Various sage lands

"That is pretty cool , but how do you create the cloak?" alex asked calmly. the toad grinned "ya just got a exert ya mixed energy around ya body , the senjutsu aught ta do the rest." he said simply. alex did so and it was at this moment white and golden markings appeared on his face as his eyes changed to match them. a cloak made of white and golden fire appeared around alex with an eclipsed sun on the back. five dull black orbs also appeared rotating around alex's back like in an orbit.

The toad had wide eyes when he witnessed alex's cloak form and no one in the room could breath from the pressure his mere presence put on them. alex noticed this and purposefully restricted his energy letting everyone breath. "how do ya feel lad?" the toad asked excitedly. alex clenched his fist "i didn't grow stronger but it feels more concentrated , focused like i need only will it into action." alex said honestly. with but a thought one of the black orbs floated above his clenched hand at speeds that even minato had trouble following. "then there are these things that seem to be made of all the elements and yet none of them , it's odd." alex said studying the orb curiously.

"Looks like truth seeking orbs from ya description of em , the only known use of the things was rikudo sennin and his brother." the toad said in awe looking at the legendary ability. "despite being their master i can't figure out what they do besides change their shape." alex said turning the orb into various shapes from spikes to a shield. "according to the records they were hard to stop without power of the same type and they disintegrated anything they touched." the toad explained seriously.

"I take it there was more to the sage of six paths than just this right?" alex asked dispelling his cloak and orbs. the toad nodded "he had the ultimate dojutsu as well known as the rinnegan that gave him most of his abilities but little was actually known what they could do even after jiraiya boy here taught the newest wielder of them before he died." the toad said and jiraiya grimaced at the memory. "so you taught the most powerful dojutsu user alive and didn't recruit them for the village?" alex asked in disbelief.

Jiraiya shook his head "it wasn't that simple , they wanted to stay in the land of rain to overthrow hanso." he said defensively. "by the time i was free from the third war to got search for them i got a report that they died under an army of hanso's ninjas." jiraiya said with a saddened look. "did they go by some sort of name before they were killed , because there was rumor of a suspiciously powerful group of mercenaries when i was near the land of rain a couple years ago." alex asked having a suspicion that such a powerful dojutsu user wasn't likely to just keel over so easily.

Jiraiya looked surprised at the question than hopeful " i don't know , it's likely though what is the mercenary group called?" jiraiya asked seriously. "akatsuki , they apparently wear black cloaks with red clouds on them. i don't know much more than that since the place i was at was only near the edges of the border." alex explained calmly. jiraiya nodded "i'll look into it to see if my students had actually survived but i doubt it since they were an entire army." he said seriously.

Alex took the reverse summon to the toads mount myoboku to learn more about sages after that. the word of a world sage had somehow spread to the other sage lands as various representatives of each one can to the mountain to meet alex and invite him to their sage land. there were even a few sage lands that alex had never heard of unlike the legendary three. there was a monkey land , a dog land , a phoenix land , a salamander land and a wolverine land. three of the unknown lands had hints at their existence from those who summoned intelligent members of them such as kakashi hatake and the third hokage.

The sage races each had their own unique quirks that seemed to either align them with the other races or clashed with them. a good example of this was how the salamander and snake race got along great since they had similar quirks but the monkey and phoenix races clashed constantly only maintaining a low level of decorum in front of the other in respect to alex. in the end alex said he would visit each of their lands since he was sure each had something special they could teach him. this pleased each of the races pride without angering the others so after giving alex reverse summoning scrolls for their lands they left.