Base building

Thanks to how she became immortal salem still had all of the problems a fertile human had with her monthly ovulation. this was the reason she was able to have children still despite the billions of years she lived since the first iteration of humanity. this was also when she was betrayed by ozma as they discovered that their children could wield magic thanks to it being inherent in salem's genetics. salem wanted to slowly convert all of this new humanity into her descendants and rule over the entire world but ozma had diametrically opposed this so they fought.

Salem knew that her self imposed corruption from the grim pools left her violent and destructive by nature and that there was likely no way she could charm alex. salem stopped herself from going down that thought line and decided alex needed to be tested for his worthiness first. none of her fantasy's had a chance if alex wasn't on her level to begin with , so she started plotting. leonardo knew better than to speak unless spoken to with salem after she broke his spirit in the past. this didn't change the pity he felt that alex had seemed to have caught salem's fancy.

Alex himself was completely unaware of salem's existence even if the world history he knew hinted at it. for the moment alex was intoxicated in the feeling of power that was his ridiculously potent aura flowing through his body. for humans that had set foot onto the path of divinity a similar feeling may overcome them as well. the reason for this was that the first step was one of the hardest but also one of the ones that changed the most. alex was experiencing this change just as salem herself did after her actions got the first iteration of humanity erased.

This was the reason ozma had lost to her in his first incarnation as she was qualitatively a step in front of him as he never took that step. the girls were curious about how large the change had to be to cause him to glow so brightly. alex mentioned that he got thirteen new semblances as well as what they were leaving them speechless. it was even worse when he told them that one of them effectively made him immortal as he could just resurrect himself at the start of every day.

Besides being literally impossible to kill permanently the most irritating thing for the girls was how alex didn't even need his armor since the dragon hide semblance made his skin even more durable than it. as a result alex decided to refit the suit for jaune whos semblance painted a huge target on his back. alex removed all the flight related tech as well as dialed down the needed senses to use the suit by a lot but eventually jaune was geared up. no one complained about alex's choice since he explained it to them but the wardrobe change was noticed by others.

Alex made a huge commotion when he started training his new semblances , to be specific the plant manipulation one. as it turned out causing trees to sprout from acorns in crazy shapes was really hard not to notice. ozpin had of course given alex the special scroll with the summoning features as well and informed alex of his global meet and greet. alex was irritated by his new role but the girls sweet talked/blackmailed him into accepting it. alex had been given the choice between getting the silent treatment until he accepted the position or taking it straight away , so he just skipped the issue entirely by taking the job.

This however came with caveat that alex needed to be based somewhere not controlled by any kingdom to show his neutrality. this also meant that the girls who were still enrolled in beacon didn't get to see alex all day after classes. alex didn't go far in order to find a place since he found a large island dead center of the world known as vytal island to build his home on. the island was to the north of vale off the coast about twenty miles.

Alex's base was a strange mix of nature and technology as he grew three red wood / iron wood trees together in a spire that was hollow between them. the hollow inside was then fitted with magnetic elevators that alex invented so he didn't need to worry about safety. at the top of the spire where the elevators ended alex built a veritable fortress with thick metal walls and hard light shield generators similar to those used by atlas but much more compact. as if that wasn't bad enough the inside of the base was outfitted with tech so advanced atlas as a whole would salivate.