Serving Him? No Way!

Yu Mei tried to stay as calm as possible, trying not to alarm one of Pei Nan's maid. Only when the little maid left did she start throwing a fit. Like a spoiled child, she stomped her feet up and down a few times. "Stupid Pei Nan. Why are you back so soon? Why are you torturing me?" she threw a few air punches, pretending that Pei Nan was standing in front of her. Only when she was drained did she stop. "Why me? Heavens!" she threw her hands up in the air. "What did I do to deserve this?"

"Xiaojie, what's wrong?" Chu'mei tugged on her sleeve. Without hesitation, Yu Mei desperately looked at Chu'mei. "Chu'mei, you've been in the palace longer than me. Surely you know how to get out of this mess. What is the best way to get out of serving without being too suspicious?"

"Xiaojie, isn't serving his highness a good thing? His highness is clearly showing interest in you. You must not waste this chance."

"Showing interest? HA! He just wants to torment me. I don't care, I would rather die." She didn't know if it was because she was too flustered or if she truly ran out of ideas. But Yu Mei could only think of playing sick but knowing Pei Nan, he would have an imperial physician check her. She would be caught.

Seeing how unwilling her lady was, Chu'mei thought hard….

Ten minutes later.

Yu Mei and Chu'mei were both standing on top of the rock garden, looking down at a 20 step staircase. Yu Mei turned her head to look at Chu'mei, a look of horror and shock engraved on her face. "This is your brilliant plan?" Yu Mei scratched her head. This was more like suicide.

Ten minutes ago, Chu'mei's great plan was for Yu Mei to break a leg. She once heard a concubine of a high official injured her own leg to get out of serving him in bed. It sounded like a great idea a while ago but now that the both of them were about to do it, they regretted. It was a stupid and foolish plan.

"Chu'mei, are you trying to kill me?" Yu Mei placed both her hands on her waist as she started to interrogate her maid.

"Xiaojie, that's not what I had in mind. I didn't know it was going to be this scary. Let's think of something else." Only now did Chu'mei realize how dangerous her idea was. If anything, it was probably safer for Yu Mei to lay on the ground and she hit her lady's leg herself.

"You're right, this is crazy. I'll just drug him." Earlier, Yu Mei had thought about drugging him with sleeping powder. She only stopped thinking crazy when she imagined how angry he would be in the morning. Now that she thought about it, it was better to deal with an angry Pei Nan than to force herself to fall.

It was decided. Abandon the plan.

Yu Mei started going down the stairs slowly. There was barely any light out. She didn't even know how they made it to the top in the first place. Why did it seem like such a struggle going down the stairs?

Chu'mei had worse night vision than her lady. She was holding onto her lady's sleeve as the two slowly went down. One step…two…three… *Flap* *Flap* Like it was planned, out of nowhere a bat flew over Chu'mei's head. Chu'mei jumped. "Argh~ What is it?" Chu'mei started to swing her hands like crazy. Her flailing elbow knocked into Yu Mei's arm. "Ahhhh~" *Pong pong pong pong pong*

From a far, Pei Nan's heart skipped a beat when he saw Yu Mei fall down. He had just arrived and yet he had to witness such a scene. Her fall was terrible. Normal people would have rolled down like a log but Yu Mei…she looked like a clumsy spider. Her arms flailing left and right, trying hard to grip onto the stairs. She could have played a female ghost crawling.

"Yu Mei." He mumbled. Without hesitation, he ran over to her.

"Aiyooooo~" Yu Mei finally landed on her bottom. She used her hands to push herself into a sitting position. She lightly placed her right hand on her left elbow. On the way down, she had scratched her elbow. Yu Mei tried to get up but couldn't A sharp pain was coming from her left leg.

"Xiaojie!" Chu'mei cried out as she quickly made her way down the stairs. At the same time, Pei Nan had arrived. He knelt down next to her. "Yu Mei, are you okay?" a worried Pei Nan lightly held both her arms as he looked her over.

"I think I sprained by ankle." Yu Mei lightly touched her left leg. "Ouch!" she hissed.

Pei Nan turned to Feng Ju. "Quickly summon the doctor." Pei Nan turned his attention back to a pained Yu Mei. "Endure for a little bit." His hand touched the back of her head as she gently leaned on his chest. Then he grabbed both her hands and held them tightly. Pei Nan could feel his heart beating anxiously. His hands could not stop shaking the moment he saw her fall.

The pain was too much for Yu Mei to endure. She tightly squeezed his hands. Even as her nails digged in, Pei Nan didn't say one word.

After Yu Mei was brought back to her room in a stretcher, everyone including Pei Nan stood outside Yu Mei's room as the doctor examined her.

The guilty person who accidentally pushed Yu Mei and the anxious Pei Nan were the most nervous. The two of them had been staring at the door with a heavy heart. Only when the doctor came out did Pei Nan move. "How is she?"

"Replying to his highness, Consort Pan has a sprained ankle. Nothing too big to worry about. I've wrapped up her ankle. It should heal nicely without scarring in the next two weeks. Make sure she doesn't do any strenuous work in these next few days." Pei Nan listened closely to the doctor as he continued to speak. Only after he was finished did Pei Nan speak.

"En. Feng Ju, send Doctor Lu out."

"Yes your highness," Feng Ju escorted the doctor out.

Pei Nan walked into the room. Even though the doctor had reassured him, he still felt worried. The moment he saw Yu Mei's petite figure lying on the bed, he sighed. She looked so pitiful. If he could read her mind, his head would blow up from anger. Why was it that the injured wasn't as worried as the side watcher?

Yu Mei was calmly staring at the ceiling. [Am I still going to be able to eat good food? Will I be able to still play?] Her leg pain did not amount to anything when it was compared to food and fun. But both these worries were not as important as one, not serving Pei Nan. [Whatever. It was worth it. At least I don't have to serve that tyrant.] *kekeke* Yu Mei giggled when she came to the realization.

"You still have the heart to laugh?" Pei Nan didn't know if he should be mad or relieved that she could still laugh.

Yu Mei turned her head his way. Speak of the devil and here he is. "Your highness," Yu Mei tried to sit up. Pei Nan quickly rushed over to her side. "Don't need to get up. You are injured."

"I thank your highness then." Yu Mei tried to sound as sweet as she could. Pei Nan sat at the edge of the bed and stared at her leg cast. "Are you hurting anywhere?" Yu Mei scrunched her brow. This soft and warm side of Pei Nan, she was not used to it. [Go away!!!!!!] was what Yu Mei wanted to say but something much nicer came out of her mouth. "I'm feeling much better." *Yawn* she covered her mouth. "But I'm very tired now." Her eyes looked at him innocently. [Please get my signal. You can go away now!]

"It's good you are okay. I'll let you rest. I'll come back tomorrow." Pei Nan reached for the blanket and pulled it over her shoulders as he gently tucked her into bed. Yu Mei didn't know what to do or say. It was like he was possessed. Where was the Pei Nan she knew?

"If your highness is busy, you don't have to come visit. The doctor said I will be fine."

Pei Nan's hand froze on the spot as he looked at her cheerful face. "You are my consort. Why would I not visit. Even if I am busy, I would still make time for you." A short and simple "oh" was given back to him.

"I'm okay now. Your highness should go rest." She tried to shoo him away when he didn't leave. He had been staring at her face even after tucking her in. [Do you not know when to leave a patient alone? Shoo~] In her head, she was praying for him to leave.


"I'm leaving now." Pei Nan was reluctant to leave. It was like his body didn't want to part. He had to force himself to stand and leave. As he walked away, there were many times he wanted to turn his head but he was afraid he would not be able to leave if he turned back...