6 Years Ago

Hei stands there calmly without even batting an eye towards the ones he 'tossed'. Instead, he looks towards his mother and father and dully states, "When will you both get them scram? Should I do it myself as someone who barely has unlocked my bloodlines and haven't even started cultivating?"

Liu Tian and Zhu Hong'er instantly gain a face of utter shock while everyone looks dumfounded. "What? That wasn't your entire bloodline? Wait…Bloodlines!? Little Hei…what are you saying?" Zhu Hong'er barely manages to keep a calm face of an adult facing her own child who is merely 6 years old today. Liu Tian looks with suspicion but a slight look of expectation can be seen in his eyes.

"Heavenly Cataclysmic Thunder and Heavenly Inferno Flame Bloodlines are both in my possession. I have only awakened a mere 10% of its strength which I am currently using." Hei calmly states but in his mind, "10% should be enough. It would be quite strange if I said it was only actually 5%."

Everyone's eyes actually become saucers as they stare on the jet black armor with terrifying black lightning twisting and turning like snakes in den and fluttering black flames giving off visible black heat like the miasma of a swamp of death.

Liu Xuanhong sighs slightly. With a firm but gentle voice, he looks to Zhu Qianxue, "Maybe it's time you departed with little Wang Lanyue. Hong'er and Tianxuan would have less to argue about with you in that manner."

He then slowly turns to Wang Taizong with an expressionless look on his face but in his eyes, lightning can be seen flickering in his eyes, "You scram back you little kid. Don't think because your father handed down the position of Clan Leader to you makes you the match of the Liu Heavenly Astral Clan. Don't take our current low key behavior as begin afraid of anyone. I will pay your clan a visit soon enough with some of my 'gentler' clan members."

A cold breath of air is sucked in by the spectators from other clans as a single thought runs through their minds, "12 Thunderous Demons". A shiver can be felt on their scalps as they remember the horrible rumors of those 12 old monsters.

Wang Taizong glares at Liu Xuanhong and then looks at Liu Tian with pure hate and rage. "You father and son duo…You're both alike alright! Arrogance that knows no bounds, staying all 'silent' like you're mysterious when you're just little arrogant pricks! Yes, I admit, I came here looking trouble with you Liu Tian and your clan because I still want to hear how my brother died!"

A hateful glow of light can be seen in Wang Taizong's eyes while a sudden air of sadness can be seen on Zhu Qianxue's face.

Liu Tian looks away with a slightly unsightly expression. It can be seen that he really is against bringing up that situation. A gentle and feminine laugh can be heard which seems untimely due to the nature of the situation.

"Forgive this little one to get involved with your family matters but I can clear this up. Sorry Tian Dear but I have to since I know you want actually say a word about this." Shui Meixiang says in a teasing voice.

This causes looks of interest to fall on many people's faces and a look of surprise, anger and confusion plants itself on the face of Zhu Hong'er. Liu Tian opens his eyes wide and stares at her with a look of obvious pleading. She shakes her head and sighs a bit. "It's for the best that everything is cleared up.

Shui Ling takes a deep breath, "6 years ago, a secret realm was discovered by my Shui Heavenly Astral Clan. At that time, I invited a few experts who included Wang Taikong, Liu Tian and Zhu Qianxue. I also invited Zhu Hong'er but was refused due to 'family matters' and Wang Taizong but was told he was cultivating and was at a crucial breakthrough point.

With just 4 of us, we decided to explore this secret realm." Most persons from the older generation have a look of knowing as this seems to be general knowledge. However, the children seem to be listening very keenly as this doesn't seem like a story they were told about at all.

She continues, "Arrival was actually quite easily but we noticed that the entrance actually disappeared. Furthermore, space and time seemed rather distorted. However, this wasn't much for us to worry about us. What was more shocking", a faint laugh can be heard as she builds up suspense.

"The realm slowly started to become riled up. You're probably wondering what I mean. It's simple really. Space and time became more distorted; the air became erratic, Astral Essence began to randomly move about and get summoned to a specific point. This was when Wang Taikong, your good for nothing big brother decided to be stupid enough to rush there." Shui Meixiang looks on Wang Taizong who has an expression of anger and confusion.

"That's right; we never told you many things to save the face of your clan. Upon running forward randomly, a certain wife of his naturally followed. I wanted to stay put but ended up having to go since Tian Dear decided to follow to save his little witch's sister…oops, I mean his wife's sister."

Zhu Hong'er immediately looks at Shui Meixiang with anger and hate upon hearing the words constantly being uttered about 'Tian Dear' and calling her a witch.

"The greedy bastard Wang Taikong hurriedly tries to reach the source attracting the Astral Essence thinking it was some sort of heavenly treasure being birth. Unfortunately, he was totally wrong. Instead, it was actually a terrifying demon trying to break a seal. Not just any kind of demon but one not even my Shui Heavenly Astral Clan's ancient records have any information on."

"The demon looked humanoid but at the same time, seemed rather beast like. Upon looking at it, one would think it's more of a humanoid beast than a demon. But when we felt its aura, we clearly realized that it was definitely no beast at all and was a full fledge demon of pure destruction and carnage."

"It's baleful aura was strong enough to suppress all of us easily. What makes it worse was that the seal holding it back was almost broken. We thought such an ancient being would have lost its intelligence after being sealed for so long but we were mistaken. It actually spoke."

"Humans huh? Want to help ancestor out of here? If you do, I will bestow you all with various gifts only I could give."

She shakes her head as she remembers that sweet and intoxicatingly manly voice which could bewitch the souls of maidens. "I never knew such a monstrous looking being, those 3 curved horns that were arranged in a triangle on his head, oxen like body and a face which looked more beast-like than human."

"Zhu Qianxue, does this sound familiar? I bet you're confused…I wonder why? After all, you did suffer quite a lot from that scene so I wouldn't be surprised if you sealed those memories away." A look of shock and pain can be seen on Zhu Qianxue's face as she holds her head and closes her eyes. She shivers uncontrollably and screams, "Stop it! No more! Please!"

Shui Meixiang giggles a bit, "I take that as a yes." "The demon scanned us all. When it looked at me, it gave a slight smile then shifted its gaze. When it looked at Zhu Qianxue, it smirked. When it looked at Liu Tian, it frowned."

"However, when it looked to Wang Taikong, it smiled 'resplendently' but now that I remember that smile, it looked like a demon who found its perfect target. It seemed to have realized something from each of our eyes…our thoughts were easily seen through. It knew I only had curiosity towards it but wasn't that interested and was more cautious."

"It clearly saw Zhu Qianxue's adoration of Wang Taizong and it saw the unwavering heart of Tian Dear. Finally, it saw the thirst for power no matter what and greed that knew no bounds. It looked deep in his eyes and said," "What's your name kid? You look like a friend of mines. A kid I once bestowed a gift. What was his name again? Wang something…"

The words of the demon caught us all off guard and definitely made Wang Taikong trust him instantly. The fool thought the demon knew his ancestor and was friends. Too bad he was just blinded by greed."

"The demon instructed him on how to break the seal using very complex astral inscriptions. He was about to start when I attacked him instantly since that was very foolish. Zhu Qianxue got involved too and Tian Dear ended up rescuing me who was pregnant at the time."

"After all, he wouldn't let the child and wife of his sworn brother die. Both Zhu Qianxue and Wang Taikong fought everything they had, against Tian Dear while he remained by himself, fearing I would get hurt. I remember those heart stirring words uttered by Tian Dear…the first time I heard him talk so clearly," "I will protect you Shui Meixiang no matter what." "Only my late husband has made me feel so safe with mere words."

Hei looks with curiosity at his father and thinks, "Father is quite famous with the ladies it seems. I wonder if he did anything with her…Hopefully he did. I bet he did it with other women too secretly. Being silent really is the best. Hehehe, father is a silent player."

Zhu Hong'er looks on Shui Meixiang with a glare filled with killing intent. If looks could kill, Shui Meixiang would have no chance of reincarnation. Shui Meixiang laughs a bit and nods to Liu Tian, "He stole my widowed heart instantly. While he should not have been able to protect me against those 2 without letting the slightest of energy ripple towards me, he managed to accomplish it."

"But we played right into the demon's trap. The clashing constantly weakened the seal on the outside while the demon gathered its strength and slowly broke the ancient seal placed on it. Right as Liu Tian defeated Wang Taikong, it suddenly laughed and broke the seal."

"Naturally the idiot Wang Taikong was exasperated at his defeat but seeing the demon being freed, he was elated." "Ancestor Demon, please help this junior to exterminate these people. They obviously never wanted to help you." "Oh sure, why not? After all, you're 'His' descendant. Come to my side. I will deal with them so do not worry." A look of shock and pain can be seen on Wang Taizong's face as he thinks of the possible words about to be said by Shui Meixiang.

"The fool obviously went to the demon's side. It simply grabbed him by the neck and smiled menacingly." "What an idiotic human. Humans really are the dumbest of all the races. Not only are you lot greedy but you're dumb."

"That combination is really the worst. Also, I could hear you address each other by name. Isn't that right Shui Meixiang? Liu Tian it was huh? You're not bad. You're the one fit to cultivate. That Zhu Qianxue is too blind to even reach anywhere significant."

"Now you all will become nourishment for my strength has waned significantly." "The demon just…devoured him…he disappeared in the blink of an eye. Not even his clothes remained. It then proceeded to attack. Again, Liu Tian fought but this time, it was a one sided battle not in his favor. This demon's laws, battle experience, aura and overall tactics were of a level we had no way of comparing to."

Zhu Hong'er angrily states, "Witch named Shui, hurry and tell the story and stop acting all mysterious. You think you're a story writer?" Shui Meixiang doesn't seem angered at all by this. She looks to Liu Tian and smiles happily, "You want to say what happened next or should I?"

Liu Tian sighs sadly and slowly nods, "The fight continued for a long while. No matter what I tried, the demon easily countered me. Its physical parameters were abnormal and its cunningness was even more abnormal. But it seemed to be training me as the more I fought, the more I realized many things. It continued to toy with me until I was utterly powerless. All my astral essence was reduced to nothing from pure exhaustion. It then looked at Zhu Qianxue and knocked her out."

"Liu Tian shakes his head with a slightly pained expression. "It proceeded to torture me…in ways I wish not to repeat. When I was on the brink of death, it healed me…then repeated the process over and over again. Surprisingly, my body's strength continued to rise and my bloodline slowly underwent changes I could clearly feel."

"It felt like my bloodline was gathering strength constantly from being baptized. Then, my Astral Spirit appeared and starlight began falling on my body which made my bloodline actually evolve and gained a new ability. The demon then passed on a skill to me and said,"

"I will consider this a slight repayment for freeing me child of Liu. Furthermore, since your ancestor actually impressed me once, I will consider this karma with your bloodline again. That little Wang idiot though, I never met anyone with that name but I do remember a little boy who once stood up to me with the tiniest of strength and with an unwavering heart, tried his best to defeat me."

"It seems you little Liu humans are all like that. Tsk Tsk, I am too lenient towards humans. See you all around." "Then it just vanished. We checked the entire realm and found nothing of use. Shui Meixiang suggested keeping this a secret since when Zhu Qianxue woke up, she barely had any memories of what happened. Another thing to note is that once the demon disappeared, the realm started to collapse and it was much easier to escape. Thus, we left and kept this between us."

Zhu Qianxue begins crying as she slowly remembers the experiences she shoved to the back of her mind to the point of completely forgetting them in an attempt to avoid the emotions which they carry. Wang Taizong looks on Liu Tian and Shui Meixiang in shock and slowly and sadly states, "Thank you both for telling me what happened. I feel much better now and no grievances anymore, okay?"

Both Liu Tian and Shui Meixiang nods in approval. But then he angrily glares and hatefully says, "Both you bitches think I really meant that?! Unbelievable! You 2 are garbage who was spared by a demon! An ancient enemy of our race and you actually sound like you benefited! This story is bullshit! I now suspect the Liu Heavenly Astral Clan is actually related to demons! No wonder that demon of a child could exist!"

He angrily points at Liu Hei and nods maniacally. "He's a demon! No wonder he is so monstrous! Abomination I tell you! Your daddy here thinks you both will die by heavenly water and lightning from your ancestors!"

Hei shakes his head and calmly says, "You're really a disgrace. You think I am a demon? Even if I was a demon, do you think you have the capital to criticize my clan, parents and myself? You're sadly mistaken."

"Just because you look like a retarded little clown that is angry for nothing, you try to make rubbish up to hide it. You do not even have the slightest of shame and is unable to be a true man and acknowledge how much face was preserved for you."

Just as Liu Xuanhong is about to interject, Hei puts a hand up and stops him. "Fine, since you want to try to demonize my clan, then I will pay your clan a visit with a few friends of mines. Don't go regretting when that day arrives trash Wang."