Bloodline Types

"Besides that, it is also useful if two people are unsure if they really want to stay together for the rest of their life. Since it is possible to divorce anytime after five years are over. With a higher level comes a longer life, so to commit for such a long time is difficult for many.

And then there are the cases, where it is necessary to enter the family temporarily. The only way to do this according to the Systems rules is to marry, which means, that any job that is focused on managing family fortunes, can only be done by a woman, who temporarily marry into the family as a concubine."

Ivan looked at her in incredulity. He never would have expected that there was such reason to marry someone as a concubine. He was alright with the first reasons, but the last seemed unbelievable to him.

Seeing his look Lara laughed, once again stunning him. How come that every time he heard her laugh, his brain seemed to short-circuit?

"In most big families, their fortune doesn't belong to a single person, but to the family itself, so only someone who is a member of the family can get access to it.", she patiently explained. "Of course that only concerns System based resources." Then knowing that he wouldn't know the difference between System based resources and others, she continued, "For your information, a System based resource, is something that the System supports. Mostly it is land and automated productions. These things can be bought and managed through the System and in the case of land, the System will also enforce the rules set by the owner. For example, the outposts in the wilderness are always built on such land, since only this way the owner can be sure that first of all the rules are followed and second, no wild beasts will attack it. Oh right, this might work too."

Hearing the sudden exclamation, Ivan looked at her questioningly. He more and more got the feeling, that he was completely clueless at how this world worked. Maybe he shouldn't only focus on training, but instead, go out more? Thinking back, the only times he learned anything, that didn't have anything to do with training, was when he encountered something new and someone else had to explain it to him. Besides that, there were only the times, that he had gone out with either Jane or his friends, Serge and Greg. He felt a bit embarrassed, now that he thought about it.

"Thank you.", he then said in a soft voice.

Lara looks at him in surprise. Until now, she didn't really have that high of an opinion of him but seeing his situation in the office, she had realized how different he was from that hateful guy back then. Although theoretically both of them were the same person, the feeling they gave off was very different. Back then he had given of an extreme feeling of suppression and thick killing intent, but now he was like a harmless newborn, that didn't know much about the world. Besides that, she had seen the way he had interacted with their daughter all the time. In the beginning, the only reason she had even let him get near her Jane was only that he was weak, so she had been assured, that she could take him on in case something happened. But later on, she had realized that there was no need to be guarded against him in this aspect since one could see that he really loved and cared for her.

She thought back at Mia's words and surprisingly she now thought that maybe she was right and she really should try to make this marriage work.

Seeing these eyes filled with gratitude on her, she was slightly embarrassed and hurriedly focused back on her thoughts just now.

"Just thought of another reason to increase the number of concubines. And that is to increase the members of the family, so it reaches a higher rank."

Ivan had seen before that there were ranks to families, but he hadn't checked out, what was required to increase them and what the advantages of higher ranks were. He didn't even need to ask, as Lara already started to explain it to him.

"For a family to reach a higher rank, not only is it required, that there are enough strong persons in the family, but there also need to be a high enough number of members. Then, when the rank of the family increased, it will stay at least at that rank. But what is important is that when one increases the rank of a family, there will be a System based resource to be gained. The resource will be random, so it might be completely useless for us, but what is important is, that the requirement for a certain number of members will give us a reason, for you to have a higher number of concubines."

"But how do we find ones, that have a spiritual bloodline.", Ivan asked in concern. From what he had heard, there wasn't really any way to find out one's bloodline, before reaching the Earth Realm and being able to train one's bloodline.

"While it isn't possible to know the exact bloodline, it is still possible to determine the type of bloodline.", Lara explained, what she had heard from her grandfather before. "Bloodlines are generally divided into three types. Or to be exact, there are two types of bloodlines that stand out from the rest, which are mentioned separately. One is the Spiritual Type Bloodline, which focuses on the spiritual aspect and enables one to use Spiritual Qi, while the other is the Physical Type Bloodline, which focuses on the body and enables one to use Vital Qi. The others are called General Type Bloodline and don't have the ability to generate a special type of Qi naturally. Of course, this is only after one reached the Earth Realm and have trained the bloodline enough. But before that, there are some other signs. People with Physical Type Bloodlines have a bit higher regenerative abilities and can train their body faster too. As for the ones with Spiritual Type Bloodlines, they have a heightened resistance towards mental attacks and can train their minds a bit faster. So we just have to test for a heightened resistance towards mental attacks and it will be likely, that we find someone with a Spiritual Type Bloodline."

Ivan looked at her in astonishment. He never expected her to know this much about bloodlines.

"How come you know so much about them?"

She smiles and with a bit of longing in her eyes said, "My grandfather told me. He has already reached the Earth Realm, so he is much more knowledgable about the topic than others."

Seeing the longing in her eyes he carefully asks, "You haven't seen him for a while?"

"Yeah, it has already been a few years. But he regularly is in contact with us, so it's not like I haven't talked with him at all. Still, I miss meeting him in person."

Ivan didn't know what to say. He never had experienced the feeling of missing someone, so he could only helplessly watch. Luckily she soon regained her composure.

"Anyway. Tomorrow I'll start looking for some candidates, so we can stabilize your bloodline as fast as possible and get rid of any possible danger for you and Jane."

He agreed to her proposition and felt much more relaxed, now that he had a general idea of how to remove the danger. He looked at the blinking notification icon, that told him, that there was still one more message, from the System, left. He opened it and saw that it was another quest.

<< New Quest: Curbing the flareups (Grade F) (Repeated)

While the bloodline 'Spiritual Chaos Dragon God (Unstable)' is unstable, it requires a certain intake of Spiritual Qi to temporarily stabilize it and stop it from flaring up. The flareups of the bloodline result in a high amount of pain as well as damage to the arteries and nerves. So it is highly recommended to fulfill this quest.

Currently Absorbed Spiritual Qi: 0/100

Time Limit: 2 weeks

Tip: Spiritual Qi can be absorbed, if someone else injects his or her Spiritual Qi into you (requires. Earth Realm) or through the use of the skill 'Qi Exchange', which can now be bought from the Honor Shop.


This quest description he too shared with Lara, who didn't look all that surprised. "You already expected this?"

"Yes. It would be weird that if the Bloodline is really unstable, that there wouldn't be any effects before the final ignition. And it is a lucky thing that the System offers to sell that skill because to find someone that fulfills the first condition is next to impossible."

"I just hope it isn't anything weird because lately, the System seems to like to push me into a weird direction."