Making Him Feel Bad

On the third night, Gu Shao once again made a secret visit. He had accompanied Yu Mei until the evening.

Morning of the fourth day came and Yu Mei got released. When the gate to the soulless Taiji Palace opened, the first person to welcome her was the crying Chu'mei. The few maids and servants from her Southern Palace also came to escort her back.

"Xiaojie!" Chu'mei forgot about the manners between mistress and servant. She ran over and hugged Yu Mei.

"What are you crying for? I am still alive." Yu Mei tried to comfort her.

"Xiaojie…" before Chu'mei could say anything else; she remembered something in her sleeves. She quickly stood straight and pulled out a handkerchief with something wrapped in it. She unwrapped it and a tasty meat dumpling was placed in front of Yu Mei.

"Xiaojie, I was afraid you were starving these past days. I brought you a dumpling." Chu'mei quickly handed it over to Yu Mei.

"You silly girl. You didn't need to worry about me. I wasn't starved. The food I received was quite alright." Yu Mei said. Chu'mei didn't believe her. She thought her lady was lying but she really wasn't. Every single one of her meals was tasty. The portions may be cut down to one small tray but the quality of the meat was still very high. She had never experience the cold palace before but she's heard rumors. They were usually served plain and simple vegetable dishes only. So when she got her first meal, she thought it was a mistake. When she kept getting the same quality meals and then Prince Shao's sudden visit, she guessed it was his doing. And the fact that she could be set free must have been his doing too.

One thing was on her mind; thanking Prince Shao. To be honest, she knew that she would never be able to repay him for all his goodwill towards her. All she could offer him was her company. With that in mind, she quickly headed back to her own palace.

Unknown to her, in the far distance stood Prince Nan staring with Feng Ju at his side.


After returning to her Southern Palace, Yu Mei rushed to her desk. Not long later, a letter was handed over to Chu'mei.

"Xiaojie, who is this for?" Chu'mei curiously asked.

"Find a way to send this to Prince Shao. Don't let anyone know."

Chu'mei bowed her head and took off.

Not long after Chu'mei left the Southern Palace, Pei Nan arrived. One of the maids announced his arrival. Upon hearing that he was here, Yu Mei's face was filled with anger and disappointment. What was he doing here?

Yu Mei forced herself to get up. She knew she had to greet him. Otherwise he would have another thing to use against her; not showing propriety.

"Greetings your highness," she half-heartedly greeted him in a low yet annoyed voice.

Pei Nan dared not to criticize her. He was after all in the wrong. "Set it down." He ordered the two maids behind him. They walked in front and placed a bowl of red bean porridge, braised pork and chicken on the table before leaving.

"I have made you suffer these days. I had the chef make your favorites." It was indeed her favorites but she didn't have the mood to enjoy it.

He waited for her to sit but she didn't. It was as if she was ignoring him.

"How can I sit before his highness. That would be wrong of me." She coldly said. Then she looked down and mumbled something. "Hmph! If I did sit, you would use it against me in the future. I'm not that stupid."

Pei Nan couldn't hear everything but he could make a guess based on the few words he did hear. He calmly sat down first. "Come join me." He proceeded to say.

When the two of them finally sat down, the room became even more uncomfortable. Yu Mei was not eating. She just looked down at her feet. He scooped some porridge and placed it in front of her. "Eat before it gets cold." He was the first to end the silence.

She lightly pushed the dish aside. "I am not hungry. Your highness should eat if you are hungry."

At this sudden act of hers, Pei Nan put his own chopsticks down not too lightly or heavy. "Fine! I'll be the one to admit it was my fault for acting rash. I should have investigated before making the final verdict. I am at fault. I was wrong! But the evidence all pointed to you. If I turned a blind eye in front of everyone, what would the palace think of me? That I have no set rules? That I favor? I really didn't know it was that little maid's doing this whole time. I've already punished her."

Pei Nan thought she would look up at him after he explained everything but she didn't. The stubborn Yu Mei refused to look at him. His explanation only infuriated her even more.

"Yes I understand. Your highness does not favor and must set a good example for the palace. I dare not blame you." She once again spoke half-heartedly.

He blamed it on a maid? Was he that blind to not know it was Fei Ning that two-faced woman's doing? Or was he in denial? Of course Yu Mei wanted to call him out but would a fool blinded by love listen? No, they only see themselves in the right. If he wasn't going to give her justice, she would get it herself.

This silent atmosphere...he couldn't take it anymore. He walked over to her. He was standing in front of her yet she didn't acknowledge his presence.

"Pan Yu Mei, if you find that I have been unfair to you, take your anger out on me. If you want to yell or hit me, I won't hold it against you. Why must you act this way towards me?" he anxiously asked.

Finally she looked up at him. A smile appeared on her face. It was almost as if she was laughing at him. "Why would I be mad at your highness? You're highness is the son of the emperor. The future son of heaven. Everything you say and do is right. I am merely a woman with no power. How could I question his highness's judgement? Even if I had a thousand lives, I dare not to."

"Pan Yu Mei! Can you not be sarcastic with me?" He took a deep breath to calm himself down. "You're right! I am the son of the emperor. The future son of heaven but don't forget I am also a human being. A living, breathing person. I am also capable of making mistakes."

"Your highness, I am very tired. I apologize that I can't send you out. I hope your highness will not take offense." She stood up, bowed and walked away. He didn't stop her. She was set on ignoring him.

The two maids quickly came and took the food away. There was no use leaving it. He knew she wouldn't eat it.

The two maids followed behind Pei Nan. He took slow strides along the outside hall. "You two can leave." He commanded the two maids when he saw Feng Ju return. Feng Ju took notice of the trays.

After greeting Pei Nan, he asked, "Did Consort Pan not like the food?"

"It's okay if she doesn't eat it. It's not like she starved while staying at Taiji Palace. Did you find anything unusual?"

Feng Ju walked towards Pei Nan and whispered something into his ears. A burst of cold air exuded from him. And the more he listened to Feng Ju's report, the crazier his eyes became.