Making Up

Chu'mei and Feng Ju quickly got up when they saw Prince Shao coming their way. "Your highness," Chu'mei greeted him as she wiped her tears away. A lighthearted Gu Shao carrying a small gourd of wine raised a brow. First he walked passed Pei Nan on a horse speeding like a madman and now he was facing a crying Chu'mei. Something was off...

"Where's Nan going so late at night?" he asked curiously.

"Replying to your highness. Consort Pan is missing. His highness is looking for her." Feng Ju replied.

"Yu Mei is missing?" he had the same worried tone that Pei Nan had when he first found out. For the first time in his life Gu Shao panicked. Without waiting for Chu'mei or Feng Ju to reply, he too had dashed off to find her. Gu Shao untied his horse from the bamboo pole and set off. He was worried something might happen to her, especially since it was about to rain.

*Pitter Pat* *Pitter Pat* As if it was planned, the dark night suddenly started to down pour heavy rain.

"Pan Yu Mei, where are you? Come out right now!" Pei Nan called out again and again when he reached the city streets. The only people on the streets at this time were a few night guards carrying lanterns. No matter how soaked his body became, he didn't stop searching for her. Pei Nan stopped the first guard he saw. "Have you seen a woman in purple running this way?"

The older man didn't need to think before he replied with, "No one's been here."

She wasn't here? Pei Nan was afraid she might have really been kidnapped. If she wasn't in the palace and the guard hadn't seen her...what if someone really did kidnap her. But he didn't believe that was possible. Pan Yu Mei was not someone who would be easily kidnapped. She would rather die than be put in a dangerous position. That much he knew. Still filled with hope Pei Nan continued to look for her in the rain.

Just a few streets away from Pei Nan was Gu Shao. He too was looking nonstop for Yu Mei. "Brother Xu, where are you?" he kept calling out for her.

Many minutes went by and still no Yu Mei to be found. Just when Pei Nan was about to lose hope, he made a turn into a small road. As if the heaven was on his side, he spotted her. Yu Mei was crouched on the side of the narrow road with her head done.

Pei Nan jumped off his horse. With slow and heavy steps, he walked towards her. The rain was too heavy that Yu Mei didn't realize he was there until he was within arms reach. She lifted her head to see a glowering Pei Nan in front of her. "Pei Nan…what are you…" before she could finish he cut her off. "Are you stupid? Why are you out here by yourself? Are you not afraid of catching a cold?" he started to scold her. Yu Mei turned her head away and pouted her lips. "Hmph! You were the one who chased me away. Now you're asking why I'm here? Two faced! Hmph!" she complained.

*Sigh* Pei Nan put both his hands on his hips. What was he supposed to do with her if she took everything literally. He couldn't believe how foolish this woman was. "Pan Yu Mei… can you think for once. I only said it out of anger. I didn't mean for you to actually leave the palace. I only wanted to chase you back to your place." A frustrated yet anxious Pei Nan spoke loudly.

Before Yu Mei could retort his explanation, he was already on his knees. By the time she blinked, she had been pulled into his embrace. Yu Mei's mouth slightly opened from the sudden pull as her body hit his chest lightly. Pei Nan wrapped his arms around her tightly. "Do you know how worried I was? You are not allowed to do this ever again." He wasn't simply asking her but demanding her.

The two of them stayed silent embracing each other for a long moment. For the first time in his life, Pei Nan realized how much Yu Mei meant to him. The thought of her never appearing in front of him ever again terrified him. Ever since she came into his life, nothing had been the same. He had to admit, life would not be the same without her. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to cling ont her. He held her even tighter in his arms. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten back at you for lying to me. I don't care if you lie to me in the future about injuring yourself. As long as you stay by my side, I won't get mad at you." He sounded warm for the first time yet desperate at the same. Hearing him speak to her so warmly for the first time, all the wrong she felt disappeared.

Yu Mei pouted her lips when she heard his apology. "You can let go now. I'm about to suffocate from your hug. And your highness shouldn't be so petty in the future. I had good intentions when I lied to you."

Pei Nan immediately let go of her, making sure to give her some space. He eagerly looked at her. "I only lied to you so I could spend more time with you. If you had acted nicer to me, I wouldn't have needed to lie in the first place. Who knew you were going to act all crazy the moment you found out." Yu Mei crossed her hands and rolled her eyes as if she was being treated unfairly. Pei Nan chuckled when he heard her cute complain. "Okay, okay! I was at fault. I apologize. I won't do it again. Will you forgive me." He lightheartedly asked..

"Since you know your wrong, I forgive you."

Pei Nan chuckled at her words.

Only after getting her forgiveness did he remember they were in the rain. He reached up and placed his hands above her head, using his hands as a human umbrella for her. Yu Mei felt her heart skip a beat. He actually had a gentle bone in his body.

"Let's go home before you get sick."

"Carry me." She softly said embarrassed. Pei Nan arched his brow as if asking, "Are you kidding me?"

"I've been crouching for so long my legs have gone numb." Upon seeing that he hadn't agreed, Yu Mei was about to stand on her own. She was wrong. In the next moment, she was swept up in a princess style position. Her hands unconsciously wrapped themselves around his neck for support. Pei Nan didn't complain as he carried her in his arms. If it was any other time, he would have scolded her. He was the future emperor yet she dared to command him. She was lucky he let it slide. Even Fei Ning would not get away with commanding him.

Not far from the scene was Prince Shao. He had been there long enough to see Pei Nan warmly embrace Yu Mei. In his heart he wanted to be the one to find her. The one she leaned her shoulders on. The person she should be hugging was supposed to be him. Gu Shao didn't want to admit he had these kinds of feelings for Pan Yu Mei but somehow…during this very moment he knew he couldn't lie to himself anymore. His hands tightly clasped on the horse rein. [Pan Yu Mei…I regret not fighting for our marriage back then. If I knew you then I would never have let you marry Nan. You should have been mine to begin with..."