Please enlighten us!

The director who said there would be 20-minute break haven't returned. It's already been 30 minutes, there were still no sign of the director. There were no even updates what was happening.

Jian Shufen, Zhang Lian and Li Zuo Jin who were casually chatting were later joined by Han Lue. They were all sitting together in the rest area prepared by the crew.

The crew was watching them, they can't help but be astonished. It was such a beautiful scene! Four gorgeous human were sitting together in the corner, laughing and chatting. These persons were like stars, approaching them would burn you with their brightness!

All of sudden, the crew who whispered to the director started walking towards the four gorgeous people. Everyone was amazed. How can this person just walk to them like it was nothing at all?! He was ruining the scenery!

The four people in the rest area didn't noticed that someone was approaching them. They were just happy chatting.

Zhang Lian was actually relieved. When it was the four of them, the conversation flows naturally. There were no awkward silence. Unlike when it was only her and Li Zuo Jin, Zhang Lian felt uncomfortable. It was like they were never friends before they started dating. She can't help but wonder if dating was really like this.

"So, let me ask you this. I'm really curious," Han Lue who was sitting at in front of Zhang Lian said, with eyes that seems to be full of wondering stars, "how did the two of you ended up dating?" Han Lue leaned forward and looked at Zhang Lian and Li Zuo Jin.

"Hey, Han Lue. How can you ask them that question?" Jian Shufen said as she crossed her legs. "You know that they won't answer you. Don't ask them anymore." Jian Shufen sighed with disappointment them continued, "I'm Lian's friend but she won't even spill something."

Zhang Lian was dumbfounded, she thought her friend would defend her. Well, Jian Shufen did but it was like being Zhang Lian teased again!

"Excuse me, Ms. Zhang and Mr. Li," a voice suddenly said. The four looked up and saw man, wearing a black shirt. Zhang Lian noticed this was the same person who whispered something to Director An before he left the shooting, "Director An is asking for you at the East Hall." He continued.

The East Hall of the palace were used for the tent of the crew. It was where the equipments and sudden meeting for changes were held.

Zhang Lian stole a glance to Li Zuo Jin, who at the same time glance at her too. It seems like Li Zuo Jin was also clueless what was happening. Both Jian Shufen and Han Lue looked at their co-actors who were unaware of what was happening.

"Did something happen?" Zhang Lian asked worriedly.

The crew remained calm, "The director will inform you later."

Before Zhang Lian and Li Zuo Jin stood up, the four took a gander at each other.

Zhang Lian and Li Zuo Jin followed the crew on the way to the East Hall. They walked at the same pace but they had quite a distance from each other. The crew can't help but think how they were so sweet earlier yet so distant now.

When they reached the East Hall, they went inside the tent set up for the crew. Inside, Zhang Lian and Li Zuo Jin saw their respective managers. These two weren't supposed to be here. They were supposed to be working in the agency.

Along with the managers, they also saw Director An and Producer Wang with some of the crew.

"Good afternoon, Director An and Producer Wang." Zhang Lian greeted. Li Zuo Jin followed the act of greetings.

"Ah, please sit." Director An said and gestured them to sit in the plastic chairs.

"Thank you, Director." Both answered.

"Director An, is there a problem?" Li Zuo Jin asked. He couldn't hold it anymore. First, they were interrupted. Second, they 20-minute break was extended. Third, they were called by the director and producer and now even their managers were here. There was no way it would be simple. He wanted to know what was happening. "Is it about changes in script?" Li Zuo Jin continued.

Director An, siting at the plastic chair in front of them, shook his head. "It's not about the script." Director An answered.

The two managers just watched as their talents who were confused. However instead of being amused, they were also worried.

Zhang Lian looked sincerely at the director and producer in front of her. As if asking them that they now need to tell what is happening, "Eh? If it's not about the script, what is the problem, Director An?" Zhang Lian asked with her innocent and curious voice.

Producer Wang crossed his arms while Director An heaved a sighed.

"Actually it's about the two of you," Director An started.

What?! It's actually about the two of them?!

Well, obviously it was about the two of them, they were even called here! But what did they actually do?

Was dating actually forbidden in the production? But it was not written in the contract they signed before. They also seemed okay with it earlier? Did the higher ups and sponsors were against it?

Please enlighten us! We can't take it anymore!!!