Tricking Her

All her troubles seemed to have flown away with the wind when she saw him. He was standing under the moon by her door. Even with his back faced to her, he still looked charming to her. What was strange was that he was still in his traveling robe. Yu Mei couldn't help but smile when she thought about it. Did he really come to see her first thing upon arriving? But why did he look shorter and skinnier than she remembered. She hasn't seen him in a couple of days and she had forgotten how he looked like. But she didn't put much thought into it. She was much more interested in surprising him. With light steps, she snuck up and hugged him. Her hands locked tightly in the front. "Your highness, you're back." She cheerfully said.

No reply.

An ominous feeling surrounded her. Yu Mei scrunched her nose. [Breast?] Her hand went to gently squeeze the chest. They were definitely a pair of breast.

"PAN YU MEI! You dare cheat on me?" A sudden shout from the opposite side of the hall made her jump. Pan Yu Mei turned her head. If Pei Nan was there, who was in front of her? She quickly let go of the person. The impersonator quickly hid their face with their sleeves. Yu Mei tried to find out who it was but stopped when she was being interrogated once more.

The impersonator had run off.

"Answer me! You are cheating on your husband while he is gone?" he took heavy strides over to her.

"I didn't. I thought it was you." She answered. It's not like she did it on purpose.

Pei Nan with a fierce burning gaze stopped in front of her. "Tell me what punishment you deserve for cheating on me?"

"The death penalty but…I really didn't know." She kept on explaining to him. But he was not listening.

"Wrong." He closed the distance between them.

"Then what?" she asked frustrated. How could he wrongly accuse her?

Pei Nan leaned forward. His lips nearly touching her ear.

"Your punishment is to accompany me in a bath." he evilly smiled.

Yu Mei blinked a few times confused. She only understood the situation when the impersonator came back. Chu'mei!

Yu Mei pushed Pei Nan away. "You tricked me." She stomped her feet and ran into her room embarrassed. Chu'mei felt bad as she picked at the sleeve fabric. It wasn't her fault. Pei Nan forced her to impersonate him. Plus she thought it was quite interesting. Chu'mei thought her lady would get a kick out of it but she suddenly got mad. She wanted to go apologize but knew better than to follow her lady and Prince Nan back in the room.

Yu Mei didn't get far before Pei Nan caught up to her. He locked her in his embrace. Her back was tightly pressed onto his chest. The intimacy between the two would make anyone turn away from shyness.

Pei Nan placed his chin snuggly on her shoulder. "Are you mad at me? Don't you think you are being a little unfair?" he asked teasingly.


"En! You are always the one to play tricks on me and I never got mad at you. How can you be so unfair and be mad at me?" he reasoned with her.

"Who says I was mad at you."

"If you're not mad at me, take a bathe with me." he slyly pushed that idea into her head.

"Isn't your highness getting a little too ahead of himself?"

Pei Nan turned Yu Mei around to face him. He gave her the most heartbreaking face he could make. "Eh? I traveled day and night with no rest to come back early to see you yet you are being this cold towards me? My arms are tired from holding onto the horse rein all day. I am only asking you to help me bath, not sleep with me." he complained.

Only know did Yu Mei finally remember. He wasn't supposed to return until tomorrow morning but here he was in front of her. She could only imagine how tired he was. How many tiring hours did he endure to be in front of her?

"Fine, but you have to keep your hands away from me." She set the rules.

"I promise." He smiled.


Yu Mei was standing in front of his bedroom door. The last time she was here…she could still remember it like it was yesterday. Her face began to flush. [Are you doing this on purpose?] She complained. Maybe she shouldn't have agreed. The regrets.

Door after door and she was finally back, back at the dragon pool. She silently gasped in shock. On the opposite side of the door was a naked Pei Nan. Or at least that's what Yu Mei imagined. Thankfully his lower body was hidden within the waters.

She quickly turned red like a tomato just by feasting her eyes on his bare back; imagine seeing him from the front. Yu Mei wanted to run back. She would gladly take the death penalty over this sexy man in front of her.

Her feet quietly angled back towards the door.

Pei Nan turned around to face her. "Pan Yu Mei, where are you running off to? Why are you not serving me?" he spoke in an authoritative yet playful tone.

[Death! I was wrong. I choose death!]

Her eyes dared not to look at him. Each step she took was painful. [Nose, please don't bleed.]