Chapter 3: Steel Spears

"I would recommend everyone cover their mouths with some kind of fabric, as the following action will produce pretty bad fumes."

As they began to cover their mouths with their school shirts, I grabbed multiple chairs and turned them upright, their steel legs facing upward. Then, I grabbed a leather handbag, and, using a pair of school scissors, began to tear it into one single, flat piece.

I heard some girl complaining about price and ownership, but I chose not to listen. It you're fine with bringing it into school, you should be ready for it to be damaged. Although, to be fair to her, damage and destroyed are fairly different.

Regardless of that, after cutting it to a single, flat piece, I wrapped it around the foot of a leg, and after checking that everyone's mouths were covered, I placed the flame at the top of the chair leg.

These chairs have steel legs, and while steel can't be melted by a flame like this, the flame is hot enough to weaken the steel, and to the point that it could be snapped, and shaped.

After a little bit, the top of the chair leg began to visibly weaken. So, I began to pull the leg upward, while others held the chair down after I told them to. After a minute of putting it under tension, the chair leg snapped off. I heated the snapped off end for a bit longer, before handing the flame off to one of the others to do the exact same thing I had just done. Then, I gave the leather to someone to tear in-half. I took one half of the leather, and as they took another leg off, I held the leg at the cold end, and used the leather to mold and sharpen the hot end of the leg. After a while, the end had a nice, sharpened point, and thus, we had our first weapon: A steel spear.

I then swapped round the people holding the door, to give them a rest, as well as those making the spears, as to not give any of them Metal Fume fever, from breathing in the metal fumes produced. I also gave someone the job of holding the spears out the window, as to cool them down to a touchable temperature faster. And after an hour of work, and quite a few chairs, we had 32 short spears, enough for 2 each.

And now... Now came the really hard part.