Cohabitation and revealed

It was only when the team was assigned a dorm room that alex realized the terror of his situation. one man sharing a room with four beautiful women who all seemed interested in him in some manner or another. the room was barren minus the five beds but judging from the glint in yang's eyes alex would need to modify it to keep her from sneaking into his while he slept. it was majority ruled that they needed to decorate the room before all else with both weiss and alex being the minority against it.

Alex set up his area easily by putting one of the beds in the corner to the right of the door along with a few modifications to keep out unwanted visitors. the girls however decided on bunk beds and alex had to stop them since the structures they made made him nervous from how rickety they were. a small time later and a couple of sturdy clean looking bunk beds were on either side of the window. the rest of the room was decorated by the girls with no input from alex since the only thing he had that counted as decoration was a thick fur rug.

This went in the middle of the room and all of the girl fell in love with it immediately as they all felt it up with their bare feet. after the decorating was done alex began converting his teammates weapons into aura powered while showing ruby all the important parts to note before giving her the aura condenser needed for the tech to work. ruby proved a quick study as she successfully modified her crescent rose , though alex did need to point out a few mistakes that reduced the efficiency. as it turned out the other team alex was familiar with juniper , was located across the hall so alex modified their weapons as well.

Alex woke up at dawn the next day with a confused expression as he found yang in his bed despite his modifications. it turned out that she apparently liked his wings as blankets since she had them draped over her when he woke up. getting out of the bed without waking her took a good amount of finesse on alex's part. alex changed into his training outfit before heading out to find a good wide open area to train.

There were very few people awake at this point in beacon besides maybe a few teachers such as glenda who merely raised an eyebrow at alex before continuing on her way. alex found a great spot near the entrance of the school that was covered in grass with only a single evergreen on one side. alex got a few reps of his regime in not even noticing when a wild haired professor started watching nearby while drinking from a thermos. alex was surprised when the professor spoke up "marvelous , the most refined training method i have ever seen , a true work of art." the professor praised all smiles.

Alex didn't recognize the professor but since he had only been here for a day that was normal. "i have been training since i was six , i would be embarrassed if it wasn't refined at this point." alex tried to shrug off the observation. the professor seemed to get serious as he stared at alex "you know that is not what i was referring to Mr. Drake and it would be best if you not try and play the fool in front of me ." he said seriously. alex frowned "if you know who i am then you have also likely heard what happened to the last thing that angered me." he said threateningly.

"So defensive , however you are correct in your assumption and i must admit being on the receiving end of such brutality would be most uncomfortable. that strength is the result of your training methodology correct?" the professor asked unfazed despite openly acknowledging the threat. "it is , my regime is designed to train every single muscle in my body including my heart with every rep. satisfied?" alex said with a mildly irritated tone. "after all that you have done i find it hard to fathom why you haven't shared such a great thing with the world."

Alex stared at the professor with a concerned expression this time. "what do you know?" he asked gripping his weapons handle. "no need for hostilities young man i mean you no harm , believe me it came as a great shock to me as well when i learned that an eight year old had been the reason for ghira belladonna's sudden change in actions. most people only think that he had found some sort of inspiration while visiting the various other settlements since none of them were very remarkable , that was until i read your transcripts and managed to connect the dots." the professor explained calmly.

The professor continued after seeing alex remaining silent "the timeline of ghira's visit to your home town and his sudden enlightenment were far to coincidental but you both had everyone fooled into thinking it had nothing to do with you , that lasted until you started to make waves here that is. a victim of your own success really you practically shone a big spot light on yourself as the missing piece of the puzzle for those familiar with history like my self." the professor explained and alex groaned in frustration.

"How many people are likely aware of this besides you?" alex asked seriously. the professor simply sipped on his thermos. "besides myself all of the teachers and the headmaster are aware of this but are protecting this information for you." he answered calmly getting a confused look from alex. "why?" he asked not understanding. "Mr. Drake each and every member of the faculty are competent hunters , so we are all familiar with the darkness lurking in the world. so when we find a blindingly brilliant light such as yourself we are each willing to sacrifice our lives to keep it safe , because in the end that is what it means to be hunters." the professor says before leaving.