Team ups(2)

Most people saw the perpetual frown on the white haired girls face and simply avoided her but alex didn't care at all as he sat down casually. the girl looked at him in confusion "why did you sit there , didn't you see how everyone avoid me?" she asked curiously. alex looked at her and grinned "I've slept in a cave near a flock of nevermore , sleeping within five feet of you won't bother me unless you start getting handsy but i doubt it." alex said honestly. the girl didn't know whether to be offended or not after hearing what alex said but decided to just ignore him and turn in for the night.

Alex was fine either way as he made himself comfortable before looking through the shop for anything that may be useful later. he found a few things such as foreign technology like plasma grenades from halo that didn't burn when activated but still stuck on contact. other than that most of what alex found was not immediately useful. seeing this alex also turned in for the day excited to tomorrow since he would get put into a team where he hoped he could make friends.

The night passed uneventfully but like every day alex woke up at the crack of dawn and couldn't force himself back to sleep so he left the auditorium to go for a short jog. he didn't get far however as he was stopped by a blonde haired teacher who questioned what he was doing awake at this time. alex explained how he had woken up at dawn everyday since he was six and how he felt restless unless he trained at least a little. the woman looked astonished at alex as she couldn't figure out how any six year old could be convinced awake by their parents at such a time.

What alex didn't tell her was that his semblance sunlight filled him with energy as soon as the sun rose everyday making sleeping in impossible. the teacher who introduced herself as glenda goodwitch told him he was fine and that she would inform the rest of the staff of his habits so there wouldn't be any misunderstandings in the future. alex thanked her before continuing his jog , not intense enough to make him sweat but enough to warm up. once that was done alex ate a bit of breakfast which seemed to wake up some of the other students from the savory smell.

Alex was kind enough to split some of his mres that he bought from the shop with the students who woke up to their stomachs growling. one such person was a bubbly red head with some strange affinity for the color pink called nora. she had dragged out her friend slash romantic interest ren who was a stoic asian looking boy but seemed used to being dragged around by nora. nora was interesting to alex since he could tell that her body seemed to want to develop in a similar manner to his own but lacked the nutrients needed.

Alex was curious what would happen if she got those nutrients and offered one of his nutrient pills which seemed to interest her when he described what they did. when she ate the pill she sighed and said she finally felt full for the first time she could remember. ren practically begged alex to give her a bottle since they were so useful for her. alex didn't mind since he only spent twenty five points per bottle anyways. alex did warn nora not to take more than one every two days since otherwise she'd feel bloated and lethargic.

A few hours passed after that as alex chatted with nora and ren about how excited they were to be in beacon among a few other things. around nine glenda and a silver haired man with weird glasses came to get tell the students to eat and arm themselves before meeting at the eastern cliffs. this was easy for most of the students since they had used the lockers the previous day though some forgot their combinations. alex drew plenty of looks however as he showed up at the cliffs in his armor.