I'm Leaving

Liu Hei slowly turns to his grandfather with a look of appreciation. "Thank you grandfather…" He nods with a slight smile. Zhu Hong'er rubs her son's head and pinches his cheeks.

"I have a question for you as well. I want to know, do you like Shui Ling?"

Her kind and caring voice rings out with no anger or disgust as she poses her simple question to Hei. This makes him look in suspicion. "No…" Replying almost immediately, Hei shots down that idea of being with someone from that clan after hearing the tragic story of the uncle he never knew about until today.

"That's good, I am glad to hear that. I am relieved, or that would really make things difficult for your fiancé." The adults all sigh in relief that Hei is actually not interested in a possible evil witch. Liu Tian nods and says, "Yes, promises should be upheld…"

Liu Xuanhong angrily states, "You two speak like it's a simple matter. You think that he can simply marry that monster's child and let everyone know about it? Ludicrous! You children really are a match made in heaven…Both of you are damn burdens." Liu Xuanhong's face reddens from anger as he berates the 2.

"He is right; you both really shouldn't speak to lightly of it. I know you both care for your son and marriage is something wonderful but…it's not so simple and you both know that." Zhu Hong'er expression slightly changes to one of anxiousness.

"But…father…it's just that I did not know…" Zhu Tianxuan interjects instantly, "Quiet Hong'er, not the time for your attempts of getting on someone's good side after you screwed up. This is serious. Sigh, you're still just a child."

"Uhm… is someone going to…explain to me what exactly is going on here?" "NO!" The synchronized voices of the 4 adults bolt through the entire pavilion instantly." This makes Hei frown as his ears ring from the impact.

"I mean…you do not need to know as yet. You have many things you have to take care of. Just let mother and father deal with this, alright? After all, it is our…well, my fault…" Zhu Hong'er gently answers Hei but in her tone, a faint sense of crisis can be felt.

Hei looks on her without the slightest bit of anger or sadness. He simply gets up and walks off calmly. Based on the direction he is headed, it seems to be towards the interior of the pavilion.

A frown covers the faces of the adults present as they unanimously say, "Insolence" with a clear tone. Liu Xuanhong solemnly states, "Little Hei, we know you are talented and your future is bright but you are being very disrespectful right now."

"Little Hei, apologize to your grandfathers. While walking away from your parents, at least you could show respect to your grandparents who are both clan leaders. Furthermore, we are your elders, don't you think it is inappropriate for you to simply get up and walk away?"

Hei simply stops and turns around. Within his eyes, a stillness and utter calm can be seen. His face seems like ice in winter as he emotionlessly looks on his family members. He slowly says, "What did you do that will affect me?"

Liu Tian finally says with a firm voice, "That is your mother you are speaking to. As a child, you are expected to be respectful to your elders."

Hei looks on him without any care as he unhurriedly nods. "I believe that you all are up to something suspicious. I hate suspicious, it never goes well for me with suspicious actions."

A sour feeling appears in Hei's stomach as he remembers the 'kindness and playfulness in Shui Ling's every actions and voice. The thought of being secretly plotted against cannot help but appear in his mind as he remembers that he was always told from a tender age to never trust the 'human heart'.

For some reason, he gets the feeling that some bad situation is in the midst of getting worse. He remembers that black cat which also deceived him with marriage which further irritates him. "This marriage thing again, is it that the heavens want to play a game with me and this marriage crap?" They all look on Liu Hei with a bit of anger and sadness.

"That does not give you the right to be disrespectful. Apologize now Little Hei." Liu Tian sternly replies without the least bit of hesitation. "You're all behaving suspiciously. Based on analysis, you all wanted to find out what makes me 'special'. Furthermore, you took great lengths to explain many 'important' things to me."

"All of this seems quite suspicious. Even how father apparently was 'careless' in not setting up a barrier but never sensed the appearance of you all. I cannot help but think that this thing you want to hide from me is actually something that you want to use to bribe me into tell you some 'secrets' of mine."

They look on Hei with eyes as round as a ball. Hei continues without the least bit of kindness, "Therefore, the real reason you're all here is to conveniently find out something about me to help with your current plans. Plotting against me? I was raised well by many intelligent and highly loyal persons. Traits you all apparently are lacking."

"You…" Zhu Tianxuan angrily shivers as he is unable to hold his anger anymore. "You're going too far now. Don't let a simple feat of beating those littler juniors bring out a bit of pride and more so, arrogance! Do not forget that you haven't started cultivating yet! Furthermore, you would still need an additional 10 million years to reach my level! Don't you dare get fresh with us!"

Hei nods a bit in 'agreement' but in truth, brings across the feeling of pure mockery to his grandfather's words. "Then punish me, why don't you kick me from your clans? Wipe away all relations with me right now. Do you dare?"

Liu Tian and Zhu Hong'er simultaneously gasp in shock and dread. Both Liu Xuanhong and Zhu Tianxuan sharply look on Hei. Zhu Hong'er hurriedly says, "Father…Father Liu…Little Hei never meant that…" "I did", Hei sharply rejects his mother's protection.

She furiously glares at him, "Be quiet!" "Nope, I never spoke all those times because I didn't have a need to. Now I will wag my tongue all I want hehehe."

Hei playfully replies which almost make his elders to vomit blood from anger. "I said it before, do you both dare? Either you all explain to me what happened or expel me because I will never acknowledge schemers towards their own kin as relatives of I, Hei."

They all remain silent as they stare at Hei. It seems like they are thinking as they observe him with anger apparent on their faces. Hei thinks to himself, "You four think you can shamelessly scheme against your kin? Pah! Not gonna happen to me again."

"Furthermore, I might as well sneak out some clan resources and then leave. Seems I will have to leave the clan prematurely. How I will survive is unknown but whatever. It seems they are communicating telepathically. Ren, since they know you already, prepare to appear in case of anything."

"Yes Master!" Ren immediately replies with a bit of excitement. An evil and sinisterly dark intent can be felt from that 'Yes Master' as his 'handsome smile' gets wider.

Zhu Hong'er is unable to hold it anymore and sighs a bit. "It's my fault. The thing is, I may or may not have gambled…all 3 of your fate…"

Hei looks on her with a cold gaze as he listens to what she has to say. "I really do not want to explain it in full detail so I will…give the shortened version. I gambled my 3 children with a bet to uphold the honor of my clan…I was tricked and now, my 3 children are going to have to marry into the Zong Heavenly Astral Clan…That Zong Wuhen tricked me and I was stupid enough to fall for it."

"He asked to duel me and taunted me into accepting. Who knew he had a small breakthrough in cultivation and would manage to barely defeat me? Our wager was that he would give up his daughter and 2 others from his clan to marry into any clan of my choosing and I had to have an equal bet…"

"His clan members are all battle freaks and they will fight not only physically but mentally, socially and in any other manner they can. They are always plotting and trying to fight the other clans and they actually defeated me thoroughly with their plan. Your mother is really useless…"

Hei listens to his mother with the same ice cold expression on his face. Even when she finished, he still doesn't utter a single world. He steadily closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. This makes Zhu Hong'er feel even guiltier as she quietly sobs.

"What is worse is that if we refuse to keep up our end of the bargain, the Zong Heavenly Astral Clan will simply use the rule that bounds us all as Heavenly Astral Clans, the ancient rule of 'No Break, No Take'. This rule makes us unable to go back on our promises which are made official with a signing of blood from the clan members."

"If we do, then the balance of randomly attacking a clan to take their possessions will take place. Do not break the rules of an agreement if you do not want others to forcefully take your possessions."

Hei slowly reveals a soft smile. "Mother, do not worry. I understand everything now. The reason you guys tried to scheme against me was to possibly find out about my secrets in hope that it would not only be known by the Zong Heavenly Astral Clan."

"Furthermore, if I was to be forced against the clan, you guys would have my counter. You guys could have just told me the exact nature of situation. I forgive you. Don't you worry; your son will do what is necessary to help you. Help me get a few things then mother. I will show you all exactly how my power works. That's why I asked for a few things from father before."

Liu Tian looks on Hei suspicion in his eyes for a brief moment then it goes back to normal. While Hei was looking on his mother the entire time he was speaking, he was actually secretly monitoring the expressions of the others.

This slight look of suspicion does not miss him at all. "The reason I asked for things to strengthen my body and help to slowly understand my bloodlines more is because I wanted you all to see what it was like after I started."

"My experience is lacking unlike my elders…I am sorry I never said it earlier and I am very sorry I disrespected you all…it's just that I never wanted to be left out on the information because I want to help my clans." Hei sincerely speaks from the bottom of his heart as he bows in respect.

"Get up Little Hei, we are not angry at you, we are angry at your earlier actions. Consider it forgotten." Zhu Tianxuan calmly replies.

Liu Xuanhong smiles a bit and says, "As expected of my grandchild. Tian, go get the highest quality of anything Little Hei asked for earlier and bring her for him to use."

Liu Tian nods as he disappears. In a few moments, he returns with a ring. He calmly states, "In this ring, there are 12 herbs which are directly able to help with refining the body and strengthening it. These herbs are all still alive and are in soil."

"This space ring actually holds a living garden. 5 are related to lightning, 4 are related to fire and 3 are related to darkness. There are also 3 law veins and 3 astral veins which help these to grow." He carefully hands the ring to his son with a bit of expectation on his face.

Hei carefully receives the ring with a face of reverence and sincere happiness. "Thank you for everything father, mother, grandfather Zhu and Grandfather Liu. I will always remember everything you have done."

"Now then, Little Hei, you probably will tell us how exactly how these are related to you." Liu Xuanhong impatiently asks with a kind but slightly agitated voice. Hei replies with a lazy tone, "Well, I will use them when it's time to do so. For now though, I'm Leaving."