Evil Sapphire

Hei slowly walks back to the familiar house he claimed like the naïve kid he is. However, as soon as he steps through the barrier, he notices that the flowers have been watered. As he is about to enter the house, he hears the calling of a young lady. "Hey, you Hei! Going to bed so soon? It's still day after all!"

Hei looks back on the girl who is standing outside the barrier. He laughs a bit as he notices that she seems to not be able to enter. "What do you want weirdo?" The girl seems wronged once again as she looks down sadly. "I was just being friendly…friendly…that's all. I'll leave since I'm unwelcomed…"

She turns around and slowly walks off, waiting for Hei to stop her. However, she hears the door of the house being opened. She turns around and angrily shouts, "Hei, you're the worst! You didn't even stop me!" Hei casually looks back and nods, "Yeah, I didn't, so you can go…"

As if cold water was poured on her head, the girl shakes her head in sadness. "You're mean Hei…I was just going to tell you a bit about why the persons are acting so weird in the clan but whatever…" She turns around and quickly walks off. This time, Hei actually looks on her with a bit of interesting.

He calls out to her, "You, female, get over here. Let's hear what you have to say." Probably if it was another girl, they would definitely not respond to Hei and even try to hit him with something, but this blue haired girl seems to not mind at all. She turns around and walks towards the barrier but stops right in front of it.

"I cannot enter the barrier Hei…you'll have to help me out." She says these simple words with a kind and sweet voice that has a tinge of helplessness and weakness as if she is trying to appeal to Hei's natural male desires to protect a woman.

However, Hei says with dissatisfaction and clear annoyance, "Seriously, you're really something aren't you?" He walks to the barrier and is about to step through when she shakes her head. Hei stops and looks on her with a bit of confusion. "What is it now?"

She smiles mysteriously and says, "I will only tell you all you need to know if you take me within the barrier." Hei groans in annoyance, "Fine, whatever, I'll do it. How can I do that?"

The girl slowly observes the barrier and then nods as if she is enlightened. "You will have to bring me in yourself. This barrier seems to be placed here for you specifically to control. However, with a certain action can you take females in…I don't know who made this."

Coincidentally, the blue haired girl uses a skillful play that actually convinces Hei. He grumbles, "That little shameless bastard…Whatever, how can you be taken in?"

She smiles a bit and slightly blushes, "You will have to…carry me in with me being close to your body…as close as possible…" Hei looks on her with an annoyed face and walks out of the barrier. He turns around, giving her his back. "Hop on…hurry before I change my mind."

The girl quickly jumps on Hei's back and hugs him tightly. She rests her head on his shoulder and giggles a bit. "Hei, you're strong…supporting me like a divine pillar holding up the heavens." Hei nods as he smiles viciously, "I have to be strong to carry your heavy body weight."

The girl pouts as Hei laughs at his evil comment. She slaps him on the head gently, "You're mean Hei…" Hei walks beyond the barrier and stops. "So, you need my invitation for you to scram off my back?"

The girl however sadly snuggles onto Hei's shoulder. "I'm tired Hei…can't you just carry me through the garden and into your house?" Hei shakes his head however, "Hell no, I don't trust you that much." The girl doesn't seem to mind his words and tries to bargain. "How about we sit in the garden then?"

Hei finally agrees reluctantly. He begins walking quickly to the garden. As he walks, 2 different scenes are present from both parties' perspectives. Hei only sees some extra baggage in blue on his back while this girl actually sees the sun shining brightly, a handsome male is carrying her on his back and the flowers are in full bloom. This must be spring love.

Her eyes sparkle and seem to release resplendent light like a pair of stars resembling lovers. Just as she is thinking about how this could never end, Hei breaks her train of thought with his words. "You can get off my back now…we are here." She slowly and reluctantly comes off Hei's back and sits in the garden. Hei takes a seat as well as he gets straight to the point. "What is happening?"

She looks on Hei with a bit of dissatisfaction. "Can you at least be a civilized gentleman for once and ask my name and how was my day? Try to do a little bit of small talk before you actually get right down to business." Hei shakes his head and ruthlessly replies, "Time is cultivation. I don't have time to waste on small talk."

Laughing a bit, she casually replies, "Then I guess you don't want to know anything." A small vein can be seen pulsating on Hei's forehead as he takes a deep breath. "What is your name? How was your day?" She shakes her head unhappily. "That's not how it's done…you have to be gentler and much nicer to me Hei…come on, you can do it."

Hei sighs heavily as he asks, "Your hair is blue and your clothing is blue, is that your favorite color? By the way, what is your name?" She nods in approval and smiles sweetly. The flowers seem to rejoice at her smile and wiggle a bit in the wind. "I'm Lan Ying Yue. Blue really is my favorite color."

Hei nods, "reflection of the blue moon huh? That is a satisfactory name. Now can we get to business?" She shakes her head, "My name is not simply satisfactory…you need to learn how to compliment ladies. Furthermore, this name was given to me by my mother!"

Hei face palms himself as he wonders what he has gotten himself into. The famous quote, "Curiosity killed the cat" runs through his mind. "Your name is quite unique…It fits you well. I bet when you were born, it was a beautiful blue moon hanging in the sky."

Hei is almost forced to vomit upon hearing those horrible words escape his mouth. He scorns himself in his mind as he curses, "This bullshit I am spewing…Uuuuugh! It sounds like something that bastard dragon would say…I am ashamed of myself."

She looks on Hei with surprise and happiness. "You actually know kind words! You're definitely right too! That's why I was named like that…You should tell me your full name. I only know you as Hei…"

Hei sighs and reluctantly continues, "I am Liu Hei." She nods, "Such a name fits you well. I bet when you were born…well, I dunno, maybe it was a dark night?" Hei nods a bit but doesn't expound.

She looks on Hei and randomly asks, "What's your favorite animal Hei?" Hei looks at her deeply as if trying to understand her. But in truth, he is actually saying in his mind, "What the hell is wrong with you!? Just tell me what I want to know and scram!"

He answers calmly, "I do not have a favorite animal." He leaves it at that but notices the girl is looking on him as if anticipating something. He eventually adds, "What about you?" She laughs happily, "I love tigers…"

Hei doesn't seem to realize the hint she gave him at all. This causes many of the astral spirits to either shake their heads or face palm themselves. Hei simply nods as he looks around on the flowers. The flowers seem to come alive as they gently sway in the wind. A calm and relaxing atmosphere slowly descends.

"Lan Ying Yue, these flowers, do you think I should destroy them?" She shakes her head quickly, "You would be the most evil person in this world." As if hearing the best word since he is here, Hei lifts up his hand, about to release some energy.

Lan Ying Yue holds his hand quickly and begs, "Please Hei…don't destroy the garden…I will tell you what you want…just don't destroy the garden…" Hei looks on her curiously and puts down his hand. He stares at her face which is filled with emotion.

In his mind, he thinks, "She got so worked up over a stupid garden. All of this can be replanted." She looks on Hei and sighs. "You're probably saying how dumb I look but you wouldn't understand. Gardens aren't about the plants in it alone, it's about the time and effort put into it. Why would you want to destroy that for someone?"

Hei doesn't reply and simply puts his hand down. She still holds his hand and looks on Hei as if she is waiting for an answer. Hei however stays silent as he looks out into the distance. He notices that far away, a familiar blonde haired young miss is staring back at him.

Lan Ying Yue leans in closer to Hei and stares at him as she seemingly awaits her answer. The blonde haired princess seems quite angry and slowly turns around and walks off. Hei can almost hear her words in his head, "Choices Liu Hei, everyone has choices. You choose and others will react according."

He ponders those words as her back fades into the distance. A lonely and cold aura seems to come from that back as it slowly drifts into the distance. Seemingly reading the situation, Lan Ying Yue finally says, "The reason they are acting so strange is because of your fragrance."

Hei looks on her a bit puzzled and half believingly. "Persons act strangely around me too due to my fragrance." She embraces Hei suddenly, "Do you smell it? The scent of a Sapphire Grape...should be there."

Hei nods as he wonders if he should simply toss this weird female to the side or be still. Eventually, he comes to the decision that he should just go with the flow for now. She continues calmly, "Sapphire Jade has the same fragrance as you…thus they are quite emotional whenever you are around. They cannot find Sapphire Jade and instead finds you. They know where Sapphire Jade will be at times but this is a forbidden area."

When Sapphire Jade goes out of the forbidden zone, it's definitely in secret. So their chances are low." Hei shakes his head in a bit of confusion, "How did I gain this scent? Don't tell me it's due to the Sapphire Grape candles…"

She looks on Hei with shock. "You have Sapphire Grape Candles!? May I see them!? Please Hei…" Hei sighs and reluctantly gets up. The girl smiles as she gets up too. Hei walks off and opens the door to the house. She follows him inside and closes the door for him like a good person.

He leads her to his room and shows her the candles. By now, the room is completely filled with the fragrance of Sapphire Grape. It seems to be everywhere in the house. She looks on the candles in a mesmerized manner. Very quickly, her eyelids seem to slowly weaken.

"Hei…I'm sleepy…Can I…" Without warning, she slowly falls towards the bed, landing on one side of the bed. If Hei was taking note, he would realize the side she fell on is actually the side he never once slept on.

Hei looks on the girl who seems to be sleeping peacefully and face palms himself. He curses to himself, "What is this bull? Ai, whatever, I will let her sleep." He looks around in the room and notices the blue tiger. Her words echo in his mind once more, "I love tigers…"

Without thinking much, Hei puts the stuffed animal at her face. As if knowing that it was placed there, the girl happily hugs it and smiles in her sleep. Hei scratches his head and walks out of the room. However, once he exits the room, one of the girl's eyes can be seen peeking on Hei as an evil and mischievous smile spreads across her face.