The Mortal Realm Is Seriously Refreshing (3)

Su Yuhan grinned and licked his lips; the first thing he would do is taste the delicacies available in the village!

Su Yuhan grimaced as he remembered that he always drank dragon blood tea; it wasn't bad or horrendous or anything, but it wasn't really suited for his mortal food-liking tongue.

Su Yuhan took a look forward and saw a brick layered road covered by bamboos and big trees, the sunlight could pierce through the trees but only in small quantities.

The road was divided into many small paved paths and dirt trails, eventually just a bit far away, the houses started to appear along with the people.

The people in the village were peaceful looking and lazily laughed and chatted with each other, not having any of the tendencies the people from prestigious and powerful clans had.

Su Yuhan smiled and walked forward; his eyes constantly staring at the scenery.

Even though the Divine Realm was more beautiful, in the Mortal Realm, the lands were more rustic and simplistic, meaning that it was more to his taste.

Su Yuhan didn't like big cities or anything, he liked the small and simplistic ones where people lived with each other in harmony rather than trying to one-up each other every other day.

"Gege walk carefully! "

As he was walking without seeing the road, he eventually walked into a crowd of children and softly stumbled.

Sometimes, he gets so much lost in the surroundings that even his divine sense starts to fail.

Su Yuhan smiled and bent down, then, he grabbed the cheeks of the boy who he stumbled onto.

The rest giggled and walked away to their homes.

The boy was wearing a small red robe, his eyes were black and his cheeks were rosy.

"Uu… spare me great lord!"

"Okay okay, I'll spare you kid. "

"In exchange, have this lollipop for giving me your cheeks to fondle! "

Su Yuhan said as a vibrant and colorful lollipop appeared in his hands as he put it into the mouth of the kid.

"Woow~ thanku gege!"

The boy lisped as he simultaneously sucked the lollipop and talked.

"You're welcome!"

Su Yuhan smiled and stood up. But before that, a small hand grabbed his robe and forced him to once again crouch.

"By the way, where di' dah lolipop come from gege?"

The boy inquisitively asked.

"This gege here has an entire bag of lolipops stashed in my robes, do want another? "

"Yash! "

"Here you go! "

Su Yuhan smiled and once again gave the boy another lolipop, this time, it was even more bigger and brighter than before.

Su Yuhan didn't really care that it was made out of a Divine-Grade Bewitching Sweet Jasmine, such materials weren't harmful for the body nor were did their effects show up in such a short while.

It was just that within the time Su Yuhan had spent within the place, he suddenly grew a lot more amiable and altruistic, furthermore, he just somewhat liked the kid from the first time he saw him.

"Say, brat, where is this place and what kingdom is it? "

Su Yuhan asked as he gazed at the boy's deep black eyes and rosy cheeks, suddenly after he willed it, two small brown and dull colored leaves appeared on his forehead.

This was just one of his abilities as the Supreme Overlord of the Ethereal Palace, the ability to foresee their fates and how they would die.

Su Yuhan frowned, such a little kid and… such a terrible fate?

Generally, two leaves and that too brown ones, suggested a life of toiling and getting nothing in return and a death made possible by, rape or brutal torture.

The brown shade suggested that his death was soon approaching.

"Ohw gege, how can you even forget which place you're staying in? "

The boy pulled out his lolipop and tilted his head at Su Yuhan.

"This gege here has memory problems, that's why. "

"Ohhhh! So that's why? Don't worry gege, my jiejie can take you in and nurse you back to health!! "

The boy said with his arm waving in the air with stars in his eyes.

Su Yuhan got even more sadder at that and decided that, heck, he would save this kid!

He even had a jiejie just like Su Yuhan did when he was kid!

"Ah, I'll go with you but just tell me where I am right now… "

"You promise that you'll go with me to my jiejie's house? "

"Uh, yeah okay. "

"Sure! We're in the Blue Phoenix Village and this is the area of the Burning Sun Kingdom! "

"No idea where I am right now, but okay, let's go to meet your jiejie then. "

"Okay gege, lets go! "

This kid was even more easier than a dog to woo?

All it took was just two lollipops? This kid has problems…

After a while passed, in the village square, a chippy boy dressed in red and a youth dressed in white clothes walked and chatted together.

What was peculiar to the surrounding villagers however, were his deep purple eyes and his snow white hair.

"Look at his hair… "

A certain auntie said to her friend.

"… I heard in stories that, the people who cultivate the demon arts and give their souls to the devil have white hair. "

Another auntie said with half-true and half-made up facts.

The other auntie's mouth went wide as she looked at Su Yuhan once again and grimaced.

To them, cultivators were rare, the Demon cultivators were however, along with being even more rarer, they were forbidden from entering the kingdom!

Su Yuhan looked at them as his eyes let out a sudden yet piercing purple light.

The aunties eyes turned vacant and turned lively once again. Then, they grabbed each other's heads and started to kiss each other passionately.

"Ahh~ I've waited so long for this… your lips are so tender and sweet Chenchen. "

One auntie said as she furiously bit the other one's lips and groped her belly and her buttocks with as much force as she could. The other one shyly smiled and gave in to her friend submisively.

Su Yuhan lewdly smiled and giggled like a school girl.

Nonetheless, he returned his attention to the kid.

Su Yuhan grinned and rubbed the kid's head. He liked this kid, and those who he took a liking to, never die unless it's of old age.

Su Yuhan was always this easy to woo. After all, after his jiejie's death and his… lover's death, he just went after power and avoided people as much as he could. The people didn't interest him when he was deprived of everything and when they did, he had everything in the world in the grasp of his hand.

Congratulations, the world is yours. Have a nice day.

Su Yuhan grinned and looked at the pristine and people filled village square, the shops were open and people stood in them mainly for the shade and for having chats with their friends.

"Hiiiiiii! D-don't please, dont! "

Suddenly, the frightened scream of a female rang out in the village square as Su Yuhan looked forward and saw a crowd forming and blocking his view.

Su Yuhan was alarmed and became curious about the woman in the middle of the crowd but the boy with him frantically tried to run towards the crowd.

"It's my jiejie's voice! Gege, come with me! "

The boy turned around and looked at him, his eyes pleading him to leave his grasp on his hand and to come with him.

Su Yuhan sighed and went along with the boy.

He had changed didn't he? Back when he didn't have anything, even though he wanted to change the world, he didn't have the power to do anything and just ignored what people did. After all, they weren't his family were they? There was no use in helping strangers over his own life as a risk.

But after gaining power, he realized, that could now save everyone and everything from damnation if he wanted to.

He grew altruistic and more naïve as time passed didn't he?

Su Yuhan was evil at the start, he massacred thousands of cities and backstabbed those that once were his friends, all for power.

Now that he had what he wanted, he realized the price he had to pay for his evil doings.

The price, he could now never pay. The people he lost he could never regain.

He didn't realize that in his search for power, he became that same thing he wanted revenge against.

Nonetheless, he didn't regret it. He fulfilled his regrets and did everything he wish he could do and still had fun doing them.

After all, everything had a plus and negative side to it.