
When they had left the villa this morning to search for that bastard she had already expected him to be in the same city as them since she didn't believe that her daughter could sense him if he was further away. But she would never have expected to find him at the slums and even the worst part of it.

When her daughter had then led her to the school gate she was once again surprised, because she really wouldn't have expected that bastard to become a teacher at such a school. In her opinion this bastard was way stronger than even the protector of the Empire so she really couldn't understand why such an expert would stay at the slums.

When they had neared the school gate school ended and a lot of students left the school. This was when her daughter pointed at a group of three students. They were quite a weird trio. While on of them was so fat he looked like a ball the other was tin and tall like a beansprout. Only the last one was normal looking, one could even say that he was a bit handsome. It was just that the contrast between them was so high and their positioning didn't make it better since the ball was in the middle as opposed to the normal man which would have looked much better.

"That's daddy!", her daughter told her while pointing at the group.

"Huh? It can't be. They are way to young."

"No I'm sure. The normal looking one is my daddy."

Even though she still didn't believe that he could truly be that bastard since he should only be a student and as such should have an age of less than 20 she was glad that it was at least the normal looking youth.

"Let's go over.", her daughter pulling on her sleeve brought her out of her thoughts.

"Not yet. Let's wait for them to split up."

"Oh", her daughter said while having an unhappy expression.

"Don't worry, now that we have found him I will make sure that he accompanies you.", she hurriedly appeases her when she saw her look of dejection.

Luckily they didn't have to wait for long since the trio soon split up and the normal looking man walked towards an alley. She hurriedly took her daughter and blocked him.

<< Congratulation you have finished the hidden quest: Find your husband.

You are rewarded with the title 'Faithful Wife' >>

<< Faithful Wife

You have waited for more than five years for your husband without cheating while you are less than 40 years old.

+ 5% effect for all wifely duties.


She never would have expected that she had a hidden quest like this. She really didn't know what to think about the title but at least she now could be sure that this guy was that bastard.

The youth too had stopped and stared at her with a blank look.

At this moment her daughter had freed her hand which she had held and ran towards the youth.


When she jumped towards the youth he instinctively caught her and held her in his arms. Her daughter then grabbed his neck and snuggled into his arms. It seemed like she didn't want to ever let go as a smile bloomed on her little face.

"Who are you?", after he caught himself he then asked her.

She expected this question but what she was surprised about was that he made no move to put down their daughter.

"That's mommy.", her daughter answered before she could.

"Oh.", he answered deep in thought.

What really surprised her was that he was so calm and didn't look too surprised.

"Let's go somewhere else to talk.", she hurriedly proposed, since she really didn't want to have this discussion on the street.

"Yes lets do that."

She started to move, trying to decide where the best place to talk was and she finally decided that her home was after all the best.

While they moved her daughter was still in his arms and so she was careful to only walk a little bit in front of him so she could keep an eye on him.

When they came to the main street she lead him towards her car. It was an Audi A8 which seemed out of place since it was of a much higher grade than the few other cars which were parked along the street.

She unlocked the car and opened the backdoor.

"Get in.", she really didn't see a reason to be all that nice to this bastard.

"Lets get in daddy.", her daughter too asked him to board the car while she signaled that she wanted to be let down. Even after he sat her down she still kept a hold of his hand and when boarding the car she pulled him along.

When she saw her daughter acting like this she really didn't know how to feel. All the time she had thought that her daughter was living happy and that there was no problem with her father not being around but now she really understood that she was naiv. Even though her daughter had never shown it it was clear to see that she had wanted her father to be at her side.

After the two of them had sat down on their seats and fastened the seat belts she too boarded the car and started the engine.

In the back mirror she could see the facial expression of the man which was one of curiosity like he had never sat in a car.

She shook her head. How could that be that an expert like him had never ridden a car.

She carefully drove out of the slum. Because there were so few cars most of the people went by foot and as such the street was full of pedestrians which meant that she could only drive at a snail speed until she reached the highway.