Evil Dragon Squad

As the clan members ponder what path they should take, Wuya suddenly says, "You're all probably wondering when you're going to be on the battlefield. If everything goes well, you will all join the battle in approximately 3 months. In these 3 months, you all will not be on break. Instead, intense training to get into formation as a precautionary measure to preserve your lives will be done in that period of time."

She laughs a bit and jokingly says, "I wouldn't want anyone to accidentally die on the battlefield to some little dragons. While dragons are supposed to be majestic, I don't think this sect is anywhere close to that. I bet…"

The voice of the Nameless Patriarch can be heard clearly through space itself. "All persons who are physically fit for battle please head out immediately to battle Zone 16…All the female cultivators gathering intelligence there have sent out a distress call. It is the Evil Dragon Squad." While the Nameless Patriarch's voice is calm and slightly cold, she doesn't sound worried at all.

Wuya's previously joking face immediately turns frosty. "Those bastards…Sorry, you all here will have to mobilize immediately. The rest of our forces are already either in recovery or doing battle. Follow me…" Wuya launches her movement technique immediately as she heads out quickly.

After a few breaths, her aura can be felt pulsating from somewhere not too far from the clan members. Many persons immediately react and launch their movement techniques.

As Hei rises, Xing Lang looks to them and calmly suggests, "You 2 should sit this out. Based on what I heard, the Evil Dragon Squad is vicious and power. Their weakest can easily kill you. Preserve your life and cultivate till you can make a difference."

With those words, she quickly launches her movement technique and disappears. Ice Princess Xing Yinghua has a calm and cool expression surprisingly and glances at the 2 children. "There is always a choice…Choose wisely." Surprisingly, this cold and normally aloof young lady actually gave a small warning. She launches her movement technique and quickly heads to the meet up point.

"Hmm, kiddo, you plan on creating some mischief on that battlefield? How about we go save some beauties and earn some free bed time with them? What do you say?" A shameless smile can be seen on Long Shenyuan's face as he thinks of the various women hugging him for comfort after he miraculously saves them.

Hei on the other hand doesn't seem to care at all. His face has a calm and composed expression. He seems to emit a single bit of aura terrifying calmness before a catastrophic storm. Without saying a word, he quickly moves off to the meet up point. Long Shenyuan quickly follows as he grumbles, "Damn it! What the fuck are you so salty about?"

Upon arrival, they notice an astral gate is already opened and persons are running into the gate. All the members of the clan have already entered and now some disciples of different cultivation levels are entering. These persons all are wearing pure white garments without any accessories or decorations. They all seem to emit an aura of carefreeness. They seem like walking blank slates.

Wuya notices the 2 children's appearance and shakes her head. "No problem if you want battle experience but this is different. You 2 should sit this out. Your current cultivations are lacking." She says these words with a tone of warning and slight care.

However, what surprises her is that instead of adhering to her warnings and suggestions, Hei actually launches his movement technique without warning and enters the astral gate!

Long Shenyuan seems to have guessed his actions and also went in with him. Wuya stands there dumbfounded as she thinks to herself, "This kid thinks having powerful guardians will help him in the future? Ah, whatever, if he cannot hear, he shall feel."

The various Nameless Sect disciples along with Hei and Long Shenyuan are teleported to a point close to Zone 16. Upon arrival, Hei notices the others from the clan waiting for the rest of persons. After everyone is teleported, a young male with a heroic aura and dashing facial features stands before everyone.

Based on his white attire, one can definitely realize he is from the Nameless Sect. "I will be leading this rescue mission. When I say retreat, do so. When I say to help a side, do so. Follow the instructions and we can return safely with the young ladies."

Many females stare at this male as they whisper under their breaths, "Senior Brother Lee…" This bespectacled seems to capture the hearts of many of the females. Combined with his heroic aura and intelligent appearance, the females cannot help but admire him. Many of the males nod slightly but while they seem respectful, a tinge of jealousy can be seen on their faces.

"I want to be able to return and cook for everyone so no mishaps are allowed. I want 3 teams of immortal step cultivators for the left, right and flank positions. Then I want the Essence Gathering Step persons to separate to match these teams. Anyone else should support from long range. Leave the front to me."

As he speaks, an eruption of majestic and righteous energy can be felt from him. His battle intent skyrockets as his smile seems to cause the hearts of the ladies to beat faster. As if infected by his heroic charms, many persons also erupt with energy. "To Zone 16!"

They all begin launching their movement techniques as they slowly divide and get into formation. However, strangely, Hei stands there without moving, his cloak's hood pulled over his head, hiding his face. Long Shenyuan was just about to move off with them when he notices Hei's strange behavior.

"Oi, Kiddo, what is the matter now? Cold feet got you huh? This dragon of antiquity under…" Without warning, Hei launches his movement technique and approaches this Zone 16 without saying a word to the shameless dragon.

"Eh? What is this bastard being so salty about? Is he by any chances going through some sort of phase? This dragon of antiquity is quite concerned….what if he orders those bastards to kill me?" The dragon shudders and moves off. Surprisingly, he actually caught up with Hei who doesn't seem to be going at full speed.

This makes the dragon even more suspicious as he looks on Hei. In his mind he thinks, "His movement technique is much more profound than mines, however I caught up to him…something is bothering him…This is not good for a battlefield."

As they look ahead, they notice the sky has actually turned a bright shade of red. Furthermore, many roars from a draconic origin can be heard as constant explosions go off. The sound of many weapons clashing constantly rings out through the heavens.

Upon reaching closer, they can easily see that on one side, over 1000 dragons of different shapes and sizes are all launching various vicious and sinister attacks at a barrier which is barely standing.

Within this barrier, many females, numbering a little over 300 can be seen. These females seem to be on the weaker side and are all wearing plain white masks. If not for their obvious feminine curves, one would not know their genders. Behind the barrier, the reinforcements of almost 500 persons are just closing in.

The dragons slowly cease their attacks as they all laugh with disdain. A titanic dragon the size of a mountain flies to the front. This dragon seems to radiate an intense evil aura above all others. Within his eyes, a thick and rich killing intent constantly radiates like a star in the night sky.

Its chilling claws gleam with a deadly light. The purple scales on its body seem crystalline and unbreakable. An arrogant voice rings out, "You're the great and mighty Senior Brother Lee these little females are threatening me with?" The eyes of the dragon peer directly into the crowd and lands on Senior Brother Lee.

"You must be him; you're the only Celestial Step cultivator here. Want to die? Think my grand and mighty Patriarch has any incompetent members in his sect?" Senior Brother Lee doesn't seem bothered by the dragon's words and calmness can be seen on his face.

Even his aura is retracted. He ignores the dragon and stares at the young ladies within the barrier. This causes their bodies to radiate happiness and gratefulness as their figures relax a bit. "You ladies return…We will facilitate your retreat. Good work ladies." As if a heavy burden has been lifted, many of the barrier drops and they begin running towards the reinforcements.

The dragon laughs with disdain, "Hear those arrogant words everyone? Seems this Senior Brother Lee is looking down on us dragons. How about us daddies here leave them to run for a bit? Then we obliterate their reinforcements and get ourselves some medicine maidens?"

Many of the dragons begin laughing arrogantly and smiling sinisterly. Their loud and powerful roars shake the heavens in agreement. Their powerful energies seem to boil over as a savage and evil energy gathers. The sky turns a darker shade of red as a pressure that seems like Mt. Tai descends on the reinforcements.

The reinforcements and the ladies who are being rescued all seem to tremble from this pressure. However, Senior Brother Lee doesn't seem fazed in the slightest. He calmly retries 2 knives from his spatial ring. These knives upon coming from the spatial ring seem quite normal, like kitchen knives. He casually holds them in his hands as he smiles calmly.

"Everyone…Prepare for battle!" His tranquil and heroic voice permeates his allies' hearts and they seem to all slowly regain their confidence. He looks to the dragon and slowly floats in the air. His aura remains tranquil and undisturbed. "Let us kindly do battle into the sky as to not affect everyone else."

The dragon laughs with scorn. "Tsk Tsk, when since an ant can speak to confidently to a majestic and power evil dragon? Fuck it, let's do this, can't be bothered to waste any more time. Too many beauties are waiting on me back at the sect."

With a few flaps of his wings, the dragon disappears into the sky. His voice rings out with complete confidence, "Slaughter all the males and bring back the females to become medicine maidens." As if finally hearing the words they were waiting on, the roar of the dragons echo within the void as an evil light shines in their eyes.

Senior Brother Le smiles and reminds everyone, "Remember, no mishaps. I want to cook for everyone after this battle. No casualties on our side shall occur." As this Senior Brother Lee looks up, the once ordinary kitchen knives seem to transform into heavenly butchering tools. As if the blade itself is being pressed against the soul, the knives emit a sorrowful and deadly keening. The previously calm aura of Senior Brother Lee erupts with utter magnificence and vigor!

Like a knife taken from a drawer, Senior Brother Lee's energy seems to climb without end! His previously dashing and heroic face now has a tinge of seriousness and concentration! A voice filled with slight mockery and killing intent can be heard from him. "Dragon Stew for everyone!" Without waiting anymore, he flies off into the sky to meet the dragon. The space around him directly shatters with a loud bang.

Everyone looks at him as their battle intent seems to be aroused. The previously cornered females begin retreating without hesitation as the reinforcements gather at the forefront. Without even caring for anyone, the dragons actually charge towards them with a brutal and evil energy rolling off their bodies.

Flood dragons crawling on the ground, massive and savage dragons in the sky, all with a single goal in mind…'Annihilation of all males and capturing of all females.' At this time, Hei and Long Shenyuan are just arriving but for some reason, Long Shenyuan seems to have seen and heard all which took place. However, Hei's face remains hidden as no one knows what is going through his mind.