Terrorizing children and sages

Minato was happy to see his teacher even if his visit was unexpected. "good to see you sensei , what can i do for you?" minato asked already familiar with his teachers ways. "i met the oddest child just earlier who looked more lost those who have seen war , was wondering what you know about it." Jiraiya said honestly. "let me guess dark red hair and eyes with a sort of permanent frown on his face?" minato asked surprising jiraiya. "so you do know who i mean , whats the story there?" he asked curiously.

Minato simply shook his head " no one knows , as far a i know he has been living with his adoptive family happily since he was a new born. yet the child is scarily powerful for his age and seems like an older soul in a extremely young body , one that has tasted serious loss." minato said honestly. jiraiya frowns " as odd as it seems stranger things have happened and it wouldn't surprise me if the boy really is an older soul since the second made that forbidden jutsu." he said seriously. "i got a report earlier from his academy teacher that he seemed to snap at a girl who wouldn't leave him be , apparently he directly pressured her with his immense chakra." minato said with a bothered expression.

"Assuming he is an older soul , you think he might have lost his love which left him bitter towards the world?" jiraiya theorized and minato nodded. "it would explain his strange behavior , i honestly have no clue how we would even go about helping someone like him though. we couldn't even help tsunade after nawaki and dan died." he said honestly. jiraiya frowned "the way i see it the kid needs a goal to distract him from his pain." he suggested.

Minato thought this was reasonable "but what could we motivate him with? he doesn't want to lead if his attitude is anything to go by and i think he realizes that it is only a matter of time before he become powerful so i'm at a loss." minato said seriously. "why not poke his pride a bit?" jiraiya asked casually. "i don't understand." minato said honestly. jiraiya laughed "it's simple really , i just have to make him chase after me until he forgets his pain , even if he will eventually reach my level it would take quite a while wouldn't it?" the man says with a grin.

The way jiraiya went about poking at alex's stubbornness was quite clever as he said that no one as weak as alex deserved to mope around in his presence. this was followed by jiraiya pinning alex underfoot and mocking him for acting like a spoiled child. the plan worked to as alex wanted nothing more than to beat the daylights out of jiraiya. alex didn't even realize it when the pain in his heart began to fade as his determination to smack jiraiya motivated him again.

This lead to a far more focused alex in his classes and training as he no longer glared at the girls gossiping about him. this meant alex now had totally different problems however as he had gone back to being apathetic towards everyone not in his circle , which was to say everyone. jiraiya had become far more alert than usual as alex had become creative in his attempts to punch the man in the face , with some attempts actually getting pretty close. it was funny really as everyone who knew of jiraiyas hobbies also knew that the man had become more secretive about them lest alex deck him.

Alex wasn't stupid as he had obviously figured out what jiraiya had done within a day but he also knew that it was for his own good and played along. alex had figured out how to use the most basic ninja arts of transformation , substitution and shadow clones within a week of being introduced to them. his personal favorite was the shadow clone jutsu as it allowed him to learn at an accelerated rate. alex's regime covered him as far as taijutsu was concerned as his chakra points had vanished within a month of training it.

The result of this was that he had become immune to most forms of chakra interruption since every cell in his body was flooded with his chakra. the unreleased chakra state gave alex the unique ability to cast ninjutsu from any part of his body. thanks to alex's ability to knead chakra without hand signs the class sparring sessions were nightmarish for the other students. alex's favorite move was using his advantage in taijutsu to approach before releasing fire from the surface of his body in an outward explosion. this attack was nearly impossible to dodge at close range and always forced his opponents to waste time retreating.