Teasing a Step Too Far

A fierce Yu Mei stared at the hurt Gu Shao with no intentions of caring about his injury. "What are you doing here?" she asked indifferently.

"How can you be so emotionless towards me? You kicked my chest so hard it's about to burst." *Cough* *Cough* Gu Shao had a knack for exaggerating. Yu Mei hesitated. When she realized she had kicked him earlier, she wanted to ask if he was okay but then she was still mad at him. Would someone who is angry with you care about your injuries? No!

"I don't care. You deserved it. You're lucky my foot didn't turn you into an actual ghost. Now tell me why you are here?" she crossed her arms like a boss.

"I came to see you of course. Why else would I be here?" he combated her indifferent attitude with his teasing tone. It sure got Yu Mei more irritated. "If you don't leave, I'm telling Pei Nan." Yu Mei pointed to the window.

[You're really going to be heartless to me?] a hurt Gu Shao stomped over to the front of her bed. The two of them were in a heated staring competition. "I'll really tell Pei Nan if you don't leave. I won't say it again, leave!" she once again pointed at the window. Instead of taking this unfair treatment, Gu Shao wrapped her hand in his as he leaned in. Yu Mei was caught by surprise when his nose lightly brushed on hers. "Since you are going to tell Pei Nan anyways, you might as well tell him I took advantage of you too!" Gu Shao tilted his face, ready to kiss her. He was waiting for her to stop him. He had no intentions of actually kissing her. Inch by inch his lips came closer to hers. Yu Mei suddenly closed her eyes, waiting for him to take action. When Gu Shao saw how bold Yu Mei was acting, his body froze on the spot. He looked at the daring girl in front of him. Was she not even afraid that he would take advantage of her?

He jumped the next moment. Yu Mei had slightly lifted her body up and wrapped her arms around his neck, locking her hands together as she stared at him seductively. "Aren't you going to continue?" her voice suddenly became sweet yet sinister. It left goosebumps on his body. The flustered Gu Shao lightly reached behind and broke the lock in her hand and took a huge stride back. "Yu Mei, you…you…" all he could do was point at her as he started to stutter. No words could come out of his lips.

*Buahahaha* Yu Mei covered up her loud laugh with her hand. "You should have seen your face just now. Were you moved?" the happy Yu Mei suddenly appeared once more. This time it was Gu Shao who was left annoyed. "You dare play a trick on me?" in a serious tone. He took a step forward this time.

"Eh, you started it first. Besides, I knew you weren't going to actually kiss me. Tell me why you are here." she was speaking like she knew his inner thoughts already. Yu Mei pouted her lips innocently when she noticed Gu Shao wasn't speaking or joking around anymore. "Brother Shao, are you okay?" she waved her hand at him. Did she really scare him that bad?

Yu Mei didn't see it coming when Gu Shao once again reached for her wrist. This time he tugged her forward. His force nearly made her fall off the bed. Her knees landed on the bed and her free hand was placed on his shoulder for balance. Of course she hadn't planned it. It was by reflexes that she used him as a support. This serious and aloof expression, Yu Mei had never seen such a scary look on Gu Shao's face before. She was taken aback by his fierceness. "Brother Shao…" she softly called out his name. She wasn't sure how he was going to react. In the next moment, he put his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Her chest lightly hit his hard chest. Yu Mei let out a gasp. What was he doing?

Gu Shao smiled at her sinisterly. "How are you so sure I won't kiss you." His eyes went towards her rosy pink lips. "Why else would a man like myself enter a woman's room in the middle of the night." His low and husky voice mixed with a hint of seductiveness sent chills down a frightened Yu Mei's back. Who was she and who was he? She was not going to let him have the upper hand. Whatever he was playing at, she didn't want to be a part of it. Yu Mei did the unthinkable as she tilted her head and leaned toward his ear. "Brother Shao, you shouldn't try so hard. Even I know how awkward you are right now. You can let go now." Yu Mei teased. Gu Shao closed his eyes and sighed as he let her go. He thought his acting just now was pretty good. Who knew she would catch on to it.

Yu Mei stood up from the bed and fixed the wrinkles in her sleeping gown before smiling at him. He had a look like a confused puppy. "Don't feel so bad. You're acting now was really good." She pat his arm. "It's just that I know you are head over heels for Fei Ning. I knew you wouldn't kiss another woman." She tried to make him feel better.

"So you knew all along?"

"En." Yu Mei nodded as she casually walked over to the table and took a seat. She leaned on the table and lazily placed her head on her hand. "What brings you here tonight?"

"I couldn't sleep. I had to come clear our misunderstanding this morning." Gu Shao took a seat next to her. Before Gu Shao came over, he was lying in his bed trying to fall asleep but the disappointment on Yu Mei's face kept appearing in his mind. It drove him crazy.

"I don't want to hear. As long as you have a clear conscience, I won't worry."

"You must listen. Just looking at your face, I know you are thinking badly of me." He pointed at the annoyed look on her face. Yu Mei was silent. She was guilty.

"Every last Sunday of every month, I come over to practice with Fei Ning and Pei Nan. Just so happened you came over the one time Pei Nan was away. Don't misunderstand, okay?"

Yu Mei rolled her eyes at him once again. "Why are you telling me? Did I say I was mad at you?" she tried to play it cool. Seeing her play ignorant, Gu Shao only helplessly sigh. Not only was she careless, she was stubborn. When Yu Mei didn't say anything more, Gu Shao stood up to leave. Just as his back was turned away from hers, she finally spoke. "How is your chest?" Gu Shao quickly hid that silly smile on his face before turning around with a face filled of grief. "It hurts. Hurts badly." He clutched his chest. "You're a crazy woman. How can you kick someone so hard? You must take responsibility if I get an internal injury."

"You." Yu Mei held up her fist at him.

"Okay, okay, I won't play anymore. I'm really leaving."

He had come with a heavy heart but as he left, he felt a huge weight had been lifted from his chest.

As he took a walk back to his own palace, he suddenly laughed at how foolish he was. He didn't know what had gotten into him earlier. All he wanted to do was tease her but when his hands suddenly grabbed her waist, he felt like he was possessed. His mind kept telling him to stop playing but his body was acting differently. This was the first time he felt he had no control over his body. Nothing made sense to him. Was it because he was so comfortable with Yu Mei he could play around to that extent. The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. Yu Mei was like a friend to him. So naturally he would act natural around her. When he felt like he had figured out everything, he felt better.