Awkward morning

Alex looked over the four blissed out girls and smile in accomplishment before the exhaustion caught up and he yawned. crawling into the crowded bed alex used yang in the middle as a body pillow and fell asleep immediately after closing his eyes. when dawn came and alex got the jolt of energy from the rays of the sun shining on him he woke up trapped. somehow as he slept he had rolled yang onto his chest while blake was under one of his wings holding it snuggly and weiss and ruby were sharing the other wing leaving him well and truly pinned down.

Left with no choice alex gently shook yang awake while retrieving his wings which woke the other girls. four pairs of eyes looked at alex in confusion before the memory of last nights activities registered in their minds. "morning girls , don't mind me just gonna head out for a bit of training and maybe a short flight." he said while slipping on the shorts that made up his training outfit. "oh and i would suggest getting a shower while i'm away since you all smell of sex , bye now~" alex said cheerfully while walking out the dorm window.

The girls looked at each other and burst into laughter at the funny way alex left them to clean up the fallout from last night. "well i suppose he deserves to relax after that intense workout last night , come on i'll get the sheets." yang said getting all of the girls moving. meanwhile alex had decided to forgo the training and go catch a fish from the ocean a few miles away for breakfast. alex didn't even notice that he had reached just under mach two when he gunned it since the sound had already vanished after mach one.

The radars around vale picked up alex leaving beacon at that speed and called to verify the situation but ozpin told them it wasn't an issue so it was ignored. 'mr.drake seems to be growing even stronger at an accelerated pace , if the reports i have received are correct he should have long surpassed a maiden in shear combat ability. he may even be near where i was after i created the maidens , but against salem it's not nearly enough. i look forward to seeing how far you'll go mr.drake.' ozpin thought to himself while looking out of the clocktower that doubled as his office.

Alex noticed that he arrived at the ocean faster than he had expected but thought nothing of it while scanning the water for a nice large fish. it didn't take him long to spot a three foot goliath grouper sunning itself near the reef. alex switched his weapon to the rifle form and blew the unsuspecting groupers head off before diving down to collect the still twitching body from the now bloody waters. having found a wonderful meal alex flew back to beacon while bleeding the fish as he went.

Once back at beacon alex met professor oobleck who stared at the fish on alex's shoulder in confusion. "fresh caught , thought the chefs might cook it up for me if i gave them half of it." alex explained. "i see , i myself am a fairly skilled chef since few places are open when i am up and i would love to cook such a fine ingredient , if you'll give me half of it." the professor said eyeing the fish with fervor. "deal i just need my half cooked for five people." alex said handing over the grouper.

"For your team correct?" the professor asked while lifting the large fish carefully. "yeah they had a big night yesterday." alex snickered at his innuendo before inwardly cursing yang's bad influence. "ah yes you do have the smell on you but i thought it rude to mention." the professor said before leading alex to the kitchens where he expertly butchered the fish while alex watched in awe. nothing was wasted as the organs were split up for various different uses and the bones were crushed and put in a plastic box labeled "fish stock" leaving two huge fillets of pale pink meat.

Oobleck stored one of the fillets away in a vacuum sealed bag and labeled it "ooblecks" before cutting up the other fillet into five portions seasoning them well and wrapping them in foil before putting them into a steamer and boiling water and placing the steamer over it. "should be ready in about fifteen minutes , while we wait why don't you regal me with your exploits before you came to beacon , i do enjoy a good story after all." oobleck said sitting in a nearby chair. once the fish was done oobleck gave alex some forks and the entire bamboo steamer and sent him on his way after alex thanked him for his help.

The girls had already cleaned and aired out the room when alex landed on in the open window. "i brought fresh seafood." he said showing them the steamer. they looked like they wanted to say something about how he left them to clean up but when the rich scent of the fish filled their noses they forgave him without comment. oobleck really was skilled as the fish was soft and flaky with a wonderful hint of spice mixed into the sweet seasoning.