End of volume002(NARUTO)

The ticket turned to dust in alex's hands and in the air in front of him the naked for of himself when he was a faunus appeared before falling into somehow. the sage cloak on alex and the truth seeking orbs closed around him like a cocoon as his body began to transform. the energy in each of alex's cells tripled in an instant as the faunus body and his human body fused to create a far more powerful form. two wings grew from alex's back while his human eyes and ears were replaced with the faunus version that was even stronger thanks to the fusion.

His nails grew hard and sharp as he regained his claws while his teeth grew sharp as his fangs returned. the transformation didn't take long , at most an hour but when alex emerged from the sphere he was noticeably different. he had grown by a good three inches and all of his faunus features had returned but he noticed the innate pride of his body having been lessened greatly , his human bodies natural timidity had dulled the natural pride to a much more reasonable level.

The real surprise however was that the aura his body had on remnant had returned though he lacked any of the semblances he had like the body had been reset in that regard. he was fine with this since the chakra affinities were far more useful. speaking of the fusion of his faunus and human bodies had expanded the amount of room for energy that alex had in his body which was quickly flooded by chakra and natural energy. not restricting his energy had him physically moving the dirt under his foot and the air around him from the sheer weight of the energy rolling off of him.

He still had the reward for the casanova feat which he questioned was for him or the girls as it was aphrodisiac perfume. alex decided to go all the way with his upgrades by using the four roulette tickets as well. he got light release , fuin affinity , wood release and acid release from the spins two of which he was already familiar with , those being wood release and fuin affinity. alex thought it was funny how despite spinning the wheel multiple times in this world he hasn't gotten a single one of the dojutsu listed on the wheel.

Alex wasn't really complaining since most of the dojutsu had some sort of flaw from what he could tell and some of those flaws were just bad news. light release let alex bend the rays of light around him rendering him invisible as well as remove the glowing chemicals in the air such as neon along with shooting lasers from his hands. acid release filled alex with mixed feelings from his first life as it let him create acidic and base materials out of chakra. this sudden drastic change in power didn't go unnoticed by black zetsu who had been observing alex for the past week.

Black zetsu hated alex who had done the blasphemous act of preventing mother return but alex was far too powerful to attack. what was worse was that even the girls alex was clearly close to were at least at madaras level , and that was only the newest senju girl. the rest were easily above madaras level meaning that none of them were targets that could be captured or killed before that man reacted. what black zetsu wasn't aware of was that the moment alex fused with his faunus body his enhanced senses had pinpointed him immediately from his bad habit of talking to himself.

The moment black zetsu mentioned attacking the girls to get at him alex used his new space affinity to drag black zetsu in front of him. thanks to getting the affinity directly as a reward alex had an instant mastery of the element so zetsu was caught by surprise. the hidden parasite didn't even have time to escape as alex directly erased it with celestial release. after that alex back tracked the footprint obito's kamui created to bomb madara who was currently in the pocket dimension with obito killing both of them and destroying the rinnegan in their possession. thus alex changed the fate of the world drastically , filling the future with uncertainty , but none of that mattered to alex since he opened a world portal and left with the girls shortly afterwards.