Dark Lands

Both females stare at the mysterious male which has released some sort of bizarre power. The shock and uneasiness on their faces can be seen as clear as day.

Hei calmly stares at them and emotionlessly says, "Not because I am not a cultivator means I would bow down to you. Even if you were a god I still wouldn't ignore your arrogance. I will be entering this place known as the Dark Lands. Once I begin cultivating, I will show you both what strength really is."

Hei walks into the Dark Lands casually without looking back on the 2 young ladies. A similar thought appears in both their minds, "A kid who hasn't cultivated as yet can release such an aura!? We are both…in the Foundation Step…"

They look on each other, seeing the shock and wariness in each other's eyes. Without exchanging words, they seem to come to a mutual understanding.

Cultivate! They must quickly cultivate! If this child starts cultivating soon, he will easily pass them out! They both quickly walk off towards their respective homes with a new drive for cultivation. The shaking of the sky stops as everything seems to calm down.

A world of darkness and solitude is seen by Hei as he looks around in curiosity. This area which should just the size of the other areas with inheritances seems quite different. The size of this area seems to be similar to a pocket world. Furthermore, not only is space extremely stable but even the physical terrain seems extremely realistic. However, not even the slightest of astral essence can be felt.

Hei smiles and thinks, "I thought there would be extreme pressure that would be harmful. It must not affect me." In the distance, a simple looking stool can be seen. A small rock with writing seems to be placed conveniently beside it.

On the rock, the words, "Sit On The Stool To Test Your Eligibility" is clearly written. No form of intent or laws can be felt from the words but for some reason, Hei gets the feeling these words possess some sort of charm to them.

Walking like normal, he actually arrives at the stool in a relatively fast time. He inspects the stool with curiosity as he wonders to himself, "Why a stool of all things to test talent or whatever it is you are testing?" Even though the stool has probably been there for a number of years, no dust can be seen on it. The material in which the chair was created from seems to be some kind of stone but it emits no aura at all.

Hei sits on the stool with a bit of expectation and reluctance. Nothing happens so far. Hei patiently waits but still, nothing happens.

After a few minutes, finally, in this dark world, a small star can be seen. This star slowly emits more and more light as it becomes dazzling. It seems to expand and increase in strength as its blazing light becomes reaches a climax. Even though this light is blinding, it doesn't seem to be harmful to Hei.

However, the star slowly begins to lose its luster as it seems to run out of fuel. The star slowly collapses and in the middle of the dying star, a small black area is formed.

This black area constantly expands until it gradually devours the remains of the star. Hei stares at the newly formed celestial body. This celestial body emits nothing, brings forth nothing and certainly saves nothing. The only thing it seems to do is make things disappear.

An ancient and solemn voice echoes into the entire pocket dimension, "What is the meaning behind this Celestial Body in your opinion. Based on your answer, your eligibility for this inheritance will be fully determined."

Hei looks on the black hole as he slowly thinks of the process in which it was formed. He remembers how radiant the star actually became, how it slowly died and how from this process of death, a black hole was formed.

Gathering his thoughts, he honestly replies, "In my opinion, the meaning is related to all life. No matter how small one starts, one can still eventually shine bright. But no matter how high one goes, one day, they will slowly die and become nothingness." The voice replies with 'hmmm' and was just about to continue when Hei interrupts it.

"I must say that I do not agree with this. I do not plan on letting this happen to me. I will become a god among gods and live infinitely! No matter what the heavens try, I will make sure they cannot hold me back!"

For a few moments, the voice says nothing but then, faint laughing can be heard.

"Hehehe, you're amusing little kid. In regards to talent, you seem to possess a special physique different from 2 extremely powerful bloodlines. While you haven't begun cultivating, you can still pressure anyone in the Foundation Step with the strength of you bloodline but this is not a good practice. Your bloodline needs to be further consolidated."

"After you have done the Astral Awakening Ritual, you can officially step into cultivation. Are you aware of the different cultivation steps?"

Hei nods and replies, "There are 6 steps and among these 6 steps, each possesses 3 sub-realms. One must first experience Astral Awakening at age 9 to begin cultivating since at this point, they will gain their Astral Spirits."

The voice laughs a bit and says, "This old one here is just a remnant spirit of my true self. While I do not know if I am dead or not, I do know something which seems to be lost to everyone right now. One does not have to be 9 to undergo Astral Awakening."

"Why would there be 6 steps in cultivation but one has to wait until 9 to get their astral spirit or spirits? Back in the ancient times, a few geniuses blessed by the heavens could undergo Astral Awakening at 6!"

Hei opens his eyes wide in shock. "You're joking!? There's something like that!?"

Before the voice can reply, another voice rings out in the open, "Of course Master. You could do it right now as long as you have the right resources. That would be quite easy. When you found somewhere stable, this servant would have told you." Ren's voice echoes outside calmly as Hei's shock increases.

The remnant spirit's voice cautiously says, "Who are you!? Where did you come from? I just sealed the entire pocket world once I found an inheritor so how did you get in here?"

The remnant spirit seems to think of something then with shock and fear in his voice it says, "Don't tell me…this boy…Has that kind of physique!?"

Hei looks with suspicion and says, "You know what kind of heavenly physique this could possibly be?" Slowly, from the sky, a coiling black dragon forms from the air itself. This black dragon appears to be a flood dragon that doesn't possess wings. Very sharp and dark claws can be seen on its body as its scales emit a faint luster of evil.

"I am the remnant spirit of Long Hei, Obsidian Dragon of The Void! What I can tell you is that with my memories…if I am not mistaken, you have a God Physique! I have been observing the outside world from this place and noticed many changes."

"Many key kinds of information are lost. Heavenly Physiques are ranked based on how far they can help one to cultivate to. Thus, there are 6 kind with the lowest being Foundation and the highest…being God! And you have a special one which makes it so you were born with a living entity!"

"Such a physique, when used can even let the heavens shake in wariness! You even possess 2 extremely powerful bloodlines. If I am not mistaken, these 2 bloodlines are created from ones who were able to enter the God Step! Thus, they are Astral Bloodlines! What kind of beast are you!? You do not seem like a dragon. Even though it is clear you are a beast, I am unable to ascertain what kind you are?"

Ren's voice echoes out once more, "No beast form…Only current form….Fortunately, can use all types of beast related skills through energy of physique!" The eyes and mouth of the dragon open in shock as Hei sits on the stool, blankly looking out.

The remnant spirit looks to Hei with awe and fawning. "You're certainly suitable to obtain my inheritance! I made sure to prepare everything for my future pupil when I found him or her. What is your name!?"

Hei weirdly looks on the dragon and shakes his head. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you!" The dragon stares at Hei and seemingly smiles which make it look more ferocious than friendly. "I am Liu Hei."

The dragon stares at Hei and nods, "Yeah…I know what you meant now. What a coincidence. The heavens must be playing a joke! Whatever whatever, I don't care. The stool you are sitting on is a treasure which is related to my inheritance. It is the key and operating device for this world so to speak."

"If you use your bloodline and physique to refine it, you can take control of this entire world. Due to how weak you are now, you won't be able to move the entire world but you can still connect to it. Astral essence is seemingly sparse but you can always plunder from the outside hehehe. However, you cannot trouble your neighbors since their ancestors are my…Hehehe, moving on!"

"I do not have much time so I will just tell you what I should. Firstly, make sure to do your Astral Awakening Ritual in this pocket realm. With your physique, you cannot flaunt your power. Any ancient clan will realize your potential and rip your shreds if possible as you're literally what many fear the most. Secondly, make sure never be friends with the White Dragons! Never ever do that crap!"

Hei weirdly looks on the dragon that seems to rage in a comical manner when he mentions 'White Dragons'. "Those bastards deserved to be wiped out! You're more towards black than white…never ally with them or else I will curse you for eternity! Thirdly, never attack the Constellation Beast Clan, especially your neighbors since I technically married in but…Hehehe, don't worry about that!"

"Finally, make sure to live long enough to enter the Immortal Step! If you can reach that far, then you can possibly become a god since if you experience Heavenly Tribulation, your strength with increase exponentially! Well, I am going to fade away soon so meh, you got anything you want to ask this dragon before I am gone?"

Hei stares at the dragon and couldn't help but blurt out, "Why are you so shameless?" Without even the slightest bit of shame, the dragon righteously says, "How am I shameless?"

Hei shakes his head in scorn, "You want me to not attack a clan because you 'technically' married in. Sounds like you were only doing the deed with 2 of their females and set up camp in their territory! And it sounds like you also left!"

The dragon smiles and shamelessly says, "What's wrong with sleeping with beautiful women? Furthermore, I repaid them by leaving this place in their clan. And my original certainly did not leave because he wanted to expand his harem!"

"I didn't even say you left to expand your harem you bastard dragon!" The dragon laughs a bit as it replies, "Oh…whatever, that's not important right now. Well, this spirit here will be moving on to the afterlife or wherever the hell it is that I get sent to."

From Hei's dimension, a familiar ancient and insightful voice is heard echoing through the pocket realm. "Remnant spirit of a shameless dragon, do you want an opportunity to be reborn as a new life?"

Sharpness and seriousness instantly appears in the dragon's eyes as it looks to Hei, fully concentrating on him.