A new day

After checking the campus map on his phone he found out that there were a cafeteria at his dorm where he could eat for free, so he made his way over.

The food was nothing special but it was filling and after he had his fill he went up to his room, since he felt so tired he feared he would fall asleep if he sat just a bit longer. As such he didn't even take a shower but directly fell on his bed and was asleep as soon as he hit it.

The next day the alarm once again woke him but when he tried to turn it off a unbearable pain stopped him from moving even a single finger. He couldn't even scream out, since his facial muscles were in pain too.

* Damn, this has to be because of this shitty crazy training yesterday. *, wrecked by the pain he really hoped to kill his mentor who had forced him to do that inhuman training which lead to his current state.

Just when he contemplated on how to get his revenge his door opened and the bastard came in.

"Good morning."

The happy greeting and the smile on the face only made Ivan even angrier but he was still unable to answer.

"Hoho, I see you did good in your training.", his mentor said as a reaction to his lack of thereof.

He then came over and pried open his mouth to drop in a pill.

As soon as the pill entered his mouth it dissolved and he could feel some kind of energy flowing into his body. Soon he regained his control over his body but the pain was still there.

"Fuck, is there nothing against the pain?"

"Of course there is, but that would just destroy the training."

"How the hell is this pain useful for the training?"

"Of course it is. To be strong you will have to be able to withstand excruciating pain, so you won't instantly be killed if you get wounded. After all even if someone instantly heals you the pain will still be there and if you aren't capable to resist it more often than not the foe will kill you."

"Whatever, it still hurts way to much. Can't believe that everyone would go through something like this."

"Of course not. Many don't even train their pain threshold but these often die too and the ones who do most of the time will take a slower approach, but you just don't have the time for it. After all you will start doing the dungeon from yesterday solo soon."

"Huh, I do have to solo it?"

"Of course. Generally slaver do have way to many secrets to fight efficient with others and with our slaves we are quite capable of going solo. At higher levels we than make permanent pairs, but you are still far of that point so you have to go solo."

"Anyways, when is this pain going away?"

"Maybe 2 to 4 hours, but you do have training again in the afternoon."

"What? I will die."

"Haha, no you won't. And even better we will reduce your stat points in regular intervals."

Ivan was surprised. Even though he had the skill << Reincarnation >> he didn't tell his mentor about it, so he wondered how they would reduce the stat points.

"And how do we do that?"

"It is actually quite simple. There is a skill which exchanges stat points for a temporary boost. So you will use that skill until you stats are once again below 10."

"Then what about the shadow stats? Do they stay or are they gone?"

"You will lose them too, but there is nothing we can do about it."

"I think there is another way.", Ivan said and then told his mentor about his skill << Reincarnation >>.

"Wow, didn't expect you to have gotten such a good skill.

You are right this is much better than the other but we will change the training a bit. You will do the training in the training room for 4 hours each day and if all your stats are above 10 then you will go into the dungeon ' Caves of Leuren' and fight through it until you die."

* Oh hell, why did I have to tell him about the skill. If not there is no way the training could be so sadistic. *, before he could voice any objections his mentor continued.

"Of course your normal training will have to change too. After all all your stats have to be above 10, so you not only will have to run in high gravity, there also will be projectiles you have to dodge, which will increase your Agility, you will have to wear some extra weight to increase your endurance and to top it of, while running you will have to circulate your mana and use a levitate skill on a book which you will have to read and understand."

"Um isn't that a bit to much?"

"Nonsense. That is the best way to train. After all you will increase all your stats at the same time, as well as practice multitasking, coordination and even increase your knowledge. Its a win,win,win situation."

"It may sound good, but I really doubt that a human is possible of this kind of training.", Ivan once again tried to evade the new training, but who would have expected that his mentor would just shrug his shoulders and say, "Who knows but I know that you will try it out."

Seeing that his mentor was firm in his decision he had no choice but relent. * I wonder if we really have to follow all the orders from our mentor as it is written in the rule book.*

"Then what about the Training Skill?"

"You can do that after school. At the initial level it should only take you about half an hour for one session and you can usually only do one per day."

"Damn!", he muttered.