On the certain house if one of the otaku see the inside of the house they will became shock because you can see limited edition or a premium otaku goods
This house can be said to be the ideal life of the otaku
You can see on the cabinet or on the floor full of manga,doujinshi,game,novel,anime,figurine,and computer and console for games
You can also see full of 2D foster on the wall of the house
Ideal that is the world of the otaku.that why on this ideal house of the otaku they will be amaze that there are kind of house
One of the room of that house, the master of this ideal house for the otaku in the center of the room while being surrounding by computer monitor, c.p.u, keyboard, game controller
There are 24 monitor that are running in each monitor running a different game
This scene is like in the world god only knows protagonist katsuragi keima room where full of game related and unleashing her full power
The god of conquering mode
And this man who is in his 40s replicating that scene to unleashing the power of the god but while battle for 3days continuously nonstop
The only thing that he eat is for instant food and not sleeping for 3days
As result of the battle the overwork body have exhaust her life span fully and died while sitting in the chair you can see in her face is smiling