Eruption Of Strength

Looking on Hei who said something, expressions of curiosity can be seen on many of their faces. Xing Gan and Xing Zhu suspiciously look at Hei. Surprisingly, he is staring at the persons about to be tortured as if he not only knew them but is even on friendly terms with them.

Based on the fact that they should be from the Hidden Dragon Sect, this leaves them quite puzzled. However, their daughter's words leave them with a bit to consider. "So that is how it is. That Young Master really is related to you. I knew it. You 2 had similarities. He must be from your clan."

Hei ignores her as reaches forward. The onlookers observe with interest in their eyes. Just as one of Weilan's friends is about to move towards Hei, he actually lifts his hand to stop. Suddenly, darkness spreads from Hei's shadow quickly and engulfs the dragon holding his friends.

The dragon tries to release energy to casually break the darkness covering him but finds that the energy is simply devoured by the darkness as both its body and the persons being held captive by it are devoured. Very quickly, their bodies disappear within the darkness.

Hei's shadow quickly turns back to normal, but for some reason, it seems much darker and colder. As one observes it, the shadow actually seems almost like a hole in space. Hei's cold voice can be heard giving an order to someone but no one can be seen, "Devour that dragon and preserve their lives…"

Following Hei's command, a low growl which makes the skin of everyone crawl can be heard. Then the sound of the dragon screaming in pain is heard quite clearly. Chewing sounds echo as the dragon cries and begs for mercy. The sounds of flesh tearing and bones breaking is heard for a few moments before it slowly dies down and finally stops.

When everything stops, Hei's shadow seems to return to normal. They eyes of everyone observe this shadow as they suddenly remember what was said about Weilan's troops.

Yinghua doesn't forget to give Hei his usual berating as he continues, "So I was right. That must be the innate ability of your clan. On my 16th birthday, someone was arrogant enough to send me wishes and even declare that Weilan should give me up or those troops will die. While it is a good innate ability, it's one for cowards."

Shenlong Weilan smiles mysteriously as he observes Hei. "So you brought reinforcements? Interesting, this is truly fascinating. Why not let them come out? Or is it that they do not dare? Let me guess, your goal was to help your Young Master Tianxiong."

"He is the Young Master of your clan, isn't he? You expected to come here and grab these persons then escape. I assume you're the one who told him about Yinghua as well and he conveniently placed himself in that zone to capture a few low leveled scums to give some information about our sect."

"Not a bad plan indeed. You get information to help with your training for the clan you're in right now while your Young Master casually gets Yinghua. Trying to be shrewd? Well, it was a failure."

His friends laugh in disdain as they enjoy the look of sadness on his face. His face to them seems to be filled with despair but when Yinghua's parents see it, they actually get up.

"Yinghua, you're going home with us. You will not get involved in this conflict with that ancient clan or this sect's affairs." Xing Gan's worried voice and anxious expression makes it clear what her intentions and emotions are right now.

Xing Zhu's solemnly states, "Young Shenlong Weilan, we appreciate the hospitality but we will be leaving with our daughter. I know that we should not get involved with the tempering exercise but things have gotten complicated."

Before he can even respond, Yinghua icily but firmly states, "I am going nowhere. I shall remain here. The clan will have to live with that." She glances at Hei with disdain, "You make sure you tell your Young Master that too. Xing Yinghua is no one's tool. I will not be chained or controlled by anyone!"

Hei doesn't seem to hear her words as he shakes his head. He doesn't even seem too angry, only sadness apparent on his face. "Initially, I was going to kill you as a dragon to give your death a bit of interest to it as I take revenge for my friends but I refuse now."

"You do not deserve death by someone of your kind." One of Weilan's friends unable to listen to such words of arrogance and stupidity immediately launches his movement technique towards Hei. Seemingly wanting to curry favor with him as he quickly takes advantage of the moment, he stabs a small blade towards Hei's head.

Just as he is bends a bit to reach Hei's head, he notices a small brick in Hei's hand. Before he can even wonder where the brick came from, he notices that the brick is almost at his face. Unable to retreat, the brick slaps him right in the face, directly crushing his skull and firmly extinguishing his life.

His friends stare in shock as someone exclaims, "That can't be possible! He's a genuine Immortal!" Hei's chilly voice is directed to Yinghua's parents, "Please take the tiara off her head. Based on the inscriptions placed on it, I can tell already it is being used to affect her thoughts in a subtle manner. Then you should both please leave with her. Please convey my thanks to the Grand Elder."

Hei actually speak in a cold but slightly respectful manner to her parents which surprise them both. The same thing was said in their minds, "I thought he was arrogantly and disrespectful." Her father grabs the tiara and crushes it without hesitation. Upon removal, Yinghua faints as if all the energy in her was removed with the tiara.

Immortal King Li who was sitting to the side casually finally stands with a slightly contorted face. "Alright, this ends here. Do you all think you can come here and arrogantly act as you please?" Weilan however waves his hand, "It is fine since I personally will deal with this child here. It seems he thinks he is an expert."

Looking directly at Hei, he continues, "Since you're unable to sense my cultivation I will let you know. I am an Immortal King with the battle power able to rival new Immortal Emperors. Coupled with my bloodline power and physique, I can even take on peak Immortal Emperors. What realm are you in child?"

Hei nods, "Peak of Soul Refinement. My advice to you…Summon your forces, transform your bodies and come at me." Shenlong Weilan laughs a bit in mockery but before he can even finish his laugh, he notices Hei has already disappeared from his previous location.

"What kind of movement technique is that!?" He exclaims this question as he quickly senses around him while he looks around. Finally, he captures Hei's figure but this time, he is surprisingly in front of Immortal King Li! He is already reaching towards him!

Immoral King Li punches towards Hei with 30% of his power thinking that this should be sufficient. Hei simply grabs his hand and with a small eruption of energy, his own is completely destroyed. He looks in horror as Hei's small and delicate child hand grabs his own. A terrifying physical strength holds his hand firm, breaking the bone instantly.

Without allowing him any more actions, Hei actually swings his other hand with the brick to his face, directly smashing his skull. His chilly voice rings out once more, "Still not transformed as yet?" The Xing couple gasps in shock and fear, "His strength is already this high!?" Xing Zhu picks up his daughter as he glances at Hei once more.

Shenlong Weilan's usually calm and beautiful face contorts as he thinks, "Not even I can quickly kill Immortal King Li like that…it would take me some time!"

Many experts of the sect seem to sense Weilan's danger as they begin erupting with power, their Celestial Energies making various colorful beams of energy dash straight to the skies. An arrogant and powerful voice rings out, "When Sect Master isn't here, do you all think you're qualified to run rampant here?"

Multiple voices with similar words can be heard. From Celestial Lords to Celestial Emperors, their voices filled with supreme energy and as their cultivation levels are clearly felt, the pressure directly boring down on Hei and the Xing Couple.

The Xing couple's faces become solemn as they state, "The Beast Constellation Clan doesn't fear you all." Their Celestial Emperor leveled energies both erupt in the air to mitigate some of the pressure.

However, they are shocked to see that Hei did not flinch in the slightest. While the ground beneath him is cracked, his feet are firmly planted and his back straighter than a spear! An aggressive voice coming from a Celestial Emperor at the peak states, "You will leave your daughter here and that child will die here. No exceptions will be made!"

Hei looks at Elder Kongxiang who seems drunk as usual. "I am going to kill many persons now…please let the older generation not get involved." Hei says these words with a heavy tone as he wonders if this drunkard will be of any help.

He nods and replies, "Young Hei can party! Don't mind them!" He sips a bit of alcohol as he casually sits on the floor cross-legged as if he is not in enemy territory.

Hei looks at Weilan with a calm expression. "Anyone below Celestial Step…tell them to accompany you."

"You are all courting death to think you can enter our sect and heave so brazenly!" The angry voice a Celestial King is heard as his energy comes crushing towards Hei. However, Elder Kongxiang gently waves his hand as the energy break up into multiple beautiful orbs of astral energy.

Finally, his energy radiates as a deep and unfathomable aura is generated from within his body. His demonic energies seem to climb without limit! His Transcendent Saint energy suppresses the energy of every singly Celestial who was threatening them. His serious and domineering voice is heard throughout the sect, "Young Hei says no Celestials should interfere so it will be like that."

His previously casual and easy to ignore atmosphere seems to shift as he becomes an aggressive and tyrannical demon in mere moments! His strength erupts without the least bit of mercy.

Many groans of misery can be heard. Shenlong Weilan looks in horror as he thinks, "Even father isn't this strong at his peak! Maybe Grandfather…no…even Grandfather isn't this powerful!"

Hei suddenly rips open space as an astral gate is made instantly. He appears outside the sect as his calm and unperturbed voice is heard once again, "Summon up your forces, transform your bodies and attack me together."

Xing Gan and Xing Zhu both glance at the drunkard who is happily having his alcohol. "We greet Elder…please take care of him." They quickly launch their movement techniques as they leave with their daughter.

Shenlong Weilan looks around at his friends and sees the fear and shock in their eyes. "Relay…relay my orders. I want no one to interfere with my battle." His solemn face shows his uncertainty of victory but he still decides to fight on his own. He flies into the air and quickly makes his way outside the sect.

As he arrives, he notices Hei is standing calmly on the ground, waiting on his arrival. Without any flashy words, his body actually transforms as his roar shakes the skies. His body actually transforms into a thick and powerful azure dragon! His wings span for almost 1000 meters as he stands tall and proud.

Instead of the serpentine appearance of a flood dragon, it can be clearly seen that he is in fact a True Dragon. His bloodline seems to pressure everything and an azure colored energy constantly circles him. His Immortal King cultivation energy blasts out in all direction as a massive Eruption Of Strength is felt far and wide.