
"Do I really have to go? I mean…it's just something to celebrate the 6th year I have been existing…Sigh…this is probably going to be lame. The only good thing is that my sisters are going to be there and Shui Ling…but on the other hand…them…"

A hateful glare can be seen on Little Hei's face as he remembers who else might be on the guest list for his dreaded Birthday Party. He rubs his chin a bit as he continues to float on his black stone throne in the air. "Ren, I might need assist…no bother…This is seriously unnecessary."

Ren looks on Hei in a very suspicious manner but remains silent. In his mind, he silently ponders, "Does master want me to create a ruckus outside to possibly let the party get canceled? Master seems to be slightly distressed about this party and his emotions are unusually unstable. While faint, I am able to sense it clearly. More than likely, everyone else should be able to sense this. I wonder who will willingly go disrupt the party…I would love to though."

Hei slowly gets up and stands in the air. He nods as he looks on his subjects as he begins to slowly fade out of existence. A feeling of tiredness and slight rigidness assails Little Hei's body as he finally returns to this world. He is suddenly gifted with a wonderful fragrance that leaves him a bit dazed.

"Flowers… Shui Ling covered me in flowers…I wonder why she is always so nice to me. Must be her mother forcing her to develop a good relationship with me, hoping for an alliance with us….cheeky little witch. Mother would be quite disappointed to hear my thoughts right now but Shu said the hearts of humans are more toxic than any plant or animal."

Hei slowly stretches and yawns a bit as he gets up. If he was a high leveled cultivator, by now, he would notice that a pair of silent eyes is currently observing him. A simple looking black cat with bright yellow eyes and sharp slits wiggles its tail and stares at his back as he walks off towards his pavilion.

The cat utters in a gentle voice, "So you're Hei huh? You're very interesting. The feeling I get from you is not a little human boy but more of little void. Normal humans would have a feeling of simply being weak but you…hehehe, you're different. You'll definitely be of help to my cause. After all, without someone like you, my plans have no chance of success."

The cat then slowly walks off while saying meow a few times, trying to look natural. But then it slowly notices no one is around. "Tsk!"

Hei continues to walk away from the cherry blossom trees as he ponders if he should 'fall asleep' at the party or simply hide. While the prior is a seemingly decent excuse, the latter is definitely not the best of ideas since persons can always try scanning the area with their senses until they pick up on him.

However, if he falls asleep, he will not be able to fulfill his little sisters' desires to have a birthday party and probably more importantly, he will not get to look on Shui Ling for some time. As he walks, a faint sound of the Zither can be heard along with faint chatter.

Upon looking towards his pavilion, he notices the front is decorated with many lucky ornaments and colorful flowers. This makes him shiver a bit as a sudden feeling of gloom washes over his body. "I can't believe that my Black Night Pavilion looks so…ugh… sisters are running towards me."

Hei slowly covers his head with the hood of his cloak and continues to walk slowly. Liu Bai and Liu Fei Hong stops in front of him breathless as they simultaneously shout, "Big Brother Hei!" He slowly stops and puts both his hands out from under his black cloak and rubs their heads gently.

Both girls smile in a silly manner as he rubs their heads. Liu Bai asks in a somewhat unsure voice, "Big Brother Hei…can you please come to the Birthday's for all of us...please!" Liu Fei Hong nods vigorously, "Please Big Brother Hei, please come, all our friends are here." He nods slightly. Both girls shout 'hurray' as they hold both his arms which are under his cloak and begin excitedly pulling him towards the party area.

The more he walks and the more decorations he sees, the more his gloominess invades his heart. Even his footsteps seem a bit weaker and his breathing faintly increased by a bit. When he enters the middle area of the pavilion, a chilling feeling suddenly crawls up his spine as he stares in shock.

His entire pavilion is currently covered in pink and white along with many flowers and cute little ornaments of birds and bees. He gulps as a feeling of complete and utter despair washes him over. While on the outside, he seems quite normal, on the inside he explodes in sadness and shock, "My Pavilion! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! WHY!? WHY!? You…you 2….RUINED IT! WHY?! It will never be the same again…NEVER! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

As he is there having a silent tantrum, he doesn't realize that his parents are currently observing him along with a few more adults who all have a child with them. The sound of the zither slowly comes to a stop as someone announces, "the Young Misses and the Young Master are all here now. The guests are Wang Heavenly Astral Clan's Clan Leader Wang Taizong and Young Master Wang Xuanzong."

Everyone looks on a middle aged man dressed in a white robe adorned with beautiful gold inscriptions that constantly move in a mesmerizing manner. He has a gold crown made from actual inscriptions gently resting on his pure gold hair. His gentle and fair looks along with his calm and friendly appearance makes him look more like someone who is famous with the ladies.

His green eyes look like a sky of pure green. Furthermore, he gives off a righteous and superior aura like a king of a large territory. A young child around the same height as Hei with a similar cloak and similar facial appearance stands beside him.

The child is dressed in a white cloak with royal blue inscriptions moving on it. A crown is also adorned on his head which is blue and gold that shines resplendently but not as bright as his father's. While he looks similar to his father, a faint look of arrogance and haughtiness can be seen on his face. His smile looks fake and filled with mockery as he gazes at where the hidden face of Hei should be.

The announcer continues, "Feng Heavenly Astral Clan's Clan Leader Feng Wudao and Young Master Feng Wuji." The attention is then turned to a middle aged man dressed in a simple yellow changshan with a calm but sharp look on his face. His hair gently flutters in the wind as his eyes give off sharpness similar to the wind of sword.

A young boy dressed in yellow too with a simple but kind smile looks towards Hei and his sisters as he nods kindly. "Mo Heavenly Astral Clan's Clan Leader Mo Ping and Young Master Mo Lin," the attentions of the others turn to another person who is actually dressed in a grey cloak that covers all body parts.

Only a pair of sinister looking red eyes can be seen slightly glowing under that cloak. A young child stands beside the person who is also fully covered and similar has a pair of evil looking red eyes slightly glowing under the cloak.

They both seem to not give off much of an aura like assassins ready to take a life. Coldness can be felt from those evil looking eyes which could probably have the average person fearing for their life with only a single glance.

"Shui Heavenly Astral Clan's Clan Leader Shui Meixiang and Young Miss Shui Ling," a beautiful young woman with ample and high rising peaks, a graciously blessed and beautiful face and light blue, long and smooth hair wearing a gently fluttering bright blue dress calmly smiles as she stares on Hei.

A young girl who looks awfully similar to Shui Meixiang except in height can be seen smilingly happily as she also looks on Hei. A single black flower can be seen in her hair. It has a single character which seems to be 'Hei' written on it. She waves and sticks out her tongue at him in a silly manner.

This causes Liu Bai and Liu Fei Hong to have slightly weird expressions on their face and many elders slightly furrow their brows upon seeing this playing out. This is especially so for Zhu Hong'er who looks suspiciously at the little girl but then smiles after.

Liu Tian looks calmly at Shui Meixiang with a blank look but he maintains that look for a seemingly long time in any woman's eyes. This causes her to smile happily at him and winks at him. This makes Zhu Hong'er have a slightly unsightly look as many persons now have a look on interest as they look on the Shui Heavenly Astral Clan's members.

"Zong Heavenly Astral Clan's Clan Leader Zong Wuhen and Young Miss Zong Baihe," many eyes gaze towards the pair. A middle aged man with a stern and rugged face can be seen dressed in dark brown battle armor.

The edges of the armor give off a slight twinkle of light as a strong battle spirit can be felt from him as he stares straight at Liu Tian then shifts his gaze to Wang Taizong. A little girl with a smooth and soft looking face dressed in a feminine and soft brown armor can be seen with a serious expression on her face.

She looks at both Liu Fei Hong and Liu Bai sternly, disdainfully looks at Hei and then looks at Shui Ling with an even more serious expression. A faint battle can be felt from her cute little child eyes. "Zhu Heavenly Astral Clan's Clan Leader Zhu Tianxuan, Young Lady Zhu Qianxue and Young Miss Wang Lanyue," Zhu Hong'er looks quickly to the guests as a slight happiness can be seen in her eyes.

Beside Zhu Tianxuan a beautiful girl who looks similar to Zhu Hong'er except her chest being much bigger than hers and a slightly seductive and proud look is plastered on her face. She is currently in a tightly fitting red dress which is barely passable as 'appropriate for the setting' that further attenuates her curves.

She nods slightly at her sister and brother-in-law and then looks on her little nieces and nephews with a smile. The little girl beside her looks nothing like Zhu Qianxue. Instead, it could be said that she looks a bit similar to Wang Xuanzong. Her hair is actually golden and she is dressed in a golden dressed adorned with a vermillion bird covered in inscriptions.

Her face seems a bit gentle but a somewhat arrogant look can be seen in her eyes. She disregards Hei completely as she looks on Liu Bai and Liu Fei Hong with a somewhat interested look but not in a good way. She then casually looks on her aunt and uncle-in-law and bows slightly.

Zhu Hong'er looks a bit depressed as she sees this but smiles and nods at her. However, Liu Tian is actually not looking on them but is instead glancing around the room, especially towards a certain member of the Shui Heavenly Astral Clan.

As the announcer finishes the naming of guest, he suddenly has a looked expression then bows. "I greet the Clan Leader." The calm looking Liu Xuanhong slowly walks in while nodding. He gestures for him to rise as he lifts his hand up signaling to everyone that he doesn't need any politeness.

He slowly looks on his grandchildren and then rubs the 2 girl's heads gently. Then, he looks to Hei like his a bit hesitant. He seems to be unsure of what to do. Fortunately, Hei saves his face by removing his hooded cape. His grandfather smiles a bit and rubs his head.

"Happy Birthday to you 3. You 3 will definitely enjoy this party." Everyone should relax, let the kids do what they want as us old and middle aged people stay to the side. After all, I have some interesting news. He walks off as the various Clan Leaders and other adults follow him.

Hei covers his head again with the hood of his cloak as the zither begins playing again as many maids walk in and place various fruits, meats and other delicacies on the center table. Liu Bai and Liu Fei Hong begin inviting the various kids their age to have a seat and help themselves to anything they want. Only Hei simply sits to the side and looks on the persons playing the zither. He seems to be listening to the music attentively.

Many persons begin taking various gifts and handing them over to Bai and Fei Hong who happily accept them. As each person does this, only one person seems to miss this. At this point, the other children notice that Shui Ling is currently slowly sneaking towards Hei.

She arrives behind him and hugs him from behind and says in a kind and cute voice, "Liu Hei, you like music? Why not sit and eat while I give you my birthday present? It's gonna be fun! Also, did you like my first present that I gave you earlier? It was cute wasn't it?"

Hei remains silent as he pretends to not hear her. She doesn't seem to be bothered by this as she smiles while hugging him same way. "Liu Hei, let's go eat. You need nourishment to grow big and strong to protect Little Sister Shui Ling or else I might get bullied!" Hei slowly gets up and Shui Ling jumps on his back. She slowly pulls off his hood and rests her head on his.

"Onwards to the table, we should have something to eat." A weird look can be seen on Fei Hong and Bai's faces but they quickly recover. However, an unsightly look can be seen on Wang Xuanzong's face. A look of pure maliciousness and jealousy can be seen clearly on his face.

Hei slowly walks over to the table with an expressionless look on his face but in his mind he is actually observing and analyzing everything. "This Shui Ling…she always does weird things and treats me too well. Wait…Wang Xuanzong! That bastard, look at how he is looking at me…I am gonna…Wang Xuanzong. Oh, Feng Lin is here. He is cool. Everyone is okay except that little…huh? What is he doing?"

Wang Xuanzong slowly gets up off his chair. He wipes a bit of juice off his lips as he slowly announces in a rage filled voice, "Shui Ling, get off that black haired bastard's back! Liu Hei, not because it's your birthday you think I want discipline you like the little subject you are?!"