Press Conference II

Li Zuo Jin was taken a back by Zhang Lian's gesture. He didn't expect that she would held his hand in front of people, in national TV and stream sites. It was good that he recovered quickly and interwined their fingers together.

He felt a static as their hands were together, there was an marvelous feeling that swelled up inside his heart, it was soft and warm.

Zhang Lian was really unpredictable. No wonder he was captivated to the woman-- her smile that could melt anyone's heart, her magnanimous and warm personality, her unrivaled talent for acting and dedication for acting. It was sublime and he fell for those charms. Those weren't even enough to describe why he fell about Zhang Lian. He just wanted to be with her and make her happy.

Zhang Lian put their hands down and released it from interwining.

He looked to the woman before speaking. "It was I who asked her out," Li Zuo Jin revealed, "It was after we had a talk Senior Chiu's show. I invited Lian into a dinner and we just end up dating after." He said in casual tone yet his eyes were full of love. Even the people in the country could see how intensely he stared at Zhang Lian earlier.

It was then that the people in the whole nation realized that it wasn't an act. It was their real feelings that brought them together.

There was no sound that could be heard in the room, it was incredibly quiet. They didn't expect that Zhang Lian would be initiative and Li Zuo Jin to just tell how they end up dating. They were lost of words. They wanted to ask a lot of questions earlier but those questions seems to be nonsense. They already showed how loving couple they are.

When no one spoke between the two, Wong Anhui opened the floor for questions.

One male famous journalist raised his hand and stood up, "Good Morning Ms. Zhang Lian and Mr. Li Zuo Jin. I'm a journalist from XX Newspaper, I would like to ask, how long have the two of you dating?"

Li Zuo Jin answered without batting an eye, "Two weeks."

They have just started dating and they announced it to the whole world already? The whole nation was shocked! Weren't they so honest?

"Oh." Even the reporter who asked the question was dumbstruck. They expected it since it has just been two weeks since the talk show of Chiu Haoji has been aired but when it came out from Li Zuo Jin, it still shook his entire being.

"Additional question?" Wong Anhui asked.

"I have. Mr. Li, you said that you just started dating two weeks ago." Li Zuo Jin nodded as a confirmation, "Other artiste would hide their relationships for a long time yet the two of you didn't. I would like to ask why did you two publicize your relationship immediately?"

This time it was Zhang Lian who answered, "It was my decision. I said to him that day that I would like to announce it in public. I don't really like keeping secrets to my fans as much as possible so we decided on it. I feel that I'm betraying my fans by hiding something this big however I didn't expect that it would escalate to this. When other artiste announced their relationship, it was just fine so I thought it would be same for us. Sadly, it didn't." She said in a casual tone but there was a hint of sadness and disappointment in her eyes.

Of course she would be hurt and disappointed when it was her fans who didn't accept her lover. They even caused trouble for the guy. That was what the people realized. Her fanclub right now was grieving on their past actions-- they hurt their Goddess! How could they do it?!

"Thank you for the answer Mr. Li and Ms. Zhang," then the man sat down into his seat.

The following journalist who raised hand was a women in mid-twenties. Li Zuo Jin looked at the woman, she had an snob aura and based on her dress that which reeks luxury, she was from a well-off family.

"Good morning Ms. Zhang and Ms. Li. I would like to ask Ms. Zhang, you know that your fans were enraged when you announced that you are dating Mr. Li Zuo Jin. The fans even threw raw eggs to Mr. Li yet there is no reaction from you. Why didn't do you something to calm your fans?" She asked and raised one of her eyebrows.

Li Zuo Jin thought that this was a typical spoiled lady of a rich family, well, his guess was probably true. She had high intonation, when she asked and it sounded rude. She even raised her eyebrows after asking.

He was slightly annoyed on behalf of Zhang Lian, he didn't even noticed that his lips twitched after the question. He wanted to say something but the question wasn't for him so he decided to let it go. It doesn't mean he wasn't irritated though.

On the other hand, Zhang Lian was unexpectedly calm. She took the microphone and answered the question honestly, "I don't know."

Her answer made the people stupefied. She didn't know? Some of the people began to waver. Was their Ideal Wife insensitive? She could have said something in her weibo if she wanted the hate comments to vanish but just like what the female she didn't do anything. When she was questioned about her behavior, she didn't know why?

"What do you mean you didn't know?" The female journalist asked in taunting manner.

Zhang Lian smiled softly at the woman, "I had a good day that day but suddenly became disappointed that something like that happened. I was clouded with regrets that night-- that I shouldn't have date ZuoJin because of the incident. I was worried and overthinking. I didn't bother posting something else because my Manager, Bro Tong proposed an interview or press conference." Zhang Lian paused, "If I say something, more doubts and misundertanding would be formed. People will be more aggressive and persistent. It would be much better if I didn't say anything all it. Anyway, the public was informed about this press conference the next day." Zhang Lian answered without care. She was, as always, honest with herself and the people.

The female journalist can't retort back and just decided to sit in her chair and recorded it into her laptop.

The room was engulfed with silence again. Nobody wanted to speak after the last questiom however they were all amazed by Zhang Lian's honesty. It made the annoying journalist shut up.

On the other hand, Li Zuo Jin who was previously annoyed with the female journalist, was now grinning from ears to ears. Although he didn't liked the idea that Zhang Lian was bullied by the female journalist, he was pleased to see another side of Zhang Lian and he would definitely like to know her more.