Visiting The Young Bastard

Elder Kongxiang staggers as he walks to Hei. Hei reminds him, "Just so you know, depending on how successful this mission is I will definitely return the favor. If someone treats me well, then I will return the favor."

Elder Kongxiang nods happily as he shows a 'sincere' face which makes him look like a drunken joker. "You can count! Huh? I missed out something? Oh! You can count me on! I mean…Count on me!"

Wuya's face shows her obvious guilt as she laments on her missed opportunity. However, she quickly cheers herself up as she thinks, "Grand Elder took the opportunity to make a good impression on the kid. Though he had good intentions, he's just too young and naïve. Maybe after all of this, he will mature enough and stop being a little brat. At that time…he will truly be terrifying. I wonder how old he is…"

Gao can be seen meditating with a small astral stone in his hand. The stone crumbles away as he opens his eyes. "Young Master Tian…I mean….Young Master Hei….This one here would ask to accompany you but that would just make me a burden, so I wish you good luck. Please be safe."

Hei nods and looks ahead. "You can drop the Young Master. I really never liked being one. Just call me Hei." Gao stares at Hei's back as Hei walks off with Elder Kongxiang. Wuya's voice teasingly rings out, "So that means I should do the same, right?"

Hei calmly replies, "You can call me what you want. It doesn't mean I will answer though." Wuya's face has a slight tinge of red on it as she angrily glares at Hei. "Damn you little brat…you give no face at all to your elders."

She glances at Gao as she ponders to herself, "What the hell did those dragons do to gain this kids trust and favor?" Hei arrives at the teleportation zone relatively quickly with Elder Kongxiang following closely behind in a drunken walk.

The elders watching the teleportation zone this time are actually different from before. Hei walks up to one of the unoccupied ones and stands before the elder watching it. "I am Liu Hei from the Beast Constellation Clan. I along with Elder Kongxiang will be heading over there."

Hei hesitates for a bit before he sighs and finally forces it out, "May we borrow this astral gate?" The elder nods, "Sure sure, though we were informed that we should be expecting you so you didn't have to say it. You're a good kid with manners."

The elder nods and pats Hei on the head casually while rubbing his head to mess up his hair like any grandfather to a grandchild. "And here they were saying how you tricked an elder and escaped and how you were unbridled and highly full of yourself."

Hei barely holds on to his calm face. What makes it worse is that Elder Kongxiang is actually laughing behind him. The elder quickly activates the astral gate while setting the coordinates. "Safe trip to you youngling. Hopefully you can bring back the persons you wish to take away from that sect." He nods to Elder Kongxiang and calmly steps aside as he smiles.

Quickly entering the astral gate, Hei appears right in front of the Hidden Dragon Sect's gates. He looks back, waiting on Elder Kongxiang. After 30 seconds, he finally stumbles through the astral gate as it closes. "Young one, why…why tell…why you didn't tell me you were going?"

Hei shakes his head and declines the opportunity to reply. Just as he is about to shout, the gates actually open. 2 guards with frosty expressions and bright red draconic armor can be seen with dragon spears in their hands staring with killing intent at Hei.

"What do you want? Wait…you are…Liu Hei!" The guard who spoke actually grips his spear firmer as his energy quickly climbs. The other guard lights up a transmission rune to report that Hei and an unknown elder came to the sect's gates.

The guard with his energy constantly rising coldly says, "When since an enemy is so brazen as to come to our sect's gates? Do you think we are easy to bully!? Prepare to die!" The guard begins rushing towards Hei but is stopped by an invisible force.

The voice of a bored middle aged man can be heard lazily saying, "Let the 2 idiots enter. Both of them together cannot threaten a butterfly much less a dragon. That Liu Hei is just a sad bully who flaunts his power against weaker persons."

"He even hides his cultivation to catch persons off guard. You 2 can ignore them. Young Master Weilan specifically said if he were to appear, we should definitely let him to witness his clan member's engagement."

The 2 guards glare at Hei but eventually calm themselves as they arrogantly smile at him. Their provocative faces however doesn't affect Hei in the slightest as he calmly smiles. In his mind he thinks, "I wonder where those 5 are. Last time I heard, they were hanging on the outside of the sect. Does this mean they were moved?"

Just as Hei is wondering this, the drunken one Elder Kongxiang laughs a bit as he slowly asks, "This one here heard….heard of an execution. Oh! It should be happening here. I would like to see it for sure!" Hei maintains his calm composure but secretly he is shocked and happy.

"Yes you old drunkard! You're not useless indeed!" Hei exclaims in his mind as he awaits the arrival of the person who spoke earlier. From deep within the sect a middle aged man who seems a bit taller than the averaged man casually walks towards the gates. His posture gives away the arrogance deep within his bones as his face possesses a relaxed expression.

Around his neck a golden chain in the form of a dragon rests as it shines brightly in the sun. His black hair is actually blowing freely in the wind as he gives off a carefree and arrogant aura. The 2 guards respectfully bow, "We greet Senior Li!"

Hei looks at this newcomer as he silently notes to himself, "Immortal King Expert…coupled with his middle aged appearance; he should have a decent battle power among his realm."

This Immortal King Li actually glances at Hei in a slightly disdainful manner and comments, "Little kid and a random drunkard wants to see some traitors die? Do not worry; it's going to be entertainment for the Engagement Discussions Banquet. Come on in, don't be shy or should I say afraid?"

Hei 'cautiously' looks around as he looks at Elder Kongxiang. Surprisingly, this drunkard realizes Hei's hinting and does the same as if he too is being cautious. They both slowly enter the sect. The gates slowly close but surprisingly, not a single barrier is erected around the sect.

"It seems they dropped their barrier to lure someone in here. If my guesses are right, it should be Young Master Tianxiong." Hei silently analyzes the situation as he prepares himself for what is to come.

Immortal King Li walks off as his voice rings out, "Follow me or roam the sect till you all die. I don't care either way." He walks to a small area which seems to be designated for astral gates as multiple of them are actually in a circle. In the distance, lofty and tall buildings with bright colors and various dragons as decorations can be seen.

He opens an astral gate and walks through it without looking back if he is being followed. Hei and Elder Kongxiang quickly follow him as they too step into the astral gate. When they reappear, they notice in the distance, a gigantic building similar to a king's palace is seen.

This palace has 2 dragons staring arrogantly in the sky as if challenging the heavens. Both dragons are pure azure and possess 2 pairs of wings. Their physical structures are much thicker and muscular than regular dragons. These statues seem quite vivid and life like as they release a majestic and imposing pressure.

Hei notices that Immortal King Li has walked into the dragon palace. This gigantic white palace with azure linings seem quite impressive in the eyes of most that see it for the first time but Hei doesn't really care especially since the color is already displeasing to his eyes.

Both Hei and Elder Kongxiang follow suit and enter the palace. The guards pretend to not notice them as they stand tall and proud. Their azure armors glisten in the sun as their faces show pride and vigor. All of them are actually peak Essence Gathering cultivators!

The walls of the palace are actually faintly decorated with gold dust to give it an even brighter glow. Every now and then, one can actually see various paintings of the azure dragons and of an azure haired male. Hei laughs to himself as he thinks, "And they say I am narcissistic…this person is even defeats me in this department. I'm just arrogant enough to disregard most but he seems quite obsessed with himself."

"Funny, this is too funny. Look on his gentle looking hair with that girly color. Look on his little girly face. That tiny and pointed nose makes it worse. Is that lipstick on his lips? They are so pink like a girl's. This guy sure is disgustingly close to being a female."

For some reason, Hei actually constantly feels the need to disrespect Shenlong Weilan. As they continue to walk, music can be heard in the distance as the smell of food and alcohol permeates the air. Hei continues to calmly follow the immortal king but he maintains a high level of vigilance. On the other hand, Elder Kongxiang seems to be quite relaxed.

He occasionally pours himself a drink from the huge gourd on his back, never once spilling a drop. His name of moonshine really isn't unfitting. As they walk through a largely space corridor, they finally exit to see 4 persons sitting at a long table chatting casually.

At another table, a few guests, 12 to be exact are conversing as they seem to not realize the food and alcohol at the table. As soon as Hei arrives, everyone looks at him. Interest, disdain, curiosity and contempt are just a few of the types of gazes he receives. Surprisingly, Hei doesn't even react to this.

At the main table, the 4 persons sitting, 2 are known by Hei. Princess Yinghua and the male from the paintings can be seen. They are actually sitting at the opposite ends of the table like a couple hosting guests.

On both sides of the table, a handsome middle aged blonde male and mesmerizing white haired female who doesn't look more than 26 sit calmly as they observe Hei and Elder Kongxiang. They both bear a striking resemblance to Yinghua or should it be said that she looks like them!

"They must be her parents…" Hei observes everyone seated in this peaceful area. For some reason, no elaborate decorations are placed around for the so called party creating a calm and subtle atmosphere.

The azure haired male smiles kindly as he says, "Ah yes, you must be Liu Hei. I have heard quite a lot about you actually. You're from Yinghua's clan and you're also the person who slaughtered a number of persons from my sect. Please, do have a seat.

Hei glances around the seating area as he senses and notices that there isn't a single trace of the 5. He looks back at Elder Kongxiang as he walks towards the table for the main guests.

Just as he is about to take a seat, Shenlong Weilan actually clears his throat. "No no, no, of course not here Young Liu Hei. This is reserved for family. How about you sit over where my friends are?"

Hei maintains his calm composure as he fights the urge to attack this Young Bastard. He walks to the table with the guests. Only a single chair is actually remaining. It seems they prepared it for him when he just arrived.

As soon as he is about to sit, Shenlong Weilan's voice rings out once more. "Oh! I almost forgot, we aren't friends so you can't sit among my friends." Hei stops and looks back at Shenlong Weilan. His expression doesn't change as he maintains his cool and calm bearing.

"Please forgive me Young Liu Hei. Your visit was unexpected so please bear with me. If I knew you were coming, I would have certainly arranged for you to have a seat; likewise for your companion."

He smiles kindly as if he did nothing wrong. Princess Yinghua looks directly at Hei and shakes her head. "It seems that the flamboyant Young Master Hei came here to get humiliated. You don't possess the guts to even stand up for yourself? It seems you're also very close with Demons too. I wonder why. What are you here for? Don't tell me it's to interfere in my affairs."

Hei smiles calmly as he observes Princess Yinghua. "You sure like it here with your enemy. Don't you see the ugly expressions on your parent's faces?" Hei glances at Yinghua's mother and father who both seem to be smiling but even an idiot can see that these smiles are obviously fake!