Spending spree

With his parents deceived alex opened the roulette and purchased a spin and watched the price increase by two hundred fifty points for the next one. the wheel span rapidly for a bit of time before stopping on heat vision making him excited. alex tried to use his new semblance but when his vision changed to see the various temperatures around him he realized the semblance meant thermal when it said heat. alex was very disappointed at the huge let down but knew it was his fault for jumping to conclusions.

Alex kept the new semblance regardless since it would definitely come in handy in the future. putting that aside alex figured he would spin the roulette three more times before looking at the other features. the three semblances he got after those three spins were(improved breathing efficiency v1) (runes) and(kill copy). the first made alex able to hold his breath longer as well as get more oxygen per breath. the second gave him the family semblance of the schnee family which he figured was more trouble than it was worth so he abandoned it. the final semblance gave him the ability to temporarily mimic the abilities of whatever he killed.

The final semblance left a bad taste in alex's mouth since it practically encouraged him to go on a killing spree. after those three spins alex's points dropped down to two thousand five hundred and eighty points. it was a good thing alex planed to stop after those three spins as he couldn't afford to spin again at the next one costing three thousand one hundred points. alex did learn that the increase was by half of the current price added on for the next one. this meant that spins grew exponentially more expensive.

Alex looked at the training tab which currently still only had the nevermore unlocked and decided to spend the three hundred points to purchase a beowolves which was a common wolf like grim and an atlas soldier which was what cost the most points. alex purchased the soldier for two reasons , the first was that he will clash with people eventually and if he is too soft to kill them he will suffer greatly. the second reason was that people can adapt mid fight but grim usually don't so alex needs to polish his skills against both.

Once he was done with the training section of the system he went strait to the library since the shop didn't have anything he really needed right now. this included those training drugs since alex was worried that if he started using them now he would be slowing his future progress if he developed a resistance to them. that wasn't to say the shop was useless only that he wanted to grow a bit before relying on it. the library was filled with books on all manner of topics including weapon styles , which was what alex was after right now since it would decide his future.

Spear , bow , axe , scythe , glaive , cestus , boot and sword , so many choices yet for now he needed only one. it was a tough decision but in the end alex chose a beginners greatsword style called falling tree. the reason alex chose greatswords was because if he could get push its bulkiness and weight it had the same advantages as swords and spears. even better was that if he hits something with a greatsword it is definitely gonna feel it. the technique wasn't that expensive at only five hundred points leaving him enough to get a guide to gun play since weapons in this world with multiple forms were all the rage.

Alex hadn't forgotten the two blueprints he got from his starter box that let him choose both a random type of armor set and a weapon of his choice. with the manual on gun play alex spent another two hundred points leaving him around fifteen hundred left. it was only when alex went to leave the library with the books that he got a notification asking him if he wanted to directly imprint the knowledge into his mind for seven hundred points.

Alex though about it for a moment and decided to do it since it would save him the time needed to study the three books in depth. the books vanished from alex's hands and a headache over came him as the huge amount of knowledge flowed into his head. alex sat in place on his bed with a grimace on his face as he rubbed his nose bridge in hopes of easing the throbbing sensation. it seemed to work as five minutes later alex felt much better. he felt that the knowledge in the books was like second nature to him as he could understand the totality of the information.