Constellation Beast Clan

Xiniu Yu turns his head and notices a few persons dressed in pure blue outfits. At the area where their heart would be located, a golden star can be seen which gives off a pure and noble feeling.

Bestial energies constantly swish around their bodies as they look ahead on Peng Wang with amusement on their faces. Hei observes these persons and notices that their part has approximately 5 persons.

These 5 persons radiate a similar aura of nobility and pride that towers into the sky. While they might seem prideful, one doesn't get the feeling of arrogance from them.

Instead, a natural aura of a radiant star that only does what it was born to do can be felt from them. These persons smile with interest as they observe Mao and Peng Wang's brutal exchanges.

Xiniu Yu looks on Hei and grits his teeth in anger. He launches his movement technique and quickly goes in front of the barrier. His face reveals pure solemnity as he observes the 5.

One of the 5, a female actually steps forward. Her facial features possess a beauty and charm which seems to not come from this plane. While her ample bosom and plump rear attenuates her blue gown, her eyes actually seem quite sharp, completely contrasting to her beauty.

These eyes actually seem extremely evil and deadly. One could possibly be lost in the darkness of her eyes. Xiniu Yu looks at her and utters, "Inheritor of Corvus…Heavenly Raven Xing Wuya! They really sent out such a monster like you to hit us when we are down? Do you really plan to kick us when we are down? Don't think that my Beast Sword Sect is some pushover!"

This Xing Wuya smiles seductively as she looks up and down on Xiniu Yu. A playful smile slowly appears on her face which further beautifies her entire being.

"A retired person who takes up simple tasks shouldn't sound so domineering. Do not worry, my great sect master has instructed me to simply lead this small team to analyze the situation and gather intelligence. Proceed like normal and pretend that we are not here."

At this point, a very odd string of words echoes from a child's mouth. "Elder Yu, I am sure you wouldn't mind if I take your wife's remains for making fertilizer?"

Elder Yu slowly turns his head, looking to where his late wife's corpse was located. What he sees instantly sends him into frenzy as the 5 persons from the Constellation Beast Clan look with curiosity.

A black vortex slowly devours the remains of High Elder Xiang. Hei smiles happily as the voice of Shu rings in his ears, "Excellent idea Master. I didn't even have to tell you how beneficial experts would be to the farm!"

Hei laughs a bit as the body is sucked into his dimension and lands in front of Shu. Elder Yu is just about to run towards Hei when he notices Hei's gaze actually on a chubby girl who seems to be standing amongst chaos.

A gigantic piece of a wind sword is actually flying straight towards her. This chubby Xiniu Shan seems to be crying as understanding and sadness can be seen in her eyes.

Elder Yu quickly moves to his daughter with his movement technique and steps upon it quickly to escape from there. Hei stares at the leading Xing Wuya with a bit of interest.

He then turns his head away, completely ignoring them and actually looks on Mao's battle which seems to enter a climax. This causes the 5 to be completely caught off guard as this child seems to be completely calm in all this chaos. Furthermore, if their current deductions are right, then this child should be related to the current chaos.

With how angry Xiniu Yu was at him and even attempted to rip him to shred, it can be seen that this child is no ally. Furthermore, an unknown beast is currently attacking the Beast Sword Sect. Hei nods calmly and utters, "After this, I might as well find somewhere calm to settle down and cultivate for a while. Hmmm, when I am strong enough to destroy you all myself then I will absolutely do so."

Right at this moment, Mao actually manages to break through the multiple defenses on Peng Wang's body and deliver a devastating attack on one of his talons. The affected talon is actually twisted into multiple places and almost broke off. Blood rains onto the sect ground as Mao roars in pure rage. It seems the sight of more blood has further roused his bloodthirsty nature.

The following words further increase this bloodthirsty nature: "Mao! Defeat that trash sect master! We should leave soon since unknown people are here!" A terrifyingly deep and monstrous roar is emitted from Mao as both his paws glow with black energy.

2 massive paw imprints suddenly appear in the sky as they fly towards Peng Wang. Just as he is about to move, Mao's eyes reveal a glint of pure darkness which actually locks down Peng Wang like a prey caught in the gaze of the most terrifying predator.

Unable to dodge in time, the only option left is to actually channel all his astral essence into his body to withstand the attacks. Both paw imprints successfully hit the body of the sect master, sending his gigantic body plummeting into the ground. This causes an earthquake to actually rock the entire sect. Many monstrous and terrifying auras instantly erupt deep within the sect.

A domineering voice filled with rage can be heard from deep within the sect. "Which bastard is brave enough to attack and defeat my sect's current sect master!?" Another voice rings out with rage, "How dare you tiger!?" Hei calmly says, "Let's go Mao. You did what is required of you splendidly."

Hearing those words, a slight look of happiness flashes through Mao's eyes as he quickly flies in front of Hei and stops. Now, many persons actually look with shock and fear, "He called that monster cat! Don't tell me that in his clan, it's just a cat to him!? Look how obedient and happy that 'Mao' looks!? Abomination…Abomination I tell you!"

Hei goes on the back of Mao and looks ahead. He calmly says, "Ignore those old fogies and head out. Let's find somewhere to go and relax for a bit." With another roar, the barrier around the sect once again shatters. Just as Mao is about fly off, the auras of 2 persons gush out and actually release a terrible pressure that is filled with beast sword energies. "Do you dare try to escape?"

Xing Wuya laughs and casually waves her hand. The 2 domineering energies are actually crushed by pure starlight.

She giggles a bit and says calmly, "Don't think that the 2 injured protectors can do anything in my presence. Cut the pretenses and let the kid go. Besides, I would like to recruit. What do you say little kid? Want to join my clan?"

The 2 domineering voices instantly shut up as the other elders and high elders' faces pale in fear and embarrassment. Hei looks on this Xing Wuya with a bit of interest but more of cautiousness. "What does your clan have to offer?"

She stares at Hei with interest and nods in appreciate, "Not only are you smart but you're very cunning. Let's speak somewhere more private and you can make your decision then."

She flies off and the 4 males around her actually follow without the least bit of hesitation. Hei looks on her departing back and nods faintly, "Follow her for now Mao." Mao nods and flies off behind them, maintaining a distance of around 1000 meters.

After flying for around an hour, they finally arrive at a simple mountain chain which seems to be inhabited by normal beasts. They all land on the ground and await the arrival of Hei.

Hei floats in the sky and looks around first before landing. Xing Wuya smiles with cunningness and says, "I will be frank, I am very much interested in you. I would tempt you with the beauty of my clan but I would prefer to devour you up myself. ~"

She licks her lips in excitement and even her face flushes red with a lusting glow. She continues with a lust filled voice, "I can tell you will grow up into a very powerful young man, just the kind I would love to have on my side. However, I can tell you are from a high ranking family too. This turns me on so much! ~"

Hei doesn't seem to be the least surprised from her reactions as he shamelessly states, "I know I am flawlessly handsome and desirable but I am not hearing what is in it for me. You know my background is not simple so what do you have to offer to catch my eyes?"

Xing Wuya smiles with appreciation as she giggles, "You pass and I will take it that you're a part of my clan. While you will be unable to inherit one of the main inheritances, you will be considered a talent just as important as someone who has. This means that you will have the same privileges as a high ranking elder."

"There will be no rules holding you to the clan so you will not need to sever relations with any other power you are affiliated with. However, you will have to promise that you never once betray us or attack us. In return, we will help you mature for as far as you can go."

"You may change your last name 'Xing' and you may cultivate in any secret arts we have except the main constellation inheritance ones. Finally, you will have chances to prove yourself worthy to be considered a future possible vice clan leader."

Xing Wuya smiles complacently as she thinks that the offers she delivered should be more than enough to entice this little kid. After all, no matter how shrewd he might be, he is still just a child. Hei smiles and shakes his head, "I will pass; it doesn't sound interesting." He pats Mao on the head and says, "Let's go Mao, not interested in their clan."

Surprise appears on the faces of them all as they stare on Mao who slowly floats in the air. She shouts, "Fine! You're really arrogant you little kid! I will also toss in the chance to possibly marry the clan's most beautiful female. While we won't force anyone on her, you can get permission to pursue her too…"

One can tell how far stretched this Xing Wuya is when she made that last offer. This offer seems to be really high ranked since she barely had the strength to utter those words.

"Fine, let's see how this clan of yours looks. If I like it and if I like your little beauty, then I will stick around for a while." Hei calmly nods as he thinks to himself, "She is probably just above averaged. Besides, I actually wanted to join this clan of yours but if I let you all realize that, then I would be extorted instead of the other way around."

Xing Wuya nods as anticipation can be seen on her face. "Great! I can guarantee you, once you arrive; you will notice how great of a chance you were given. Let's go everyone. I will make a star gate."

With that, she forms many hand seals and a tear in space actually forms. Various stars can be seen in the tear in space. The protectors fly in first as Xing Wuya gestures to Hei. Hei also flies in with Mao and finally, Xing Wuya herself enters.

What greets Hei is a beautiful seen that will probably last for a while. He looks above him and notices a beautiful night sky filled with actual constellations. These constellations constantly radiate gentle and nourishing starlight. Many different constellations of varying beasts and objects litter the entire night sky, creating a beautiful atmosphere.

Below, many towering buildings resembling castles can be seen. Hei nods in appreciation. A dark light of cunningness flashes through his eyes as he utters, "Constellations everywhere and I sense law energy from every single one. Excellent!"