Pitiful Dragons

Hei quickly sends out his divine sense as he looks around at the terrain. The ground feels somewhat soft and moist but it still somehow is able to withstand the weight of someone without letting them sink. The vegetation seems to be a much darker shade of the usual vibrant green.

Above in the dark skies, lightning strikes a few times, followed by a series of rumbling thunder. As if a true dragon is awakening, the dark grey sky seems to vibrate from all the energy being released. One can sense strong thunder energies high in the sky which seems to affect the natural atmosphere.

"I shall investigate that when I have time. For now, I should deal with these bastards. I should probably transform…but what to transform into?" Hei continues to sense his surroundings until he is sure no one is nearby. "Those bastards probably stay close to each other for the most part, fearing that they get ambushed in this dark area."

"I can imagine how great it gets at night! Hehehe, I chose the right place to start. Hmm, depending on the kind of persons I meet, I will act according. Being one tracked will not help in this situation. I'll react accordingly. But still…what should I transform into?"

"Being a Colossan will have me towering into the skies, attracting attention. Being a demon can let them interpret it as me being ready for battle or I am evil. While I am, I still need to explore all options. Thus, I need something balanced. I will be a beast…but what kind?"

Hei thinks of many different types of beast. "I could be a dragon and try to infiltrate their ranks. Nah, they probably passed on information on my battle techniques. Being a winged beast isn't really effective either. Hmm, I need something which will not seem too ferocious but at the same time, can be terrifying if offended. I think I know what to transform into."

Hei remembers the important words gifted to him by Mao. "From beginning to end, from prey to predator….I should think of a starting point and the end result." Thinking of the beginning and then the end result, Hei galvanizes the source power deep within his body related to beasts as his body is slowly shrouded in darkness.

After fully covering him, the darkness begins morphing into a physical body. A few breaths later, Hei walks off into the distance. The ground slightly shivers as this black mass walks. Hearing the sound of running water, Hei continues forward while sensing his surroundings. He maintains absolute vigilance but in his mind, he is actually thinking of this new feeling.

In the distance, he sees a river running. It actually runs in an almost straight manner. This makes it seem more manmade than naturally occurring. Lightning flashes as Hei looks on his reflection in the water. The image of a jet black bear is seen in the brief moment.

This bear on all fours is actually a little over 10 meters. Not a single color can be seen on the bear. Black, Hei's form is pure black! This isn't so surprising. However, his face actually seems quite calm and almost friendly as a bear.

"I am the Repression Black Bear. The world shall fear my awesome power! Hmm…this isn't too bad for my first attempt. Thinking of starting from a normal black bear to gaining the power of Heavenly Repression, I have created a decent beast form. From simple beginnings to a humble but powerful end…this is the form I shall take on for now."

Hei walks calmly in this new beast form as the air around him seems to move below him every step he makes. He seems to slightly wiggle and jiggle due to his chubby bear body. However, if one were to look at this slightly comical body, the feeling of being stifled and repressed cannot help but creep into your heart.

Just the casual movements of this black bear seem to create a charm of a calm beast that can erupt into a vicious monster at any given time. Hei continues to sense around him but doesn't find anyone. Feeling slightly bored, he sits on his butt and looks into the sky.

"Hmmm, those clouds look filled with so much energy. I wonder what created such an atmosphere. Meh, I can't be bothered to walk around. Due to the last team coming here, the Hidden Dragon Sect is probably wary."

Relaxing as he stares into the sky, Hei continues to revel in this new feeling of being a beast. His body seems to be filled with an inexhaustible bestial energy. Furthermore, his powerful physical strength from cultivation seems to fit well with this bear form.

He radiates his divine sense once and probes his surroundings. Suddenly, from his right, 6 persons can be sensed approaching. When his sense washes over them, they all shiver and look to his direction. Their current location is around 1000 meters from Hei's location.

5 out of the 6 persons look at a single person as if awaiting orders. "Why are you all looking on me? Obviously something just sensed us! Are you all afraid? We will investigate. Just get ready to activate distress signals!" The person who spoke seems to be the leader as he is the only one dressed slightly different.

Everyone is actually wearing blue dragon armor but his armor is actually a royal blue instead of regular blue. Hei laughs a bit, "6 persons in the Essence Gathering Step. 3 at the late stage of Core Formation, 1 at the middle stage of Core Imprinting and the leader just into Revolving Core."

"Hmm, they seem to be quite shabby though. Look at their armor. It is quite worn and old. Their faces seem so pitiful. Not bad, I can use this."

Eventually, the members of the Hidden Dragon Sect arrive at the 400 meter mark. They stand there as they look at Hei casually relaxing. "What the hell are you doing here beast!? Who are you? State your name and reason!"

The leader of the group tries to act quite domineering but is slightly puzzled. He thinks, "Could it be this normal looking black bear that sensed us earlier?" Hei continues to observe the sky calmly as he seems to not have noticed them. He doesn't look at them at all.

This causes the small squad members to reveal angry faces as they draw their weapons. "If you want to be a bitch that stays quiet, then you can go die a…" A deep and gruesome roar escapes from Hei's mouth. This roar shakes the squad down to their very souls. The air itself shivers as space is slightly deformed.

A calm voice which doesn't match this terrible roar is heard from the bear's mouth, "Just wait a few more seconds…it approaches." After a few seconds, lightning can be seen striking. This bolt of lightning seems to fall from the highest heavens and almost hits the earth. Following this lightning, thunder able to drown out the angry roar of a flood dragon can be heard.

Hei doesn't face the newcomers and calmly sighs. "Ah yes, it is sometimes nice to observe nature. I really should leave more often. Being locked up in the Imperial God Palace all year round isn't very fun. Alright, what do 6 want? Young Master here is quite sad and is trying to appreciate nature to feel better."

The faces of the 6 dragons drain of all color as they hear the words spoken by Hei in his calm and carefree manner. Similar thoughts run through their mind, "Imperial God Palace? What the hell is that? Fuck…He said Young Master…He seems so calm but that roar…fuck…what did we get ourselves into? Did we disturb some sort of young master who is a super genius and is randomly touring the world?!?"

The leader of the squad comes forward a bit and gathers some courage, "You cannot be here…This is a battle zone between 2 sects…are you going to ignore the rules of cultivators?" Hei doesn't turn to the squad leader as he continues to look in the sky.

A sad sigh escapes from Hei's mouth, "If I wasn't so sad about my loss and Mom and Dad said I cannot let the world know about our clan…then you all would be quite screwed. However, don't think I won't kill you if you keep up that fierce behavior in front of Young Master here."

The squad leader blinks as wonders what really is happening. He tries to wrap his head around the situation, "He just roared in a terrifying manner, but he currently sound and seems so…calm. He didn't even emit any killing intent when saying those so called threatening words."

"However, he seems too casual about all of this. Which clan is he from? Which clan would be so domineering to actually name their place Imperial God Palace? Fuck….what did we get ourselves into? Maybe I should probe his strength…"

The squad leader makes a decision and raises his dragon sword. He looks at the squad, "Attack this bastard and capture him for interrogation!" The dragons begin gathering their energy as they are about to launch their movement techniques to attack.

Hei's black bear head slowly turns to the squad. He stares at them as they see a terrifying pair of pitch black eyes. These eyes seem deeper and darker than anything they have seen before. Instead of simply killing intent, what they sense is actually a repressive force from these eyes.

The black bear in their eyes seem to suddenly become much bigger and more ferocious. His visage seems like a dictator looking on his subjects, wondering if he should randomly obliterate them or not. These eyes seem to reveal a tyrannical and all powerful side to the previously calm bear.

They begin shaking as all take a few steps back. "Kneel" Just one word is uttered from Hei as he continues to stare at the 6. As if their bodies wish to not disobey Hei, they all quickly kneel. In unison they clearly say, "Forgive us Young Master!"

Hei's claw slowly rises. As their eyes watch this claw rise, for some reason, the air seems to freeze as if everything is within this claw's grasp. A dark light seems to slowly gather and a force of utter repression seems to completely drown them. Their bodies tremble but they cannot find the strength to move.

This feeling makes them want to cry as they notice that even their bloodlines are all shivering in fear. This bear seems to be a despotic beast ready to reap their lives. Just as Hei's claw is about to come down, his energy suddenly becomes calm as he quickly drops his claw. He looks into the sky quickly as another bolt of lightning falls from the sky. Another vigorous rumbling of thunder follows shortly after.

Hei nods in appreciation, "Ah, it's good to observe nature at times." The dragons stare in shock as they look at each other to see if anyone actually got injured or killed. Surprisingly, this bear suddenly spared them to look at the lightning once more.

They all gulp as they thank the heavens repeatedly for showing a bit of mercy. Clasping their hands, they begin saying thanks repeatedly for sparing their lives. However, Hei doesn't look at them at all. He continues to observe the sky.

After another round of lightning and thunder, Hei finally says something. "Since you all have learned your lesson, tell this Young Master here…what are 6 shabby looking weak cultivators like you doing making threats instead of observing this beautiful scene?"

"If you 6 were smart, then you would all have a seat and observe too. Maybe you will all learn something important. However, I am just a Young Master so what do I know?"

They quickly reply with fawn, "Young Master is wise and powerful!" "We definitely will sit and watch!" Quickly, the dragons actually sit and observe the skies as their hearts are filled with trepidation.

Within Hei's mind, the astral spirits blink repeatedly as they observe this spectacle. Lu comments, "Master…is truly eccentric…" They all nod in agreement as they wonder if they should laugh or feel pity for these poor dragons.