Relationship advice

The next day was much like the previous day with only a single class taught by the very same professor who had spoken with alex previously. he was apparently called oobleck which confused alex greatly as to why anyone would ever name themselves after a non Newtonian fluid. the professor was practically wired for sound as he seemed to talk and move all over the room making it hard to follow him with your eyes. neither ruby nor alex had trouble keeping up with the man however since they were used to moving at high speeds themselves.

Alex and the rest of his friends got through the class just fine but when cardin tried to bully a faunus girl with rabbit ears alex reacted. with a firm flex of power alex controlled the air around cardins head preventing him from breathing. the entire cafeteria watched on as cardin started to turn purple from oxygen deprivation until ruby told alex to stop. when cardin finally managed to take a breath all of alex's friends just looked at him concerned. "i don't like bullies." he said honestly. pyrrha was apparently the one who spoke next " just don't go to far." she advised seemingly having experience in this.

Alex promised that he wouldn't which reassured his friends but yang told him he needed to get laid to work out some of that frustration. "oh , and i guess you would sacrifice yourself to this angry beast selflessly huh?" alex teased her but she simply nodded acting solemnly "for the greater good." she said shamelessly earning a laugh from most of the group. "well unfortunately i consider myself a gentleman so i require at least diner and a date before losing myself to my base instincts." alex said while mimicking a british accent.

"I'll take that offer!" yang said eagerly followed by ruby "ditto" and blake "same". alex almost chocked on his food while jaune did choke needing pyrrha to save him. alex looked at weiss and sighed "well at least one of my teammates isn't trying to get in my pants so that's a relief." alex said with a sigh of relief. "nope she's also in this group , she just wants to maintain her ladylike image." yang threw weiss under the bus without hesitation. weiss looked betrayed at yang "I...YOU...ugh!" she couldn't even create a whole sentence from her embarrassment.

"Geez people you have literally only known me for three days , i can't seem that appealing , my body aside." alex says in exasperation. yang started counting on her fingers "handsome , strong ,smart , kind , not sleazy , understanding and protective. the literal only noticeable thing that is different from a fairytale prince charming is that anger issue and that is only for people who do things you don't like. to all of us you are as close to perfect as we could likely find." she explained and literally all of the women in earshot nod along.

Alex wanted to argue but ren simply pats his back "face it alex you are a chick magnet , my condolences." he said with a straight face. alex sighed "one month , get to know me for an entire month before bringing this up again alright?" he says giving up on resisting. the girls look at each other and nod "we can do that." blake answers this time. alex rubs his temples "i need to clear my head." he says before leaving the cafeteria and taking off into the air before anyone can chase after him. alex flew to the highest point he could see which was the top of the clocktower in this case.

Landing on the ledge of the clock tower alex was bother by the reveal of his own appeal. most men wouldn't understand why he was so bothered by this but alex didn't have any friends until three days ago and now he learns that most of them want more than that. funnily enough alex was having the same problem that models in his old life did. he didn't know if he could even be friends with women or if they were only wanting to posses him , he knew ruby was too innocent to think like that so she was fine and yang was just a horn dog but what about the rest?

Ozpin noticed alex when he landed on the ledge of the clock tower and figured he would try and give some of his ancient advice. alex was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even notice when ozpin stepped out onto the ledge next to him. "you seem troubled mr.drake might i asked what the problem seems to be?" ozpin asked startling alex out of his head. "having trouble figuring out what is real right now." alex admitted honestly.

"Ah , an existential crises is it? I've had a few of those myself you know." ozpin said sitting next to alex. "i suppose you may be able to help then." alex said before explaining the entire situation to him. 'how familiar.' ozpin thought to himself. "i can understand your trouble in this situation better than you can ever know , but the only advice i can give is to give those girls a chance. from my observations none of them are the type to lie about why they are interested. believe it or not even i myself had trouble accepting your existence when i learned of you. you are flawed in all the right ways and perfect in all the things woman want from a man , i'm slightly jealous to be honest." ozpin said with a small smile.

Alex sighed " i suppose i must seem foolish from your perspective , huh?" he asked with a small chuckle. "not at all mr.drake , the foolish in my opinion are those who refuse to learn from others." ozpin said calmly. "thanks for the help professor , ah right before i go want to see something cool?" alex asked with a grin. ozpin looked interested "always interested in seeing something cool mr.drake." he said with a honest smile. alex changed his weapon into its cannon form and fired it high into the air. all of beacon saw the small golden sun rise high up before bursting into rainbow rain with only two people knowing what it actually was.


Forgot to mention for some reason that there is an actually roulette wheel that decides what semblances i give him with at the moment ninety three options. if you have any decent ideas let me know and i'll add them to the wheel.