Forgiven Part 2

Yu Mei had been truly caught off guard. She never expected what was to come next.

Pei Nan put his hands around his lips like a megaphone and shouted loudly. "PAN YU MEI! I'M SORRY! I'M A FOOL! I'M REALLY SORRY! FORGIVE ME?" He shouted loud and clear for the world to hear. Yu Mei quickly looked at her surroundings embarrassed.

"PAN YU MEI! DO YOU HEAR ME? I'M TRULY SORRY." He lifted his head toward the sky and shouted with all his might once more.

He watched as she rushed over to him. Thinking that she had forgiven him, a smile escaped his lips. He was waiting for the long awaited hug.

Yu Mei stopped a few steps away from him. Out of nowhere she took out a handkerchief and tried to cover his mouth. She pressed her palm tightly on his lips, trying to keep him silent.

Seeing the situation was not how he pictured, he quickly moved his head to the left to escape the deadly handkerchief. He stared at her confused. This wasn't how it was supposed to be? Where was the forgiveness hug?

"You're embarrassing me!" she tossed the handkerchief at him.

He caught it.

"Does that mean you forgive me?" his eyes looked hopeful as he waited for an answer. Yu Mei rolled her eyes. "You're forgiven. Now will you get up and stop being embarrassing." she complained. This was by far the worst apology she has ever gotten from someone. Thankfully they were in an empty meadow and not the busy streets.

After getting him to quiet, she turned to leave.

Pei Nan caught her by the wrist. Yu Mei turned to scold him once more but stopped when she saw how serious his face had become. He reached to grab her other hand.

Holding both her hands, on his knees, he became serious.

"I've never knelt in front of anyone but my father and mother. You are the first."

Yu Mei puckered her lips out as if him kneeling was no big deal. In reality, she really didn't know what it meant to him to go down on his knees for her. He was lowering his pride for her and yet she didn't know. If Pei Nan knew, he would have coughed up blood from the frustration. All his efforts to waste.

"I understand. You can get up now." She pretended to understand. In the next moment, she tried to shake his hands off hers. No use. He only held tighter.

"The thought of losing you, I can't pretend to be alright. I'm used to the stubborn, mischievous and lazy you. If I lose you, I would be lost."

She squint her eyes. Was that supposed to be a compliment? Sure didn't sound like one.

Pei Nan continued. "I didn't cherish you well. I had no faith in you. I didn't trust you. Only when I lost you did I understand what you meant to me. Can you forgive a foolish prince like me?"

She looked him directly in the eyes.

"I'll forgive you on one condition. Tell me where that maid is?" she stupidly broke the romantic mood.

He stayed silent as if contemplating.

Finally he spoke. "I had her executed."

Yu Mei could tell he was lying. It was written all over his face. It was like he wanted to tell her the truth but at the same, something was holding him back. To save herself from another disappointment, she let it go for now.

"Can we go now? I'm starving." She only blurted that out to change the subject. Who knew the moment she said she was starving, her stomach really was hungry.

He sighed disappointingly.

"Pan Yu Mei! I just gave you a heartfelt apology and here you are thinking about food. Did you listen to anything I just said?"

"Of course I did. But now that I've forgiven you, my stomach is hungry." She looked to the ground embarrassed.

"Fine! I'm giving you the option right now. Your husband or food?" He surprisingly asked. He was getting jealous over her love for food. If anyone heard, they would think this was a joke.

She looked up at him with innocent eyes. "Of course food. Will a husband fill my stomach?"

"You!" he angrily pulled her down. Her bottom hit the grass. Yu Mei quickly sat up in sitting position, just in time for Pei Nan to hover over her body. "Say that again? I dare you." He inched closer. Every inch he advanced, she retreated until her body was almost flat on the grass. His nose lightly grazed hers.

Yu Mei felt her heart skip of beat.

*Hehehe* "Your highness, I was just kidding. I can do without food but I can never do without a husband." She loudly exaggerated every single word. [Can you get off now?] she silently complained.

*Ahem* he coughed. Yu Mei quickly shook her head. "No! What I meant was, I can never live without his highness." She corrected herself. Pei Nan let out a childish smile before getting up. It was a good thing she knew where she was wrong. Never do without a husband? Was she trying to replace him? Hmph!

Pei Nan extended his hand and helped her up. After a long struggle of making his wife happy, the two finally headed back home together.