Rose Sect

Now that they both wore their robes and Miss. Klein had changed as well, she told them, that they are free to look down from the ship to see more of this world. Meanwhile, she would chat with Elder Lin.

Only now that Ivan stood at the railing of the ship and looked down on the terrain moving below them, he was able to realize how fast this ship was moving. There had to be some shield around the ship, which blocked the wind, or they would have already realized the speed they were moving with. But with it blocked, the only point of reference was the mountains passing by below them and they were passing fast.

And those mountains were passing by fast. To fast for them to even get a good look at them.

"What do you think about this ship?", behind them Elder Lin asked in a proud tone. It was clear that he was proud of this ship and in their eyes, he had every right to be. The speed and comfort had won them over.

"It's awesome.", Serge admitted with glowing eyes. It wasn't hard to guess that he too wished to own a ship like this.

Ivan also agreed, "It's amazing." But while Serge's response was filled with amazement, his response seemed to lack something.

"It seems like you have something you dislike about it?", Elder Lin asked curiously. He hadn't expected one of them to find a flaw with his ship. One had to know that it was one of the best in the sect, with only the sect master having a better one. Of course, that was excluding the large one the sect used when going for meetings. But that one was a sect level treasure and it was impossible to drive it alone.

Ivan found the Elder comfortable to talk to so he had no qualm to tell him his true thoughts. "The speed and such is awesome, but I think the design is a bit lacking."

He pointed at the masts, towering over the deck of the ship, "Just look at these masts. What are they there for? Wouldn't it be better to remove them to make space for something else? And the same with other parts. The ship gives off the feeling of having been copied from a normal seagoing vessel. But is there a need for such a design? Wouldn't it be better to optimize the design for one's own use?"

Hearing his questions Elder Lin nodded unknowingly. Each of these questions was true. Of course, he didn't know the answer since he wasn't able to refine treasures like this, but from his understanding, it should be possible to change the design. But he also knew that every flying ship treasure refined was designed just like seagoing ships. So maybe there was a reason for it.

"I agree with you. But all flying ship treasures are designed like this, so maybe there is a reason for it.", he told Ivan. "I don't know enough about refining to make an informed decision, but I think I'll talk to Elder Qin about it."

Elder Qin was the head of the refining school of the sect. And he was also the person with the most experience and skill in refining in the sect. It would be interesting to hear his opinion on it. And maybe, just maybe something would come out of it.

Soon the ship reached their destination. In front of them, a mountain range appeared which was much higher than those before. It was impossible to see the whole mountain range but in front of it was a large plaza which had a large red rose inlaid into it. This plaza was surrounded by a large city on three sides while from the fourth a street lead into the mountain range.

From the red rose, it was easy to guess that this should be the entrance of the sect.

"It is forbidden to use ships to fly inside the sect, which means all this mountain range.", Miss. Klein explained to them. "We have to land at the plaza and then we can use our swords or other single person flying treasures to enter the sect."

It made sense. By controlling the air space, the sect would make attacks much harder and keep the air space clear as well. It reduced danger and gave them control, a perfect combination.

The ship slowly made its way down towards the plaza. While descending Ivan could get a better feeling of the size of the city and his first guess was that it was even larger than the capital city. It was sprawled out over a large area at the front of the mountain, with fields reaching into the distance.

Seeing him admiring the city, Elder Lin explained, "This is one of four cities under our sect. Here those who aren't talented enough can live under our protection. And it is also one of our biggest sources of disciples."

Ivan was shocked to hear that it was just one out of four cities. Just how many people did the sect have under them?

"So all of those people are just mortals?", he asked in astonishment. He had learned before that those who could cultivate would call those who can't mortals while referring to themselves as cultivators. It seemed like there was also a large social distance between these two groups, which could be summed up in just one sentence, "A cultivator was above all mortals and could do whatever they want with them."

Elder Lin shook his head, "No. Although the largest part is mortals, there are also cultivators who can't break through any further and who have decided to retire. Then there are those who can't quite hit the entrance conditions of the sect as well as those who just enjoy life in luxury."

"Then do these cultivators lord above the others?"

"No. In our sect's cities, it is the law that everyone is the same in front of the law. So cultivators and mortals are handled the same. Of course, there is a difference in available jobs which has led to most of the rich being cultivators but there are also plenty of mortals who belong to the richest of the city. Even the Senate is mainly made up of mortals."

Ivan liked what he described. It seemed similar to how it was back home and it made the sect appear very likable.

While they were descending, below on the plaza groups of people were looking at the ship while exclaiming in awe. It was rare to see an Elder and with one look on the crest on the ship, they knew that it was the personal ship of an Elder. All Elders of the sect were huge and important figures so just seeing one would make for good talking points while drinking with friends. None of them even hoped to be able to forge a connection with the Elder.

After setting down, Elder Lin stored the ship and the group made its way towards the entrance of the sect. An entrance, that was guarded by a pair of guards in sect robes which had a blue sword in addition to the red rose. When Ivan looked at them he felt an indescribable danger making him sure that each of them could kill him without even moving a finger.

When Elder Lin, on the other hand, walked through between those guards they both bowed and greeted him in unison, "Welcome back Elder Lin."

After the greeting, they straightened up and grins appeared on their formerly expressionless faces. "Hey little sister, you are back.", the one on the right greeted Miss. Klein

"And you two messed around again?", she responded with a grin on her own.

The two made a face as if she had poked a wound of theirs, "How could you say that? We are always serious and honest."

Miss. Klein chuckled at their antics, "Mmmm, and that's why you are guarding here? And don't tell me you knew I was coming and were waiting for me."

They shamelessly said, "Of course, we were waiting for you. Master told us to bring you to her as soon as you arrive."

"Great, I was planning to meet her anyway. I have to introduce my disciples to her after all.", Miss. Klein responded.

Following her words, the two's eyes turned towards Serge and Ivan.

"Those are your disciples? Aren't they a bit weak?", one of them asked skeptically.

"Well, I didn't take them because of their strength but their talent in pill refining."

"Ah, that makes sense.", the guy looked as if he understood. "You always put more focus on that than on cultivation."

"Besides they come from the realm of Mythelem.", she continued on as if she hadn't heard him.

As soon as she finished their eyes lit up and they looked at them again," So they are from that realm. Now that makes more sense."