Making Up

Bright and early in the morning, Yu Mei would never imagine she would be summoned to the Empress's grand hall. Dressed in a light pink palace gown, Yu Mei stood in front of the empress. The empress was sitting with her purple tunic adorned with gold jewelry. She sat mighty high in her seat as she casually took a sip of her tea.

"Yu Mei greets mother." With all her strength, Yu Mei summoned the sweetest voice in her tiny little lungs. All she got was a simple nod.

The empress lightly placed the teacup lid back on the cup and had her maid Tao Yu take it away.

"Come sit." In neither a rude or nice tone, the empress called upon Yu Mei.

The empress was sizing Yu Mei up and down until she stood in front of her. What did her son see in this woman? She was not virtuous like Ji Er, as beautiful as Fei Ning or understanding as Ming Yan.

"Not bad." She casually threw out a remark. Yu Mei looked left and right with her brows creased. Not bad? What is that supposed to mean?

"Don't slack off and come make tea for me once in a while." The empress cleared her throat and looked away after making her grand command.

Yu Mei didn't know if she should be suspecting something or be glad. Was her mother-in-law trying to make peace with her or plot against her?

"Mother, I dare not. My tea is not up to standard. I'm afraid I will only mess your mood in the future with my bitter tea." Yu Mei pushed away her responsibilities. If this was an act of her mother-in-law's, she would avoid it at all cost. Who knew that this "humble" act of hers would get herself a sharp glare in return.

"You're tea is not too bad. If you really feel bad, practice before coming over." She didn't give Yu Mei a way out but lenience.

Upon seeing a bright eyed Yu Mei, the empress quickly sat up with her chin held up high. She arrogantly cleared her throat once more. "Your qin skills are lacking, I'll teach you when I have spare time."

Oh my gosh! Yu Mei thought. Just by looking at her mother-in-law's face, she could tell this woman was trying to make amends with her. She was so awkward and stiff but for some reason, Yu Mei found her to be quite adorable at this moment. A soft laughter escaped her mouth.

"What are you laughing at?" The empress quickly snapped at her.

"Nothing. I'm just happy that mother is slowly warming up to me." She lightly explained.

"Who says I'm warming up to you? I have just simply come to a conclusion that you are not as annoying as I thought you would be."

"Alright, alright. I apologize for laughing. If mother wants tea, I will come over tomorrow morning. But…" she paused and squinted her eyes at the empress.

"But what?"

"But why are you being so nice to me?" Yu Mei leaned her body forward like a little kid.

A sigh of shock left the empress's mouth. "Huff! If anyone heard you, they would think I have mistreated you. Have I mistreated you?" she quickly defended herself.

Yu Mei could only smile mischievously at her. The empress quickly explained herself before she would let Yu Mei get ahead of herself. "Don't get the wrong idea. It's not that I like you. These past few days, I feel that you aren't so bad."

"I understand." Yu Mei pretended to understand as she nodded her head. If she teased her mother-in-law any further, she was afraid the woman would blow up.

Only after Yu Mei left the room did the empress finally let her guard down. The awkwardness. It had been killing her this whole time. The empress was not someone who would bluntly apologize but the hint of softness in her eyes said that she was warming up to the trouble-making Consort Pan.

"Her highness," Tao Yu her maid walked over.

The empress sighed. "This child. Have I been too harsh on her?"

"Her highness was only doing what you thought was best for his highness Prince Nan. Surely no one will blame you."

These past few days spent with Yu Mei only made her realize how wrong she was about her. Even when she was scolding her, she didn't show any signs of anger or resentment. Instead, Yu Mei happily continued and even threw some clever little remarks back. Sometimes Yu Mei would purposely pluck a wrong string on the Qin to annoy her, this the empress knew but didn't say. The empress has been in the palace long enough to read one's intention. If it wasn't for her prejudice against Yu Mei, she would have been able to tell what kind of person she was a long time ago.

To have this carefree soul in the palace was not as bad as she pictured it to be.

When compared to the quiet and reserved Fei Ning, Yu Mei was very lively. A child at heart. She had truly been too prejudiced the more she thought about it. If it wasn't for Pei Nan asking her to spend some time with Yu Mei, she would never have realized how carefree and bright Yu Mei was.