mei's hands enthusiastically. "Chu'mei, you are smart. I knew you were good for something." Chu'mei mentally scolded herself. When did she become like her lady, sly.

Northern Palace***

Chu'mei gave the idea to her lady but she had no clue that they would end up at the Northern Palace. When Ming'er and Lu'er, Consort Ning's two personal maids found out about Yu Mei's arrival, they quickly reported to Fei Ning. Of course she was not happy to hear that Yu Mei was here to see her but what could she do.

In the past, the only time Pan Yu Mei ever visited her was to cause trouble. She would make useless arguments and throw threats and tantrums. Of course Fei Ning wanted to do the same but then she wanted to continue to play the innocent victim. Gaining Pei Nan's protection.

When Yu Mei and Chu'mei stepped into Fei Ning's Northern Palace, they were both in awe. The Northern Palace was much more lavish and beautiful than the Southern Palace. Yu Mei wasn't jealous, just in awe. If it was any other women, their heart would be filled with envy. She felt, just having the chance to live in the palace was already a dream come true for her.

As she sat down next to Fei Ning, her eyes couldn't stop staring at her. She was beautiful like a painting. It was no wonder both Gu Shao and Pei Nan fought for her.

Fei Ning waited for Yu Mei to throw a tantrum. She knew that Yu Mei knew about Pei Nan recovering at her place. There was no way Yu Mei wouldn't throw a fit over that matter. She kept waiting but nothing happened. Yu Mei was just sitting there quietly as she sipped her oolong tea and ate the walnut pastries.

So what was on Yu Mei's thoughts? [Mmm…these walnut pastries are amazing. I've never tasted anything as amazing as this. This is heaven~] She was so fascinated with the snacks she had completely forgotten about her motive. Chu'mei who was getting impatient poked her finger lightly at Yu Mei's arm. "Xiaojie, your coming," she whispered.

"Oh yeah, I forgot." She quickly shoved the rest of the cake into her mouth, chewed it and rinsed it with tea before speaking. "You're probably wondering why I am here?" she smiled at Fei Ning.

"If it's about Pei Nan being with…" before she could finish, Yu Mei cut her off.

"You knew already? I just saw Prince Nan come out of Consort Wan's palace not so long ago. How did you know already?" Yu Mei pretended to ask.

[Consort Wan?] Fei Ning looked at her confused. Wasn't Yu Mei here to start a fight with her? "I thought of you and came here right away. Prince Nan has been having dinner at Consort Wan for a while now. Prince Nan seems to be favoring her these days." Yu Mei didn't keep her eyes off of Fei Ning once. Her little storytelling seemed to have worked. [So that's why you haven't come over to my palace in while. You were at Consort Wan's.] she clenched her fist just thinking about it. "But why are you telling me?" Fei Ning didn't believe Yu Mei would come here with good intentions.

Yu Mei gently placed her hand on top of Fei Ning's. "I have come to realize that Prince Nan loves you and that I shouldn't get in the way of you two anymore. I am really on your side." Fei Ning gave her a suspicious look. "I know you don't believe me but he's definitely going over to her place for dinner tonight. I am warning you in case you become like me, unloved. You can't let that happen for sure." Yu Mei encouraged her.

"Prince Nan is also Consort Wan's husband. Who am I to interfere with his business?" Fei Ning sweetly tried to cover up her anger.

"I just thought I would let Sister Fei Ning know about this. I am very busy and must go now. But do think about it." And just like that, Yu Mei and Chu'mei left. The fish has been hooked.

Just as Yu Mei hoped, Pei Nan went to the Northern Palace in the evening after he heard she fell ill. Part one of her plan was set, now to complete it...