Small world

Alex struggled with ottar for a good hour after that since while ottar was in this state he could shrug of weak magical attacks. added on to the massive spike in stats and alex was being pressured too much to use any of his large attacks. since neither of the two were trying to kill the other the more dangerous kekkai genkai such as toxin release and radiation release were off the table as well. "you win" alex said stopping ottar in his tracks. the man looked upset "why did you hold back?" he asked seriously surprising the audience.

"If i used any of the stuff i was holding back you would die and that wasn't the point of this duel." alex explained honestly. ottar looked confused "what do you mean?" he asked curiously. alex created a block of diamond. "you remember this stuff right?" he asked and ottar nodded. alex summoned a small wisp of celestial release and all ottar and the audience saw was a bright flash of white and the only thing where the block was is a steaming glass floor. ottars eyes went wide and he nodded seriously "it's a draw then , since you would kill me at full power." he said honestly and the world was in an uproar that the king of adventurers admitted a level six was his equal.

"Hey want to fly back , it's my personal opinion that it's a freeing experience." alex offered and ottar thought about it for a moment before nodding with a small grin. "alright." he said and alex grabbed him and took off into the sky. the divine transmission spell was ended and an emergency denatus meeting was called to give alex a new title after that. the only thing that was agreed on by the gods was that the new title needed to contain the word king.

Since ottar was the adventurer king alex as his equal needed an equal title hence why the word king was added. it took a few hours but the gods eventually settled on the name sage king since alex's magic was unrivaled as well as his unequaled sealing arts as well. alex and the girls thought the name was ironic due to alex actually being a sage in the naruto world. it wasn't all positive however as stupid amount of business familias wanted to use him as their poster idol for advertisement.

Much like when ottar first became the adventurer king alex rejected all of these offers as well as all of the adventurers seeking to apprentice under him again. the duel did wonders for alex's falna despite his new level six status and boosted his stats up to g rank. the news that the girls also reaching level six showed up a month later but by this point the whole of orario was pretty numb to the news about them. tsunade got another healing skill that set her pretty close to aermid in terms of healing ability. ruby , weiss and yang all got single target attack spells with their level ups.

Blake though got unique skill called beast gaze that let her inflict the status ailment fear on her target making them act irrationally. it wasn't a broken skill by any means but it was useful since it could be used on things stronger than her which alex could attest to. miach had not sold off the old building he started out in despite him moving to a larger nicer building. the reason for this was because he was a kind and simple god who merely wished to be of help with his medicines.

Alex and the group moved into the tower having bought out an entire floor between hephaestus and freya so people couldn't reach them so easily. floor whole floor was pretty empty originally until alex spent a whole two months working on his most powerful and complex seal yet. the seal created a massive pocket dimension that had its own sky and ground with a waterfall and lake as well almost seeming like a small pocket of paradise in the tower. there was a huge white stone building in the middle of the rolling plain that alex and the girls made their home in.

A few of the gods who didn't mind making the trip themselves to meet alex were beyond astonished at the sudden change of scenery after entering the floor. it was a seamless transition from the narrow stair way straight into the pocket dimension so they hadn't even noticed until they left the stairs. it was an eye opening event for these gods who knew that seals were limited only by skill level but hadn't thought a mortal would have perfect his art to such a degree. the floor was renamed sage king's small world after that event as the gods spread the news to other gods.