
Hei thinks for a bit before he slowly says, "Since you like that astral inscription so much, just keep it there to not only temper your bloodline but possibly learn it or even make some sort of cultivation art from it. I should write one for the others too!"

With that in mind, Hei's brush begins moving once again. Dipping and writing, he begins making the astral inscriptions character for fire. Without rushing but at a reasonable pace, he draws the first 火 character. Then constantly drawing multiple, he arranges them to form a much bigger version of it, causing all of the characters to connect.

This character begins drawing in a terrifying amount of energy and begins converting it to a much purer and heavenly fire nature essence. This causes the atmosphere to suddenly rise in heat. The air itself seems to gain a red hue that slowly turns a blinding white.

Waving his paw, the astral inscription character sinks into his shadow and enters his dimension. Within the dimension, his 5 friends lay suspended in the air, roots holding them in place. The character slowly shrinks until it is extremely small. It carefully enters the Earth Dantian of Duan.

Hei repeats these simple steps and once again draws the characters 土 for earth, 金 for metal, 水 for water and 風 for wind. These inscription characters each shrink in size and enter the Earth Dantians of Yu, Bei, Jun and Guan respectively.

Hei calmly looks forward as he slowly moves the brush around in the black ink astral inscriptions. "What next shall I write? This is slightly entertaining."

"Wait a minute, I just thought of something interesting. Shu, based on what I know, it should be possible to remove the heavenly physiques of others and place it in let's say a special weapon or another person, correct?"

Nothing can be heard for a few seconds before the calm and ancient voice of Hei travels deep within Hei's dimension echoes out from his shadow.

"That is indeed possible Master. Thus, you would be able to remove the Immortal Physique from that female. Based on the sensation from it, that physique should be the Immortal Sapphire Moon physique. Apart from allowing one the ability to cultivate to the peak of Immortal Step without trouble, it has a few other strengths and weaknesses."

"Strengths include increased comprehension, battle power, cultivation, restoration and luck under moonlight. This is at its peak on a full moon. Once a user is breaking through to the next step, this physique will cause any moons present to turn pure sapphire. If a breakthrough is achieved under a full moon, the user will possess a better foundation."

"If a user is lucky enough to cultivate under a blue moon, then the user would not only have a great increase in the physique's strengths, the user will also have the chance to increase the strength of the physique, possibly promoting it to a Celestial Physique. Consumption of the correct herbs and resources related to the moon can increase the chances of promoting the physique's strength."

"Weaknesses include reduction of the different advantages during daylight, naturally possess a sapphire moon tattoo in the center of the chest which can let others identify it easily, pulsation of said tattoo on a full moon, uneasiness during the day and above all, inability to lose one's primordial yin/yang before Immortal Emperor."

"If this last weakness is used against said user, their physique's power will not only be passed on to the person who took his/her yang/yin but even the person's entire cultivation and bloodline will be plundered."

Hei nods, "Thanks for the information. Then it seems I will have to begin plundering physiques for my friends." Shu's voice once again echoes, "Not a problem Master. Remember that depending on the physique, the possibility of taking it can be more difficult or easier. Furthermore, if Master wants to give his friends physiques, then Master should find physiques related to their current elements and race."

"Ah yes, that makes sense indeed Shu. Thanks again, that was quite helpful."

The sound of leaves shaking can be heard as if Shu 'nodded'. Elder Kongxiang's previously drunk eyes long turned sharp and serious as he looks at Hei's shadow. Lan Ying Yue slowly steps back as Elder Kongxiang stands before her, staying vigilant.

Gao's eyes close as he doesn't seem too bothered by Shu's words. It seems his fate and awe in Hei and his background, methods and information long since left him in a state of believing the impossible is possible once it was him doing it. He slowly nourishes his bloodline with the astral inscription character for wood, entering a meditative state.

Hei stares into the distance as he wonders what kind of physiques he should take and give to his friends. He completely ignores the 2 vigilant and highly cautious persons behind him. They both seem to be communicating on a telepathic level.

"Young Miss, this is dangerous…that Liu Hei seems to have someone close by…Did you feel it? The presence from that voice…even Demon Monarch Lucifer did not give off such a presence. My entire demonic being says that is an existence to stay far from."

"Furthermore, that voice…it seems to come from a time where even our society did not exist! It casually explained perfectly about your physique…saying things even this old one did not know about!"

"I suggest we maintain a high level of vigilance and leave as soon as possible." Lan Ying Yue shakes her head as she resolves herself, "What it might be, I we have to take this chance for father's sake. Besides, based on his current actions, he doesn't seem like he wants to make a move…"

Hei's voice interrupts both their chatting as he casually comments, "Immortal Physiques are trash. My friends only deserve peak Celestial at the least and that is still trash." They both shake as they hear these completely ludicrous words.

However, they finally breathe a sigh of relief as they calm down and take a seat. Elder Kongxiang slowly sips his alcohol as a pensive expression is seen on his face. Hei remains silent as seems to ponder many things.

Lan Ying Yue asks, "Uhm…Hei, would you mind telling me what kind of herbs and resources can be used to promote my physique? Or should I say 'Shu'?" Hei doesn't reply and neither does Shu.

She grits her teeth as she asks once more, "Senior Shu, could you please tell me how to promote my heavenly physique?" Shu doesn't reply as she bites her lips in anticipation. However, not a single reply is given.

Just as she is about to say something again, Shu's voice interrupts her. "Master, your friends have regained consciousness and are adjusting their bodies." Hei replies with a simple 'hmmm' as he continues to observe ahead.

After a few hours have passed, Hei casually moves his paw and 6 spatial rings come from his dimension. Following the rings, 5 figures seem to leap directly from his shadow. Their presence instantly awakens Gao from his meditative state. His eyes snap open as he stares at his friends, his good brothers.

He instantly leaps towards them, embracing them. As if they already knew he would be waiting, they happily make a group hug. Hei looks at them with a calm smile on his face bear face which makes him look slightly cute.

Gao attempts to kneel in apology but is quickly help up by them. He sincerely apologizes, "My good brother, I have failed you all, please forgive me!" Duan is first to shut him up, "Oi Oi, we are alive, stop with your whimpering. It's Undragonly." Hei ponders, "What is 'Undragonly'? Is that their way of saying not dragon like?"

Even the usually sad looking Bei has a slight smile on his face as he looks at Gao, "It's not your fault, we survived at the end of the day thanks to Young Master Tian…no, the Senior Shu said its Young Master Hei…"

The six of them quickly look at Hei as they prepare to bow. Hei lifts up his paw, "It is fine…don't utter the words. I am sorry for using you all for my own gain. It was originally to save Xing Yinghua. You all came along and I simply exploited your desires at a better life. While it can be said from one perspective that we both had our goals to accomplish, you all should have never experienced the suffering inflicted. For that, I truly apologize."

Hei's sincere apology coupled with his cute black bear form seems to pull on the heart strings of everyone as tears can be seen at the corner of their eyes. Even the usual drunk and silly Elder Kongxiang nods as he raises his saucer with alcohol.

Yu puts a fist forward as his body jiggles a bit. "Young Master Hei doesn't have to worry! We benefited from this too and now we escaped our fates. With our current talents, it's a shame to say we at most would breakthrough to Immortal Step in a few years and wallow in it for the rest of our lives. Senior Shu told us everything that happened as he was healing us…"

"All 5 of us have decided upon something!" the other 4 nod in agreement. "Gao, you probably feel the same way…but we all want to devote our lives to Young Master Hei! While we aren't anywhere near talented to him or possess a quarter of his battle power, we can at least deal with any weakling who he does not need to waste energy on! Even if it is to simply be servants, we accept gratefully!"

Gao stares at his brother as resolution can be seen in his eyes. "I agree as well, our lives shall be in Young Master Hei's hands…well…paws…" Hei observes the 6 dragons as he nods, "I accept your decisions but I do not agree. I don't want servants, being brothers will be fine."

He scratches his head with his claws. "Will that be okay?" Hei asks with a slightly curious tone. They actually nod so furiously that they almost break their own necks. Hei continues, "Great…I will head into seclusion for 9 days to get a bit older since it is kinda physically inconvenient to always be so small…plus I really get too much attention as a child."

"In that time, you can use the contents of these rings to stabilize your cultivations along with improving your own natural potential. Shu should have told you all about the astral inscription character as well. Use it to improve your bloodlines. After I come out of seclusion, we can go out adventuring."

Duan asks in a curious tone, "Young Master, this lowly one wonders, what level your cultivation is at right now?"

Without hesitation, Hei replies, "Just Soul Refinement Realm. I will think of a suitable method to break into Essence Gathering and form my core. After I increase my age a bit, I will do that."

He stands in shock as he tries to comprehend those words. His mouth opens multiple times but is unable to utter a word. The others gawk as they wonder if Hei is just joking around or not. "Well, when Wuya returns to here, give her this or just deliver it to her, whichever works."

Hei's shadow spreads out further as he tosses the dead body of Shenlong Weilan. His form reverts to that of his human appearance. He stands up casually and steps back. His shadow surprisingly stays where it was all along. "I will be going now, see you all in 9 days. Make sure stabilize your cultivations and enhance your potentials."

Without waiting for an answer, Hei casually walks into the shadow. It closes as no trace of his aura remains. The 6 look at the previously majestic Shenlong Weilan's dead body and gulp.

As if they are puppets to Hei's words, they actually sit and begin meditating without hesitation. They slowly begin consolidating their cultivations without distraction.

Lan Ying Yue shakes her head, "He plans on going into seclusion for 9 days to get older? He really is such an odd boy…I really am not looking forward to marrying a little eccentric baby."

Within the familiar darkness dimension, Hei laughs a bit, "I will remember those words. Let my seclusion for growth begin."