Growing up again

Alex wondered how long they were going to stay here as it had already been several hours and two short naps worth of time. something seemed to change however when a tall man in a hot rod flame white and red coat entered the room. he had blue eyes and yellow spiky hair but what caught alex's attention was how everyone seemed to salute the man. a brief conversation with alex's new dad later and alex was being examined by the man who stared at alex with a curious expression.

Minato observed the baby boy who was according to the test done on him the most special newborn found in a long time but couldn't see anything unusual save the curious expression in the childs eyes. it was as if the child was observing him just like he was observing it but it seemed he bored the child as it closed its eyes and fell asleep immediately. "i trust you don't mind raising him as your own since you brought him in?" minato asked kaido who was a jonin of the village on leave due to his recently born child. "not at all lord fourth , it was actually my wife and i's plan originally since we thought our daughter may need a playmate." kaido answered honestly.

Kaido got a congratulations from the minato before he headed home with the newest addition to his family. nothing strange happened to alex after that though he did spend most of his time experimenting to control his chakra. six years passed in a flash as alex trained his control as well as played his his sister mai. alex had made great progress on his chakra control in this time as it no longer flowed unevenly or surged unexpectedly.

Alex had even discovered some interesting properties to the chakra as well , things such as being able to use the stuff to climb vertical surfaces as if they were flat. his mom had freaked out when she saw him crawling up the wall like a gecko when he was three as she refused to let him go for a whole hour afterwards. his dad gave him a proud look when he came home later that night though so alex figured it must be fairly normal. in alex's personal opinion however learning the common language was his biggest achievement in these few years though.

He still sounded childish when he spoke but at least he knew what people were saying most of the time. learning to write that language though was a pain for alex since the symbols were extremely strict in the shaping. alex had learned the hard way that the rob had a twisted sense of humor as when alex tried to get a book from the library it was in this worlds language. alex didn't get a starter kit again in this life but he did get a roulette ticket for updated wheel from his aspirant feat that seemed to transfer over for some odd reason.

Alex held on to the ticket for six whole years since he didn't want to risk messing up his body by increasing its burden to early. today was the day alex had decided to spin the wheel to see if he could get anything good. the wheel spun in its familiar manner for close to a minute before finally landing on yin affinity. what that meant in terms of abilities alex still didn't know as his parents had kept all ninja related information away from him. the library was no help before this point either since alex couldn't read the language.

The most obvious difference alex noticed after unlocking yin affinity was that his thinking was sharper and his memory improved greatly but that was it. alex decided to wait until he was alone to check the library for information. for the rest of the day though alex wanted to test if his training regime from remnant still worked here with chakra instead of aura. alex learned the hard way that chakra was vastly more powerful than aura with his regime as the motions caused his chakra points to open violently increasing his bodies strength.

This burst of chakra induced strengthening tore every muscle in alex's body at once at the end of a set. this led to alex collapsing like a puppet with its strings cut awkwardly until his whole photosynthesis strengthening thing kicked in. it was an unpleasant experience all thing's considered but alex still needed to test if this was a one off incident or if it was something that would happen with every rep. it was not as it turned out a constant problem after the first rep as all of the chakra points were already open so the chakra didn't flood his body like the first time.