Properly Disciplined

As Hei laughs to himself about his new accomplishments, a taunting and playful voice can be heard from his dimension. "Little Hei, where are you? It's almost time for the match! My namesake, come on out and let this dragon of antiquity see how much you have improved in that little time! Or is it that you don't dare?"

The shameless dragon taunts without mercy. His child like body can be seen outside with an extremely big and shameless smile. Hei looks outside his dimension with a calm and slightly amused expression. "Confidence is not for the strong but for the overpowered. Silly dragon, I will teach you well."

Fixing his clothing and suppressing his natural aura, Hei casually leaves his dimension. He stands around 100m from the shameless dragon as a calm expression covers his face. "You called dragon? You're quite confident…I wonder why…"

Without even hiding it, the dragon complacently replies, "With this new body of mines and the spirit and bloodline I received, I perfected my art! Now this dragon of antiquity has finally touched upon the laws of a Black Hole! Let's see how your thunder-fire will fair against the true force of devouring."

"Oh sorry, you'll be able to copy my skills to stand a chance. And here this dragon of antiquity is said to be shameless…Guess that's just how the new geniuses of this current era operate!" The dragon actually mocks with a wronged expression plastered on his face. Even his eyes seem like someone who has been wronged, like a baby who was denied milk by his own mother.

Hei nods calmly as he stares at the dragon. Not even the slightest fluctuations can be felt from Hei as he looks at the dragon. For some reason, it seems that Hei seems emotionless and aloof to the words spoken by the dragon. Even the air around him seems to stagnate.

Staring straight into the eyes of the dragon, Hei's breathing rate seems to become more even and steady. The dragon suspiciously looks on Hei as he thinks to himself, "Something isn't right…look on how cold he is…It's like a supreme being looking down on a subject…How dare him…?"

Unexpectedly, Hei slowly says, "Erupt with your greatest strength…Return to your draconic form…Unleash your bloodline…Release your spirit. Attempt battle with everything you have…and maybe you will live…"

As if those words came from a god of pure darkness, the ultimate of progenitor of all darkness, Hei's words seem to travel straight through the dragons very being. From his own soul to his astral spirit and his bloodline actually shake. Just as he is about to reply, Hei actually says words which shock the dragon to his core.

"If not…I will dispose of you…just as easy as I made you." Without even waiting on the dragon to reply, an intense killing intent is permeated from Hei's body. This killing intent locks onto the dragon as if a super powerful magnet was placed near the purest of iron.

The entire 'Dark Lands' seem to become a world of pure ice and it even trembles slightly from Hei's killing intent. "Fuck! This brat has gotten stronger…and he is serious too! The fuck did he do to get so strong in that short period of time…wait a minute, don't tell me…"

The dragon looks on Hei as he shivers for a bit. A very rare look of solemnness can be seen in his eyes. As if affected by Hei's words, bloodline power is released from the dragon's body immediately. Furthermore, a small black hole is materialized above his head.

A deep, heaven shaking draconic roar is heard as the bloodline power completely transforms the dragon. "Let's see your capabilities!" The more than 10x the size of Hei dragon growls as it looks on him. Supreme bloodline strength from a dragon of the 18th abyssal hell can be felt coming from Long Shenyuan.

"Experience the comprehensions of a Celestial!" The dragon roars as his energy levels increase rapidly! Without hesitation, he actually flies towards Hei with his massive body. Both its claws radiate a terrible sharpness and even a dark glow surrounds them.

As if teleporting, the dragon's speed increases exponentially as it launches its movement technique. It appears just a few meters away from Hei and swings its claws at him. Even though it seems to have easily covered the distance, no sort of victory can be seen in its eyes. Instead, pure wariness and suspicion is easily seen. Hei emotionlessly stares at the dragon. Energy coats his left hand as he swings his fist towards the dragon without much effort.

The dragon stares at Hei and finally reveals a small look of victory. A slight smile of shamelessness can be seen on its face as it doesn't bother to stop its attack. "Must think this dragon of antiquity is not ruthless enough"

A simple thought travels through the dragon's mind as it unleashes the full strength of its physical body in its claw strike. Hei's fist meets the dragon's claw with ease. The dragon looks with a slightly mocking face as the claw and fist meet. However, when an abnormal force of pure dominance erupts right through his hand, the blood red eyes of his actually bulge with fright.

The hand of the dragon which is expected to easily harm Hei is actually blown away fully! Compressed force actually erupted from Hei's hand and directly obliterates the hand which the claw was a part of on the dragon. Hei casually moves back his hand which shocks the dragon even more.

His head slowly rises which reveals his emotionless face. However, deep within his eyes, killing intent able to scare the heart of a 1000 year old slaughter Asura can be seen. Without the slightest of hesitation, the dragon quickly flies away as it launches its movement technique.

It looks on where its hand was and the travelling physical force which just dissipated from the line of fire of Hei's punch and shivers a bit. Thick and rich dragon blood of a deep red color drips from the dragon's shoulder but it doesn't seem to realize at all. "This kid…what kind of body related art is he using…? What the hell? Wait a minute…that aura…"

The dragon stares at Hei as it seemingly analyzes him. It exclaims with shock and fear, "Peak of Body Refinement already!? What the fuck is this bullshit!?" Hei casually looks on the dragon swings his fist once more. Without even moving towards the dragon, he actually launches the pure physical force in a compressed manner.

The dragon snaps out of its dazed state as it hurriedly moves as it watches Hei keenly. "You little monster…don't get complacent from this small wound!" Hei stands casually and observes the just fleeing dragon.

Long Shenyuan roars out loud once again. His bloodline power seems to boil over as a dark red radiance envelops his entire body. Very quickly, the energy gathers towards where his hand should be. It actually regenerates in a matter of seconds!

"Now then, let the real battle begin! This dragon of antiquity will show you what the laws of the heavens really look like!" The small black hole over his head seems to actually spin slowly. Then it suddenly expands and doubles in size. The dragon holds both hands and quickly, a Black Hole can be seen forming between its draconic claws.

A vicious and supreme suction force is emitted from this Black Hole as it begins pulling on everything in the surroundings. The air itself shifts directly towards this Black Hole as Hei's hair and cloak flutters towards it. However, he stands firmly, not budging even in the slightest.

Ruthlessness passes through the dragons eyes as it angrily shouts, "This isn't enough!? Fine! This dragon of antiquity will let you beg for mercy!" The suction force of the Black Hole actually doubles. Hei looks on the dragon using its attack and actually keeps quiet while standing firm!

Once again, the force from the Black Hole increases by doubling again! The bloodline power of the dragon seems to reach a crescendo as it doubles the devouring force once again! Hei's cloak and hair flutters erratically but his emotionless face remains the same.

Slowly opening his palm, a gentle pitch black mass of energy slowly forms into a spear. This spear seems to be 6 feet long and diffuses a gentle and kind aura. As if a flower blooming, the spear's aura flutters and crackles lightly with a tempting and beautiful appearance.

However, when the dragon looks on this spear, it seems to get the feeling of pure death and killing intent of the highest degree! The suction force on Hei actually decreases dramatically as soon as the spear was materialized.

Hei's eyes slowly move from off the dragon's body and seem to focus on the Black Hole. Just his gaze seems to cause the Black Hole to slightly ripple. "Not enough…" Just 2 simple words are uttered from Hei's mouth as he tosses the spear right towards the Black Hole.

As if the spear suddenly erupted with pure strength, it neatly cuts through space in a straight line and directly flies into the Black Hole. Then something which the dragon will never forget in its entire life happens. The spear not only safely goes into the Black Hole, but also goes right through it.

An actual piercing is seen right through the Black Hole itself. The spear continues on its projected path without the slightest of hindrance. Maybe from shock, fear, awe or a mixture of all, the dragon actually stands still. The tip of spear actually stops a millimeter from his throat.

By this time, he actually notices that Hei's previous figure has dissipated and he is currently standing in front of him with his hand holding the spear. Hei's emotionless gaze filled with killing intent with no care for anything at all causes the dragon's heart to almost jump from its chest.

It stares at Hei, deeply looking into his eyes as it seems to resign itself to death. Internally, it sighs as it ruefully mocks itself, "He really is nothing close to normal. Courting death….this is my fate…to gain new life and easily lose it. This dragon of antiquity fucked up this time."

Hei emotionlessly states, "Next time you forget your origin…nothingness you will become." Hei once again disappears from in front of the dragon. Just as he disappears, the previously punctured Black Hole collapses and blows up with a terrifying detonation force!

Hei can be seen standing calmly over 300m away with his spear already dissipated. The dragon looks with shock and fear as a single thought comes to mind. "Unfathomable laws…unfathomable cultivation arts, unfathomable cultivation speed….this monster is truly unfathomable."

While the spear has disappeared, the aura of the Umbra Thunder-Fire laws seems to permeate the air around Hei giving him a chaotic aura. At one point, he appears kind and gentle then another time, he seems to give off the feeling that he is a peerless death god.

Maybe due to curiosity or awe, the dragon finally utters, "What cultivation art is that? Which laws formed that spear? What exactly is that law and why does it seem similar to the Heavenly Tribulation Clouds earlier?"

Hei doesn't seem to actually hear him as he looks to the sky. A gentle and sorrowful sigh can be heard from him. "It seems while I have comprehended this, I have not perfected it. The Umbra Thunder-Fire Laws are truly supreme."

While Hei seems nonchalant when he speaks about these laws, the dragon stares at Hei. It reverts to its human form and yet still, its mouth stays agape. "What kind of laws? What the fuck have you done you monster?" While the dragon seems quite disrespectful with its words, more awe and fear with a tinge of respect can be heard in its voice.

It cannot help but think to itself, "Fuck it! This dragon of antiquity was actually Properly Disciplined."