Helping Hand From the Empress

First thing Ji Er did the next morning was head over to Yu Mei's. She had been very anxious these last few days. The only person she could talk to was Yu Mei. She didn't know she would run into Hou Lei on the way there.

Hou Lei had just finished giving his report to Pei Nan. He took great joy in making fun of Pei Nan the whole morning. So when he saw Ji Er on the other side of the pathway, his smile stiffened.

Ji Er stood still as Hou Lei made his way over to her. "Greetings to Consort Nuan." Just like that, he was preparing to walk away. Ji Er almost missed the chance to grip his arm. With speed, she clutched onto his sleeve. "Meet me tonight." She whispered. She wouldn't have been so bold if other people were watching but she only had her personal maid with her at the moment.

"Consort Nuan, I'm afraid I can't." He tried to leave. Ji Er only held tighter onto him. "I promise it'll be the last time. Meet me outside the palace, under our willow tree." She let go and left. She refused to listen to him reject her.


The Southern Palace was quite lively in the morning. Pan Yu Mei was dressed warmly with a fur cloak on her shoulder. She was sitting on the swing just outside her palace while Chu'mei pushed her.

Too bad her good mood was ruined with news from a maid from the empress's palace. Yu Mei was once again summoned. This was the third time in a row. It wasn't that she was annoyed with the empress; but she was tired of making tea. She felt she's never had to use her wrist so much before. At this rate, her wrist would break from serving tea constantly.

While sitting in the carriage, Yu Mei felt something ominous. "Chu'mei, do you sense something strange too? Or is it just me?"

"I don't feel anything. Xiaojie, you must be thinking too much? What could possibly be strange other than the empress taking a sudden liking to you." Chu'mei honestly told her. Yu Mei lightly hit her forehead.

"The empress likes me because I am a cool person. Anyone who has met me would like me. Are you doubting my awesomeness?" Yu Mei arched her brow as she tried to intimidate Chu'mei.

"Of course not. Xiaojie is the best lady in the city." Two thumbs up.

"But…I still don't feel good. Should we turn back and say I'm sick?"


Yu Mei should have trusted her intuition. They were now standing at the front door of the main hall. Yu Mei sharply turned her head and gave Chu'mei a look as if saying, "This is your fault. I should have turned back when I could." Chu'mei could only look down at her feet in guilt.

Yu Mei almost pulled her hair out of frustration. But she was already here. There was no turning back. She slowly yet gracefully made her way over. "Greetings to mother," she sweetly greeted. Her body lightly turned. "Greetings to his highness." In a quick and emotionless voice.

He frowned.

He hadn't seen her in almost a week. Shouldn't her anger have already dissipated by now? She was clearly doing this to spite him.

"Yu Mei, have a seat." The empress said.

There were two seats opened; one by Pei Nan, the other by the empress. She moved to the right to sit next to the empress. Pei Nan was offended. But there was no time to be feeling wronged. He was here to make up with her. Of course with the help of his mother.

"I haven't seen you in many days, you have gotten thinner." He spoke directly to Yu Mei.

"I do not have the mood to eat these past few days. I apologize if I have worried your highness just now."

"I didn't realize that mother was going to have a guest today. I came over to have mother taste the new desserts from the newly appointed chef." He then turned to Yu Mei. "I'm sure Consort Pan will like them. Hopefully you're appetite will once again rise after eating these." He couldn't say he especially hired a famous chef from the far east to make her happy.

"I am quite lucky then." She sarcastically replied.

The atmosphere quickly became awkward. Even the empress sensed it. It was truly her son's fault. But since he had asked her for help, she didn't have the heart to say no.

The empress placed her hand on Yu Mei's arm. "Yu Mei. Don't be mad at Pei Nan anymore, okay? Try to understand Pei Nan a little. The matters regarding the current turmoil with Lian have been a big headache for everyone these past few months. Nan was too stressed and made an impulsive decision. A husband and wife shouldn't hold grudges against each other. How can you two live in harmony in the future?"

"Mother is right! Consort Pan, I was really too rash in my decision that day. I don't know how I should make it up to you." Pei Nan looked up at Yu Mei. As long as she told him how to make it up to her, he would do it. Even if she asked him to pluck the stars for her, he would.

"I understand. I do not blame your highness. Your highness was acting on behalf of the people, how can I blame you for taking extra precaution?"

She was not giving him any room to make a move. He hated it.

Even when the dessert came in, Yu Mei did not touch much of them. She was trying her hardest not to cave in. Sesame cakes, water chestnut cakes, red bean dumplings…her hands were getting all anxious. But if she ate them, it would be the same as forgiving him. She could only take a small sesame cake.

Pei Nan knew her intentions. She was mad and food could not move her. She was much more stubborn than he had expected. A real challenge.

After the taste testing session, the empress sent them out. "Pei Nan, I'll have to trouble you to send Yu Mei back then." She hinted. She had done all she could for her son. Nothing worked. It was now up to him to console Yu Mei on his own.

Yu Mei and Pei Nan walked side by side to the front gate where their two carriages waited. Seeing that she was about to hop into her own carriage, he quickly held onto her wrist. "Mother has asked me to send you home. Ride with me."

"That would only be an inconvenience for his highness. I dare not."

Chu'mei and Feng Ju watched at the side as their masters bickered. They didn't know if they should interfere or not. There master's could bicker on and on until nightfalls.

"It is not an inconvenience, get in." He started to pull her towards his carriage. With all her energy, she stood firm. "I don't want to!" If he wasn't going to listen to human language, she could only speak rudely to him. This made him turn and face her. "What?" he arched his brow.

"I said I don't want to. I don't want to be in the same carriage as you. Can't you understand human language?"

"You're right. I don't understand human language. I only understand what I want to understand." He forcefully tossed her onto his shoulder like a rice sack and walked over to his carriage. "Pei Nan! Let me go this instance."

Chu'mei quickly reacted. "Xiaojie!" She started to go after her lady when Feng Ju stepped in front of her. "This is a matter between the masters, we are not allowed to intervene." He coolly reminded her.

"You can say that because your master is not the one who is getting taken advantage of." She used her palms to push him away.

While the two started bickering, Pei Nan had already placed Chu'mei's lady on top of the horse. He cut the rein attaching the carriage to the horse with the dagger in his pocket and got on. Just like that, the two set off.

Feng Ju finally stepped aside after seeing his master escape with Yu Mei.

"Xiaojie!" Chu'mei called out. There was no point chasing, they were too far. She could only take her anger out on the man who let them go. "FENG JU! How can you shamelessly let the prince kidnap my lady like that?"

He turned his head to the right and then to the left as if looking for something. "Kidnapping? Where?" he crossed his hand innocently.

"You…you…" Chu'mei was so furious she could only point at him.

"It is not called kidnapping. It's called a husband trying to woo his wife back. How can you not understand that? By the looks of it, you've probably never fallen in love before, right?" He inched closer to her.

"Ha! And you talk as if you've been in love before. Who could love a stiff and stubborn lackey like you? Hmph!" she pushed him aside and walked away.

Feng Ju rubbed his chest. Just now she had used quite a bit of force to push him. Who knew she had so much strength for a little girl.