Get in here

Alex opened his eyes in a familiar hall with a bright being at the end though this time he could vaguely make out the being facial structure as male. "i have to admit it was straight outta left field watching you get merced by those two , honestly expected them to remain passive like usual but maybe you destroying the world pushed their bottom line. it was fun watching you flounder about carelessly until it cost you everything." the being said casually. "is my suffering just a game to you!?" alex snapped angrily. alex suddenly felt a heavy pressure and he fell to the floor flat helplessly.

"First mind your tone little aspirant , second i believe i was quite clear on your role when you met me last time." the being made it clear to alex that they were definitely not equals. "can i at least know why my loved ones were targeted instead of me?" alex asked with a teary expression. "geez you look like a kick puppy , fine if you must know you were a victim of your own success." the being answered calmly and waited for alex to process their words.

"See the sort of social changes you made in such a short time with your little ghira stunt need far more time to work normally. by speeding it up so much you basically ousted the people who refused to change which creates criminals. now most criminals thrive in chaos and fear so the state the world was in before you showed up was perfect. but when you were introduced globally as being the solution to the until then unsolvable grim problem those criminals saw you as a very big problem. add in a desperate powerful woman and suddenly those criminals know all about your loved ones and one thing lead to another until , snap , the boot fell." the being broke it down simply.

"You mean i could have avoided all of that with humility? with that prideful genetic combination?" alex asked with a bitter expression. the being laughed "i know right , that was totally unplanned by the way but damn if it wasn't entertaining watching you set up the domino chain you had already started." the being chuckled and a wave of indignant rage coursed through alex but he could only sigh powerlessly. "well since you proved so entertaining i'll send you to a whole different world , same deal with the system though."

"As an added bonus i'll even give you a unique kekkai genkai along with unlocking your chakra from birth as well as one extra thing of your choice , that's as much generosity as you'll get from me though." the being said trying to sound magnanimous. "could i choose one of my semblances?" alex asked resigned to his fate. "hmmm , i would need to rework it for the new power system but i suppose so." the being said after some thought. "i choose undying sun then." alex said thinking he was going to one up a R.O.B.

"Yeah no , that would be plain boring if killing you didn't stick in that world , good try though , choose again." the being shot that plan down immediately. "how about the upgraded version of sunlight body?" alex asked not expecting to actually get whatever that was. "the upgraded version of sunlight body , you mean celestial body?" The being asked calmly. alex looked hopeful "it sounds useful so , yes?" he said cautiously. "sure , you can have it since i was originally just gonna give you the original sunlight ability anyways because its needed for the system. basically you just asked for a double upgrade so good for you i guess." the being says with a shrug.

"Alrighty then , that seems to be everything , try to make this one just as entertaining as the last one." the being said and alex vanished from the hall. "i wonder if he noticed how much stronger his soul was this time?" it muttered curiously. alex went through the same process of being born again as before though this time both of his parents were definitely human. he didn't get a good look at them before the innate sleepiness of human newborns showed itself and he fell asleep.

When alex woke up again he found himself in a basket in front of a door. ' did i seriously get abandoned immediately?' alex thought incredulously. left with no choice alex cried out loudly getting the attention of the people inside the small stone building. the door opened and a fit man with black eyes and long black hair stared down at alex with a hard expression that softened when he saw alex. "it seems fate smiles upon you little one , my daughter was also born recently and will require a play mate when she grows up , get in here , we will be family from now on." the man says with a serious tone despite a small smile.


Forewarning this version of narutos world will be a bit different than the anime in mostly that narutos dad survived the kurama attack by using a different seal , his moms still dead though since all jinchuriki die after the Biju are removed.