
When freya saw alex after he returned from the dungeon she noticed that his body was struggling to contain his now almost completely divine soul. she told him this and he figured out that the reason he didn't level up wasn't because he didn't have enough excelia but that the next step was ascension. it wasn't that odd when alex considered the things he got from the wheels , the rinnegan alone had dragged him very close to divinity thanks to the soul boost it gave. add on all of the semblances and affinities plus an extra two dojutsu from the same line as the rinnegan and it would be strange if alex wasn't on the brink of ascension.

Alex didn't ascend right away despite freya offering to give him the last push he needed to do so. according to freya it took most new gods at least twenty years to acclimate to the new state of existence. this was unacceptable for alex since he would miss out on all of his children's early life if he did that. alex simply spent his time teaching his children as they grew while spending time with his wives.

This lasted until each of his children reached the age of sixteen and were considered adults. it was a huge deal when a new god was born as all of the gods in the world gathered in orario as the date alex announced for his ascension drew near. the gods had a sort of ceremony were they would circle around alex before releasing their divinity simultaneously. the sudden flood of arcaenum pushed alex over the edge were his skin began to glow and burn as a pillar of arcaenum erupted from him as his soul full sublimated.

It was an unusual experience for alex when he arrived in heaven or at the very least the place the gods called heaven. he had no form at all like a strange blob of pure energy that he needed to understand how to shape. it was similar to learning how to walk again he thought as he worked his new form. it didn't surprise alex at all when a familiar male figure approached him in heaven. "you know i honestly figured it would take you longer to get to this point , then again your luck was horribly good to get all of the things you did in the order you did." the blonde god said with a smirk.

Now that he had an example of what he needed to do alex quickly figured out how to shift his form into his divine humanoid form. it didn't look much different than it did before he ascended just more perfect which was a thing all gods had. "where are the other two , figured they would show up first?" alex asked the being who started his journey to this point. "they were worried you might still be sore from them killing you and all that." the being said while sitting on a chair that showed up from nowhere.

"So what now?" alex asked doing the same as the being and taking a seat. "now you get to enjoy being a god for a few decade before boredom sets in and you either follow my path and create more reincarnaters. or you could create your own world like those two and play with the life that pops up. there is also the other gods hobby of descending into mortal forms and creating familias that you could do. it's entirely up to you what happens from here , personally i think reincarnaters are the best option since it perpetuates the cycle in an interesting way." the being explained calmly.


Okay , before anyone starts getting all angry at me for the way the story ended please remember that the actual wheel of option he could draw from is what i write based on. this meant that i was left with very little to actually write for his improvement once he got three otsutsuki dojutsu. alex was literally so filled with various powers and abilities that he was impossible to create challenges for anymore. the only thing alex had left really was godhood so i just bit the bullet and wrote it out.